Now that Hell Let Loose is out of early access the price doesn't seem to drop too often, but this price is actually pretty close to the early access price.
Slower paced, squad based, tactical, WWII mil-sim lite! But still a lot of fun.
For those who have found Battlefield to be more like Fortnite with each iteration (Fortnitefield?), Hell Let Loose may be worth exploring.
I used to love the early Battlefields on my Playstations. But getting sliced and diced by an invincible katana wielding japanese solider in Battlefield V, and getting destroyed by enemies that basically didn't stop running and gunning made me long for something a little more slower paced, a little more dynamic in the experiences it delivered. But I was a little intimidated by the level of simulation offered by ARMA and Squad. Thankfully Hell Let Loose delivered.
Teamwork and mic is pretty critical for a satisfying experience. Felt awkward at first, as I wasn't used to that aspect of the gaming, but got used to it eventually and now comfortable leading squads.
My favourite game of the year. Absolutely worth every cent.