This was posted 12 years 11 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

GameTraders Clearance Extended + Call of Duty Clothing from $9.95 + PS3 Dual Shocks $49.95


Our clearance has been extended and many more titles have been added including the below.

Call of Duty clothing from $9.95

PS3 Mass Effect 3 - $49.95
PS3 and 360 Ninja Gaiden 3 - $39.95
PS3 and 360 Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City - $49.95
PS3 and 360 Street Fighter x Tekken - $49.95
PS3 and 360 Tiger Woods 2013 Master Ed - $49.95
PS3 and 360 Operation Flash Point Red River - $9.95

3DS Mario and Sonic London Olympics - $39.95
3DS Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater - $39.95
3DS One Piece Unlimited Cruise - $39.95
3DS Resident Evil Mercenaries - $39.95

NDS Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass - $19.95
NDS Pokemon Diamond - $29.95
NDS Pokemon Pearl - $29.95

PC Assassins Creed Revelations - $19.95
PC Battlefield Bad Company 2 - $9.95
PC Duke Nukem Forever - $9.95
PC Homefront - $9.95
PC NBA 2K12 - $19.95
PC Star Wars The Old Republic Online - $39.95

PS3 Assassins Creed Revelations - $39.95
PS3 Crysis 2 - $19.95
PS3 Dead Island - $29.95
PS3 Disgaera 4 - $29.95
PS3 Dual Shock 3 Controllers Black and Blue $49.95ea
PS3 Harry Potter Years 5 - 7 - $39.95
PS3 Resistance 3 - $29.95

Wii Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - $49.95
Wii Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess $29.95
Wii Metroid Prime Trilogy $49.95
Wii PokePark 1 and 2 - $39.95ea

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closed Comments

  • Good prices, i'm curious as i never shopped at game traders before. Is your stock AU or UK?

    • Because their prices are normally much higher than this. That is my reason anyway.

  • PC Assassins Creed Revelations - $1995; The cheapest AC:R I've seen in a while.

    • +5

      If the cheapest you have seen AC:R is $1995 you a looking in the wrong place, man.

  • +4

    Sorry, I should have noted this. 95% of our stock is UK PAL Imports.


  • +2

    Did the staff get all the good deals?

    • +22

      haha, we were tempted to do a "dont be a dick sale", but thought it would be wise not go down that path.

      To be honest, staff dont even know of these prices yet as I just finished updating the sale 10 minutes ago, so you guys are the first to know of the new additions to the sale.

      Whilist we dont stock hardware online, there are only 10 or so of us in the GT Ops centre, so not likely our staff will ever take much of our clearance stock.


      • Of all three of the big* games clearance sales over the past two weeks (Harvey Norman, Dick Smith, and Gametraders), you lot are the only ones who haven't screwed it up somehow. Well done :)

        *Ok, maybe not quite as big, but definitely much better.

  • Very good prices, whether they're UK imports or not.

    • Yep, as noted above, 95% of our stock are UK PAL imports. From memory the only titles which are AU are noted below.

      PS3 and 360 Grand Slam Tennis
      PS3 and 360 Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2013 Masters Ed.
      NDS Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass
      NDS Pokemon Diamond and Pearl
      Wii Monster Hunter Trilogy Controller Bundle

      • You might want to note that its Monster Hunter Tri with Controller Bundle… unless there is a new edition I've never heard of which comes with the ones never released on wii?

  • Do they consoles as well are they on sale. The website doesn't show much.

    • +1

      Sorry Jamesvre, we dont sell hardware online at this point in time. Perhaps in the future…


  • +2

    You might want to add the % chance of getting laid for each of the COD clothing items.

    If a combo increases you chances e.g. Beanie and T-Shirt then might be worth doing "sure thing" Combo.

  • Nice prices on newish 3ds games. I'll try and get some in the next day or 2.

    Any chance of 'Catherine' on PS3 being on sale any time in the near future?

    EDIT: Nevermind, it seems far cheaper on your site now compared to yesterday.

    • +1

      Catherine is part actually part of our sale. I just noticed its not in the listing. Do a quick search for Catherine and you'll be pleasantly suprised. Look for the stray sheep edition.

      • Catherine is a great game too!!

      • Picked up Catherine Stray Sheep edition in store this afternoon for $55. Guy said he could do it for 55 even though it was an online only sale.

        Jumped all over that, great price.

        Thanks GameTraders.

  • I swear it was coming up as $0.00 for Standard Australia Post an hour ago…coming up as $2.50 now…

    Rep - are these sale games supposed to have free shipping?

    • Our shipping prices did change today. Free shipping really want working for us unfortunately. We trialed it for a few months but have been forced to increase them across all the various options a little.

