Minimum quantity for Red: 2
Also available in Green, minimum quantity: 1, Black, minimum quantity: 2 and White, minimum quantity: 2
Victorinox Swiss Classic Paring Knife, Black - $5.95
Victorinox Swiss Army Peelers, Black - $4.95
Minimum quantity for Red: 2
Also available in Green, minimum quantity: 1, Black, minimum quantity: 2 and White, minimum quantity: 2
Victorinox Swiss Classic Paring Knife, Black - $5.95
Victorinox Swiss Army Peelers, Black - $4.95
Still the Gold standard for quality and value.
yep agree.. deadly sharp too. Although i've never cut a tomato with it, rather bread!
Yup - and fingers
I underestimated the sharpness of these and my finger payed the price. Never again lol
Minimum order 2.
Only for the red one
Thanks :)
Nope.Minimum 2.
Was being polite. :)
Yep, just bought one Green one earlier, unless they've changed it?
Expertly remove pepper seeds
The thing that most people love to do.
Minimum order 2 should really be in the title
I have never less than a dozen of these in my cupboard and four in the kitchen drawer….
Thanks OP, just bought my first one. Feels like I'm a grownup now.
just lost your victorinoxinity
They are great! And you'll get the inevitable cut finger as well! They are deadly sharp!
Here just waiting for the "me and my wife both cut their finger with it" comment.
Combine this with a box of Band Aids, and you're good to go. I still have 8 of my fingers!
Thanks, I can leave now.
White (festive much?) is also $7 (min order of 2):…
Still not sure how people are cutting themselves with this knife…
It's the metal pointy bit. Re-read the instructions if needing further guidance.
It's pretty easy not to cut urself with this knife too.
Minimum order 2… one for cutting each hand off
Also available in black @ $7
I wasn't when I posted. Will update.
Why minimum order 2?
I guess they get sick of prime shipping $7 knives
I bought this from the last deal and I have already cut my thumb and finger. As mentioned earlier extremely sharp.
About to join the club but which is better the wavy or straight edge?
I was thinking about this last weekend and couldn't come to a conclusion so I didn't end up buying either
I use both but prefer the wavy, great on bread, veges, fruit, steak, etc.
I normally use the straight edge pointy end one,but the rounded end version my prove safer for some.
As others have mentioned be very careful with these, I very nearly cut off my entire foreskin
oy vey
Surely this is an all or nothing situation!
Anyone ever broken the plastic handle off?
Isn't this cheaper…
30 for six with pluseoy coupon
Have so many of these knives now…
Need affordable matching forks !
These are so good!
Is Pairing serrated knife good enough for fruits and veggies? I am confused between serrated vs straight vs Swiss Classic.
Bought a few last time. They’re fine. I’m convinced OzBargainers are used to using blunt homebrand knifes to rave this much about them.
Isn't that a Cucumber Knife?