Decent Office/Gaming Laptop ($1.5k - $2k) Vs. Basic Laptop + Desktop ($2.5k - $3k)

Hey guys,

I'm having a hard time deciding which direction to go.

I need a new laptop but also want to do a bit of gaming (Hitman 3, Doom Eternal etc.). I need it to have atleast 7 hours battery life for normal office usage, decently powerful and max 2kg weight. I might be doing a bit of data analytics stuff on there but nothing too crazy. When at home I will be connecting to a 34" Xiaomi monitor.

One option I am looking at is the Lenovo Ideapad Slim 5 pro (5800H, 16GB, 512GB, RTX 3050, 120Hz 2.5k matte screen) which I can get for around $1.6k

Another option is the Lenovo Thinkbook 16p Gen 2 (5800H, 16GB (upgradeable), 512GB, RTX 3060, 60Hz 2.5k matte screen) which I can get for around $2k

Both are the same weight more or less and dimensions. I think the Thinkbook has a slighty crappier battery life.

I had a look at the Legion 5 but it is a bit on the chonkier side.

I have a XSX but am thinking of selling it as I can't use KBM on most of the games and don't like controllers to play FPS.

Another option would be to buy a small and light laptop for maybe around $1k and then get another gaming desktop for $1.5k - 2k. If I am gaming I am going to do it at home cause I don't want to lug around a power brick.

I'm leaning more towards the Thinkbook 16p Gen 2, as it has enough juice to game and I don't want an extra PC just lying around just to be used for gaming (also don't want file duplication).



  • +1

    Depending on budget you could get a Ultrabook style laptop and an external GPU? That way you can maximize battery life and portability, but have gaming performance on hand at home?

  • Depending on the quality of internet you get, you could get a relatively cheap laptop and utilise various game streaming services for different games? I haven't tried "Geforce Now" but Game pass ultimate's game streaming I've found is great for single player games like Doom Eternal and even multiplayer is playable depending on the game. Plus, you could use game pass on your XSX as well if you keep it.

  • +2

    powerful laptop + external monitor(s) (via dock for a neat workspace)

    using 2 computers with overlapping use case can be inconvenient unless managed well.

    • i disagree, work computer for work, desktop for gaming …

      i have an old desktop and old laptop, but the laptop is exclusively used for work purposes, that way, i don't get distracted by games when i'm working (and vice versa) …

      in saying that, i also like to compmentalise aspects of my life, i have facebook on my phone, but don't use it on my desktop or ipad

  • Zephyrus G15. $2000 with ebay sales. Thinkbook specs are better but G15 build quality, speakers, screen, battery life is better

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