Melbourne from $899*
Also departing:
Adelaide from $1339*
Brisbane from $1137*
Perth from $1392*
Sydney from $1133*
- Under 26 or Student Airfare
Melbourne from $899*
Also departing:
Adelaide from $1339*
Brisbane from $1137*
Perth from $1392*
Sydney from $1133*
It's an internationally recognised student card that you have to apply for.
What are the taxes?
All Included
Going off topic a bit, but how is Student Flight able to offer cheaper tickets to under 26 year olds? I would have thought their wholesale price per adult seat would be the same regardless of age. Or is it all a marketing thing, and they could offer to above 26 year olds, but chose not to.
Some airlines offer student rates, so this is probably the case here. However, you can buy full adult tickets from Studentflights as well. It's just they specialise in the student market so have a better idea of offers available instead of going to a generalist or specialist in another area who won't be across all the current offers for students.
after you hit 26 you really bulk out. gain 20 or 30 kilos. so it costs more in fuel for the airline to fly you anywhere.
hence, hit up students who are too poor to eat and skinny and -disco -full plane with minimal weight.
Can't book? you have to fill out a webform? What are the dates?
Anyone know the cheapest way to get a student card?
Nice find. Unfortunately travel dates are in May, when I don't have leave :(
is this return??
Wtf, why is Melborune cheaper than Brisbane/Syndey when it's further to travel?
Because Sydney Airport fees are higher than Melbourne Airport fees.
What's an ISE/ISIC card? I'm in grad school but wasn't issued any card (that I know of)….