      There are no plans to change the shipping prices again, up or down. They will stay at the current rates indefinitely.

      • :(

        Fair enough.

        Any chance of a free shipping code for us Ozbargainers just this once?

        • +11

          I can't offer free shipping, but can offer a 5% off coupon. Depending on the size of your order, it may fully cover the charge, or even more than cover it.

          Code is: gime5


        • +4

          I like the cut of your jib fine sir :D

        • +1

          Dan I can't get the code to work when ordering Gears 3 + XBL Gold Sub pack?

        • apologies regarding the code not working before now. all fixed.

          Code is: gime5 (5% discount)

  • +2

    nothing i want to buy, but + 1 for catherine: stray sheep

    • +1

      and its cheaper than the standard edition too!

    • Was I wrong thinking catherine was a creepy japanese dating simulator type game?

      Can't really check on phone right now.

      • The dating elements of the game are just really the dialogue, the levels in the game are really addictive and challenging at times

  • Guys is the website even secure? Looks a bit dodgy. And if I order today will I get my game tomorrow with express post?

  • You should put your ps3 controller for 50 bucks in your title as well! can't believe jb charge you 100 bucks for a controller….

    • cheers, done :)

  • And can you do a good deal on wow time card? I want to buy in bulk.

    • Hi, please email us via our form on the site if you have any special requests.


      • Dan

        if I order one game today and want it tomorrow whjat postage should I use?

        • +1

          Hey, where abouts are you, and what are you wanting to order?


  • Dan have to create a new post.

    I'm in NSW in sydney city…plan to get Ninja Gaiden 3 for Ps3. Since easter friday kicks in wondering if I can get the game by tomorrow if I order now….like now now! So what postage is needed for such?

    • +1

      Courier is always safest for speed, but requires a signature upon delivery. If you work and can have it delivered there, that would be the safest option to ensure delivery before easter.

      Will definately ship today either way if ordered before 4:00pm (unless we sell out)


      • Cool it's work address so someone will sign it for me….I'll order in next 5 min…hope you guys have a secure site :-)

        • +1

          Sure is. 256bit SSL encryption, and credit card details are not stored by our server.

          This can be verified when doing through the checkout process.


      • Thanks again dan…Gametraders Purchase Order - 524‏ —- hopefully you can push your little helpers to put it out by today so I get it tomorrow :-P


        • +1

          consider it done mate.


      • Cheers Dan…you the Man! :-)

        • Dan the Man. lol

  • Hi Dan,

    I just ordered too and my order number is 530.

    Do you think I will be able to get it before Easter too, if I selected the Courier delivery? - to Sydney CBD.

    Thanks a lot!

    • Yep. We will ensure it leaves today, so just need to keep our fingers crossed Star Track Express keep their end of the bargain. From my experience, 99% of the time, their deliveries arrive the following business day.


      • That's cool Dan.

        As I was wondering what does 'Pending Stock Allocation' on my order status mean?


        • Hey Jon,
          Basically means it's in the process of moving from one place in our warehouse to another. All good, will be shipping today.


  • Can I please apologise for the issues we are experiencing with our site. This is a server issue with we are trying to get resolved. This is going to take a couple days though unfortunately. Please bare with us until this is fixed, which I hope is before the end of the working week.


  • Any xbox games on sale though?

  • Hey Dan,
    I ordered Catherine Stray Sheep Edition for Xbox 360 last night and it was shipped at about 11am this morning.
    I live in the Melbourne CBD and payed for Express postage. Where is the warehouse located and what are the odds of me receiving it tomorrow in time for Easter?
    Thanks :D

    • Hey jeppetto367,
      We are based in Adelaide, so if you're in the express post network, which is sounds like you are if in the CBD, delivery will be no issue for tomorrow.


  • +8

    This is how a rep should be. Friendly, polite, answers any queries diligently and within a respectable time frame. Much respect.

  • hey do still have PS3 Assassins Creed Revelations - $39.95 in stock? seem like no more stock? =s

    • Sorry, sold through those today :(


  • Question: Are the games on the website new or used? I'm not familiar with how Game Traders operates (and the website suggests you trade in both new and used games).

    Specifically, are both Zelda Skyward Sword and the Metroid Prime Trilogy new copies?……

    Thank you!

    • Hi,
      All games on the GT site are new.


  • Well now I can vouch for gametraders's online site. I got my brand new NG3 the next day…no problems with online code on psn. Bargain hunters note that GT's price is LOWER than ozgameshop's and you don't need to wait two weeks. They got real good prices for many new releases. Thanks to Dan here for all the help :-)

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