I've been holding back on purchasing a GPU since last year, but I've seen that the GPU prices have gone up quite significantly from the price they were last year. Do you think it is worth it waiting for a supposed "crash" in GPU prices next year, or just to bite the bullet and purchase one around Christmas?
GPU: to Buy or Not to Buy

Poll Options
- 15Buy a GPU around this year
- 18Wait for the crash next year
Buy the GPU, now Ethereum prices will only go up from here and hence mining. With Defi and NFT's Ethereum is set to outcap Bitcoin according to JP Morgan.
50% off cashback on Ebay with Socialgood or 100% with Aliexpress
I'm curious - how does socialgood work? And can I just exchange SG for AUD?
Yes 3 ways to cash out
Sell on Bitmart(Best way high liquidity) withdraw AUD or keep in BTC/ETH your choice of Crypto
Sell on Bittrex (Low liquidity)
Sell on Uniswap (Pay too much ETH gas fee not worth it)
JPM is the biggest shill flip-flopper. They loaded their BTC bags while telling people to stay away. They're now shilling ETH because their bags are full, again.
Follow the money and not what they say.
But what they say makes sense, NFT and Defi will make ETH higher return and it has done 3-4x of BTC this year
How do they get the money? Looks like a scam to me.
Like the housing crash thats been "coming" for 30 years?
If you keep predicting it..
Eventually you will be right and hailed a geniusThere was a crash/correction in 2008, it just didn't affect the Australian market as much as it did in the usa. Prices went down 10-20% here for about 3-4 months, then 6 months later were back up to the previous levels.
GPU market is so wonky, they're re-releasing RTX 2060s with RTX 4000s on the way early to mid next year.
There won't be a "crash". This is the norm for a long time yet. Definitely wait if you can, else if you need one now…
The only way there will be a crash if there's a massive increase in supply, and a decrease in mining demand. So far there seems to be no limit on mining demand. If it's profitable, the demand exists.
It is possible that eventually new GPUs will be so much more powerful than older ones, that older ones crash in price. Expecting that to happen next year though is pretty optimistic. If you thought that last year, you'd have wasted your time this year.
If you want to patiently look for a deal, you might find one. People are constantly selling things well below market price, but you have to put in a lot of time searching, and get in before anyone else.
Depends what GPU you're trying to buy…. If want the latest and greatest, then wait till January and the 3090Ti will be out and that'd topple over all other cards in games, except heavily overclocked ones (like fully overclocking a kingpin 3090 on liquid nitrogen) but if you overclock yours to match, you'll beat them no problems. Or wait till April and Mayish and the 4080 and 4090 gets released.
Resource constraints are on the rise, expect shortages of all electronics to increase over the next 12 - 36+ months.
Secondhand prices are dropping every day. People are selling whole mining rigs with 5/6 cards on it to cash in now before the prices crash.
2070's/1080's are down to $450-600 and are dropping pretty fast.
Although as long as mining is a thing there won't be a sudden reduction in demand.
dropping everyday?
Every new day i see more idiots trying to flog off 7 year old gpu's for $600
Wish facebook marketplace would let me block gpu ads altogether.
Just have to stop clicking on them and they will ;)
Dollars saved can't compare to how many frames you lose by waiting.
But if you're mining only, invest elsewhere until the cost makes sense (that could be now). Then crash or not, you're sweet.Yeah, that’s true… I’ve been waiting for a few years and the prices have just been skyrocketing.
Ethereum to switch to proof of stake around June 2022
Prices will crash shortly after :PGamers shouldn't count their FPS before the day after the docking. Roadmaps are not set in stone so the docking could be in 6M or 2Y.
There are other coins that people can mine if the docking is successful.
By Marko Tarman, October 27, 21
What to mine after Ethereum goes to Proof of Stake?
https://www.nicehash.com/blog/post/what-to-mine-after-ethere…Ah, the short sighted miner ;)
Sure, there will be plenty to mine for those WITH EXISTING CARDS … but the INCENTIVE to buy up NEW cards will be REDUCED (by over 50%), thus reducing DEMAND .. as Demand is one side of the Supply/Demand curve that determines pricing, pricing will be affected ;)The demand for new miners is driven by people (businesses) with money and not by gamers.
They'll keep buying as long as they can write down their earning and hodl to the next run.
@rektrading: And when those people make 50% less than they do today (from alt coin mining instead of ETH), they want to buy more GPUs than they are today (increased DEMAND)?!?
Yeah, solid logic ;)@7ekn00: Making -50% less in mining is 100% more in passive income than no passive income.
Set it to mine and come back in 4Y.
@rektrading: And that INCREASES DEMAND over CURRENT DEMAND how?
People feel they must buy more GPUs to make less?
So when mining profitability goes up, demand for GPUs goes up (we have seen that this year)!
You are suggesting when profitability goes down, demand for GPUs goes even further up than what it currently is?
… yep, still solid logic …
Not to mention a third GPU manufacturer (Intel) adding to the "Supply" side of the equation in Jan 2022 ;)@7ekn00: Mining is a long term investment. People that mine for fun won't but new miners.
Miners that operate a business won't care what the price is. They can claim a tax deduction on the miners, cost of electricity and price of the coins. They buy bulk and get priority straight from the factory.
@rektrading: And that doesn't matter in Supply vs Demand economics …
It's about INCREASED demand vs CURRENT and increased SUPPLY vs CURRENT …
The way miners make profits is inconsequential, the fact there will be less profit means their is less incentive to invest vs current incentive …
It's got nothing to do with the fact they will CONTINUE to invest, but will they invest AS MUCH post proof of stake as they did pre proof of stake?
If they do not invest as much post as they did pre, then DEMAND REDUCES (not to mention the increased SUPPLY from Intel as of Jan 2022)
Buy now, and mine crypto when you're not gaming. NiceHash is simple to set up and you get paid out in Bitcoin, which you can then just sell and withdraw as AUD on any exchange.
That way you'll have your GPU now and it'll pay itself off partially or fully by the time the market settles.
That is the question.