This was posted 3 years 2 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[PS4] Battlefield 2042 $39 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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First time posting, I'm not interested but someone might be.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Have all the players bailed?

    • I heard more on battlefield v than on this one.

      • +8

        Rough this is what happens when you rush a game out. It's worst for multiplayer only games as you need a strong player base.

      • +5

        BF4 still has a strong player base.

      • every battlefield from BF 1942 to BF 2 and all the expansions was massive and perfect and multiplayer ONLY none of this campaign single place BS they put in Battlefield now so they can be like COD….. hated BF3, BF4 was better BF V was just a femest game, and BF 2042 is actually the first game since bf2 that has started to bring Battlefield back to how it should be.

    • only on console they have lol, on PC its pretty active (mouse and keyboard support is key ) lol.

  • +3

    lucky i got price protection…

    • You talking about CC insurance not some thing on Amazon I don't know about?

  • +10

    Battlefield 2042 should just go f2p at this point.

    • -3

      Keep dreaming, the game isn't that bad.

      • +4

        Yes it is a very bad game. No where as good as all the previous Battlefield when released. Battlefield 5 was crap when first came out. Now it's awesome. 2042 is just a shit game..

        • +1

          You're contradicting yourself. If Battlefield V had potential, why not 2042?

          • +4

            @magic8ballgag: You can’t win with these people everyone complains about holding people responsible but every company does this we are way past making a change now people complaining online probably only make 1% of player bases if that

            Game is definitely getting better with updates

            • +1

              @Bootyborne: Agreed, I would bet that most of the negative comments on here are those that haven't even played the game, or only played a beta/trial and quit.

              • @magic8ballgag:

                I would bet that most of the negative comments on here are those that haven't even played the game, or only played a beta/trial and quit.

                I would bet that most of the positive comments on here are those that brought the game and now are trying to justify their purchase of a shit game.

                • +2

                  @PainToad: Have you noticed the contrast between the negative and positive comments? I certainly have.

                  Example negative comment:

                  Worst game ever, it should be free

                  Example positive comment:

                  Average game at launch, slowly improving with updates

                  I'll start to take the negative comments seriously when they stop being exaggerated and carbon copies of each other.

          • -1

            @magic8ballgag: No I mean its crap but its playable. 2042 is unplayable. It's a mess on Xbox. You're probably playing on PC that's why you're OK with it but Xbox is unplayable.

            • @HandsomeMonkey: Totally playable on PC, but still buggy as hell. Me and mates still play it though, mainly cause its a good change from CoD but cause of the Lols.

              Best one was the driving along in a T-57 and it forward flipped vertically for no apparent reason and kept going on its trajectory. We squished a few AI.

        • Sounds like Battleflop 2042 gets a lot of bad rap.

  • +4

    Flopped on all platforms… expected.

    $42.95 PC version
    $49.95 Xbox

    • Thanks OP and Xistn, got the PC version, good price.

  • +2

    Wow am I crazy or are game prices dropping faster and faster? You would have to be a complete bell end to pay launch price when it's half price a few weeks later.

    • +3

      Not quite.

      As far as I know, this statement only really holds up for the titles that have flopped (e.g. Battlefield, Cyberpunk) or just didn't perform as intended (e.g. most Ubi games).

      Games that have done well, like Returnal or Ghost of Tsushima (PS5), have and will most likely continue to hold their prices fairly firmly.

      This is why I believe it's imperative that you should try and watch at least 1 or 2 reviews before a game's release to get a general sense of how it might do - and as such, gauge if its worth waiting to pick up.

      • +1

        There's still a general gradual trend of more and more AAA games getting bigger discounts, sooner, across platforms.

        For a while PC was miles ahead on this, and it's still a lot better overall, but slowly PS and xbox are catching up too.

        Nintendo still mostly prices like it's 1999, but even they have good discounts on their online store for indie games occasionally.

  • +6

    I purchased for JB HiFi last week for click and collect for $40 without much thinking. Read alot of terrible reviews and saw could trial 10hrs for free via xbox Game Pass. Trailed about 3-4hrs then cancelled JB order for refund.

