I am either going crazy, or the help text on Tagging has changed recently. Didn't it used to explain somewhere that tags are words with commas in between? I just posted a deal and couldn't find it!
http://www.ozbargain.com.au/wiki/help:tagging_guideline doesn't really mention this clearly.
The Submit Deal page doesn't say it either (but didn't it used to?)
TAG: bestway swimming pool = a single searchable phrase
TAG: bestway, swimming, pool = THREE searchable terms
Anyway, I suggest making it clearer to encourage users to add words with commas in between.
Hi llama, would you be using Internet Explorer? The tagging hints on the deal submission form are hints in the field input box itself now (It should say "A comma-separated list of terms describing this content. For example: Apple, iPad 2, Tablet"). Unfortunately Internet Explorer doesn't support some of the HTML 5 features. Would you be able to try Firefox or Chrome?