• expired

$15 off Min $20 Grocery Order (Delivery + Service Charge Applies) @ Uber Eats


Enjoy $15 OFF your grocery order with Uber Eats when you spend $20 or more (excluding fees). Delivery and service fees apply. Ts&Cs apply. Limited to the first 4,000 redemptions. Ends 31.12.21.

#ThisCallsFor vegging out on the couch



Thanks for the second code, zeno.

Received a third code in the mail – added above.

Thanks for the fourth code, iScream

Thanks for the fifth code, caramellokoala.

Referral Links

Referral: random (1445)

$0 Delivery Fee on your First Order. Referrer receives something too (Likely free delivery on next order). Cannot be stacked with new user signup codes.

Related Stores

Uber Eats
Uber Eats

closed Comments

  • +2

    Wow!! That’s 5 orders to IGA in last 4 days…

    • +3

      Not sure what Uber's master plan is here but hey free snacks almost

      • +1

        Perhaps they'll run this on a daily basis similar to Menulog deal

  • +1

    So pays for the extra surcharge and RRP items?

    • +1

      Heh pretty much. Uber Pass helps too.

    • -1

      If you can pick up there's no service or delivery charge.

      • +1

        T&C says delivery orders only?

        • Actually you're right, it said coupon applied but no discount.

        • +2

          I enter the delivery address next door to the pick up venue. Still pay a delivery fee but it may be less than delivery to your home depending upon the location. I wait out the front for the delivery person.

          • +2

            @doowhydiddi: That is like the Seinfeld Elaine episode where she has to fake her apartment address for the delivery person and pretends she lives out of the janitor's room.

  • Thanks OP!

  • Thanks OP. we have a Woolies metro which isn’t too over priced. Stuff on the way.

  • +14

    Probably not worth posting because quite limited redemptions left, but here's some coupons to use on Gelato Messina on Uber Eats for those interested :)

    !HP5 - $11.50 off $15 Spend on 500mL / 1L / 1.5L Tubs
    BZ77 - $11.50 off $15 Spend on 500mL / 1L / 1.5L Tubs
    Y56Y - $11.50 off $15 Spend on 500mL / 1L / 1.5L Tubs
    5LL3 - 50% Off (Delivery Only)
    2P2K - 20% off Pickup Orders ($6 Max Discount)
    5WFG - $5 Off (Delivery Only)
    5JPM - $5 Off (Delivery Only)

    • Used the 50% off, thanks man.

    • +1

      Wow, what a great range to select from. Anyone have recommendations?

      • +1

        I agree too many to choices, the only solution is to buy one of each flavour.

    • Just ordered a Tiramisu Tart to add to my waistline.

      Thanks for posting.

    • The max discount on the 50% off is $30

    • +1

      B777 - 50% Off (Delivery Only)
      5JKL - $5 off

    • The $11.50 off $15 is for a tub upgrade, isn’t it?

  • -8

    No caged eggs only free range from my woolies store

    • +6


  • Thanks OP, bought 7 packs of Soy Chicken Red Rock Deli chips

  • +1

    Great deal with 50% off Ampol deals (targeted, I got desserts, another account got drinks - check your email).

    Got 1x 500ml tub Ben and Jerry's, 1x Allens Party Mix 190g, 1 M&M's Peanut 180g and a Herbert Adams spinach and ricotta roll for $4.46 delivered.

    • +1

      Sounds like a gaming night.

    • How do get it for 4.46 .. min order is 20 (15 off) + service changes of 10% .. I thought min u have to pay is $7+ ..

      • +1

        Because that is based off the full price of the items. If you've been targeted with this offer, you will see all the items marked down 50% with green text in the app.

        I ordered the Ice Cream Lovers Dessert Bundle, usually $24.95 marked down to $12.48. You pick your three items. And the spinach roll was 50% off too.

      • I did the same thing now but it was using my 50% discounted prices and not the full price to count towards the $20 spend. So I added enough items to trigger the discount to be applied. I then removed items so my total grocery amount with the discount was $15 ($14.90 to be exact) making it completely free. I just paid service and delivery free which totalled $3.48 for my 6 bags of Kettle 175g chips

      • Minimum order is less than $20! Initially $15 was the minimum order to get $15 off, then a subsequent order worked at around $18 to get $15 off.

    • +1

      @nubzy Thanks for the tip about 50% off Ampol bundles !

      My ampol has a: 2 tubs of Ben & Jerry's for $28 which is now $14.00!
      Got two of those to make it over $20 to $28.00!
      Stacked with TWGRO15….

      I've never seen Ben & Jerry's cheaper :D

  • -5

    Anyone know if there’s a way to return items? Bought some nappies from Woolies and just realised Bub will grow out of them very soon and would like to swap for the larger size. So you think we’ll have any luck? Ubereats help is useless unless I’m missing something.

    • +4

      This sounds like a you problem.

    • +6

      Have another baby bro

    • If they're unopened, Woolies will probably let you swap them for the larger size. If they're opened, you could try a local parent swap group?

  • +1

    thanks my local woolies also has 30% off fresh food stacks with this code.

  • +1

    Just added the code and went to checkout and the promo is gone. Typed the code back in and apparently I've already used it lol

  • Thanks OP! got 2x 4pack of Maxibon from my local IGA (delivered+surcharge) for only $8.99!

  • Just Google the item you want for the actual price at the supermarket. You will find the bargain item there without paying extra. The only problem I had recently is the supermarket not being open for delivery until 4pm to 5pm or something. So think of it as $10 off for $20 spent

  • +6

    There's a trick to this… find something worth $5-7 they probably don't have in stock. When they remove it from your basket, you keep the $15 off, meaning you can effectively get $15 worth of food for the service and delivery fees only.

    • Or you'll end up with something that costs $7 that you didn't want.

      • +1

        hahaha, I know this trick, so I put two watermelon cuts in as I know Woolworths always run out of it.
        Now I get a half watermelon, eating it with my spoon.

      • +1

        I found out by not getting something I wanted. Then made multiple orders with the multiple codes currently available.

      • Exactly my experience and they don’t even have a customer support option, and don’t allow substitutions.

  • +9

    I can't post a deal for Uber Eats so I'll share it here instead. