• expired

$15 off Minimum $20 Grocery Order (Delivery + Service Charge Applies) @ Uber Eats


Another one from uber eats. First 4000 customers only. Use asap

Referral Links

Referral: random (1434)

$0 Delivery Fee on your First Order. Referrer receives something too (Likely free delivery on next order). Cannot be stacked with new user signup codes.

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Uber Eats
Uber Eats

closed Comments

  • +1

    uber is really pushing this

    • +2

      Makes me happy :)

    • Yep. Seems like DoorDash have got their number!

    • This seems like the most number of promo codes that have worked for existing users?

  • Thanks.

  • +4

    Wow, they’re charging 10% service fee, thought it’s 3-5% lol

    • +1

      They charge 10% of total order, max 4$. Doordash charges 2% of total order no cap. It will always be cheaper than uber eats anyway

    • +4

      10% is crazy mad on top of higher prices on top of delivery fees

  • +47

    Another code: NEEL15

    • Thank you!

  • +5

    Always find i end up using these to buy $20 worth of jacked up price junk I didn’t need and it still cost me $15 anyway with the fees.
    Must be doing it wrong haha

    • +3

      Ideal scenario is to find somewhere very close to your place so that you pay max 99c in delivery and only a ~$1 service fee. And obviously having as close to $20 worth of items as possible.

      • +2

        Best I’ve come out of $20 worth of junk with these $15 off codes is around $9

        Not too bad.

        • Some of these codes worked on a $15 total order! Worth trying.

    • +2

      The thought process probably burns some of those extra calories lol

    • +1

      I've been ordering $30 worth of stuff for between $4-$8 delivered by combining this with the 50% off (targeted) groceries promo.

  • How are people finding 1kg mince from woolies metro? I only got 500g ones for $12

    • +1

      I got 500g thai marinated chicken breast the other day for $2.26 due to uber pricing error :)

      • I figured that was never in stock.

        • +1

          It was, and had a long expiry date (I originally thought it may have been discounted cause clearance/close to expiry)

          Just tried another order of it and it is OOS at my local WW Metro

  • +2

    Pick things that you think will be out of stock/ not fulfilled, that way they are removed from the order and you pay less ✌️✌️

    • +4

      that's exactly what I don't want; I've already paid the full delivery and service fee, might as well get more/all items out of the one delivery!

      • +1

        The service fee becomes at maximum $1.50, delivery fee can be $0-4, then the code wipes up to $15 off the order. You could for example order yoghurt for $9, biscuits for $6 and an overpriced/broken item worth $5. They delete the $5 item ( might not work at Woolies/iga, it helps to know the shop), they wipe $15 off the price, and you get yoghurt and biscuits for $5.50 at worst. That's just the price of normal groceries at that point!

        • +1

          I ordered a definitely OOS item as part of the strategy, but the store gave me a substitution…gg lol

          • +1

            @Fobsessive: At least you still got something, bad luck though

            • @modded: Yeah, the store was too nice which backfired against Ozbargain strategy! 😅

              Any idea if Uber absorbs the whole cost of the promotion?

              • +1

                @Fobsessive: They do. They absorb it all. I've worked on both ends and we get all the money as a company

                • @modded: For groceries, is there any commission similar to how Uber Eats takes a 30% cut from restaurants?

                  • @Fobsessive: 30%, same as other restaurants. I try to either order cheap stuff from big shops or fairly priced stuff from small ones

    • +8

      Then you run into the stupid headache of not qualifying for the minimum $20 spend, not getting the $15 discount and waste precious time explaining this shit to the customer service people that you agreed to pay $x at checkout, why is it suddenly $x+y just because they can't fulfill an item….

      (rant over… Obviously been through this shit…)

      • +5

        I ordered stuff yesterday and two items were removed from my order. The items and service fees got refunded straight away and they didn't take away my $15 discount. Ended up only paying $1.50ish for that order

    • lol that's exactly what happened to me

      Woolworths 12 XLarge Free Range Eggs 700g
      Woolworths Cook Beef Pepper Steaks 300g

  • +1

    Lol yes sir I'd love some $2 rolls of toilet paper.

  • +1

    How do people get the promo codes?!😮

  • +3

    Local butcher sells these chicken pinwheel things for $9.95 in store, they’re $29.99 on UE…jeez that’s the worst markup I’ve seen on there.

  • I add the promotion to my ubereats, but it won't let me select it in my cart.. Any advice?

    • Yehh me too. What do we do?

    • Did you meet the minimum $20?

      • Yes, even tried adding over $50

    • Please select the promo then press Done button to apply at checkout

  • +1

    I did a quick experiment.

    One glass of jalapenos: $8
    One pack of hemp seeds: $12
    One pack of seaweed snack: $4

    Total cost when ordering through Uber eats after discount, delivery cost and Uber fees: $13
    Total cost when getting the same things at Woolies (yes, I checked their online shop): $4 + $8 + $1 = $13

  • +1

    Half price butter ($2) at my local.
    Been waiting for it to go on special instore, via UE $8 for 2.5kg…!

  • Does anyone promo entry not work?

    I enter the code (never used before) and it just shimmers silver never actually acknowledged the promo on screen and I select done and nothing on the promo part of cart, go to enter it again and it says it’s been used, any advice? Is it active but have to process the order? My wife will kill me if I order $30 of overpriced chocolate

  • +1

    My local IGA had half price on all drinks (HIVE WA)… Pretty stoked!

    24x600 bottles of water for $6
    Ocean spray light cranberry juice $3.50
    10xCans Coke $6.25

    Ended up paying around $9 for $30 worth of drinks at a supermarket (I have uber plus)

  • my order got cancelled, wtf what a joke

  • +4

    Anyone seen any more coupons?

    Stacked with the 50% off groceries, this has been a fantastic deal. Even ordering from IGA with $5.99 delivery + service fee i've been getting $30 worth of groceries for under $8 delivered.

    • How do you get $15 off groceries?

  • +3

    Need more codes

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