    • +1

      I played the 10 hour trial and enjoyed it and bought it on XSX for $49

      • +1

        Played the 10 hour beta on pc and xbox, pc was better. I liked the game but it's definitely not worth the price. Was hoping the price would drop more and then get it or even wait for the game to be released on game pass lmao. Sure the game needs to be rebalanced and buys need to be sorted and its lacking some features, but its still playable and enjoyable, don't think it's as bad as people say it is. Still think pre ordering is a scam/crime that should be illegal.

  • +6

    The amount of money I've saved by buying console games three, four months after release has been ridiculous. If you can wait and don't need immediate gratification, it's well worth it.

    • Can be hard to wait, but definitely worth it to save a bit of cash! Resident Evil Village on PS5 only $28 yesterday, saving around $100 in just a few months.

    • Same here, some games I want day one (ie Metroid Dread when that released), but most of the time I just play through my backlog and wait for a sale. Always save so much money.

    • I’m always a few years behind in games. Just finished bloodborne, Code Vein and Nioh. All gotten for cheap. Still plenty of backlog to go through.

  • +1

    Exactly. And personally I prefer the gratification of getting these games at half price of better.

  • Lol, the hate. I tend to agree this is the least favorite of the BF series so far, but im slowly getting into it.

    As with all BF games, they always seem to pretty fu*ked when they are first released, and the usual comments begin, but after a few months its made right and then everyone waits on the next BF to begin the hatred again. Its the endless cycle.

    • +9

      Perhaps the solution is for the developers to learn from this and actually release a decent working game as well as giving the core Battlefield player base what they want, not some trending fad that works for other games like Fortnite.

      • +1

        Why learn when suckers like this will buy it every year no matter how crappy it is?

      • -4

        I agree with you, but you have to remember this game has been developed during COVID, with the developers working from home. Im pretty impressed they have managed to release a AAA game that is mostly complete under these circumstances.

        • +6

          That wasn't the issue however. The reality is that the EA lost many of it's developers because EA wasn't giving them any creative freedom.


          You can see many of the senior developers resigned from EA games and went to Embark Studios instead.

          I think what EA wanted from the Battlefield franchise was for it to be the next Apex Legends (a Battle Royale hero shooter). That's why classes don't exist in the game, only specialists.

        • Not an AAA quality game..

      • +1

        Or perhaps we hold publishers and investors accountable and not rush just because they spent 50 million investing in a game and when to see $$$ and squeezing developers on less content and more micro

  • Price matching Target

    and congrats on your first post OP!

  • +1

    $39 for a "AAA" game that came out less than a month ago says a lot about the quality of the title. Great deal but will wait in the hope they can either patch it into something playable or give up and make it less than $20

    • +1

      any multiplayer only game should be under $20-30 on release
      specially when they sell all the skins and dlcs on top

  • +4

    Terrible game. Please do not buy this garbage.

  • +1

    imagine you pre ordered this and paid extra so you could enjoy all the bugs 2 weeks earlier ….what a mess

  • +2

    They shat the bed on this one big time.

  • -1

    I bought it for $44 at JB last week and I think it's easily worth it.

    Haters gonna hate.

  • +3

    i preordered via steam…paid the full $139.95 for the ultimate edition.
    Played about 15 hours of it. Glitches left right and center, overall messy game that feels like it's still in early Beta stages. So i refunded it.

    To everyone supporting the game…i hear ya, i have been playing battlefields since 1942, got everyone on launch….this is the first 1 i refunded. The way i see it is, the game MIGHT improve, but it's not currently worth the amount i paid. When the game improves i'm sure the price will also be better (heck right now it's at $42 on PC from amazon). IF there are those dramatic improves and core changes to its playability, i'll probably re-buy it, at a lower price aswell. It's just not worth having my $139.95 held up in a CURRENTLY crappy game that may never improve to the standard battlefields usually meet.

    To the people posting that the game should be free….i respectfully disagree, the 1 main problem this game has is a premature launch…being free won't resolve any of its problems. There were certainly parts of the game that were really fun and i thoroughly enjoyed, i.e. portal mode, if i could buy JUST portal mode at a cheaper price, i probably would.

  • i doubt ill be playing this game even EA pays me 39$

  • Price error. Was meant to be $3.90

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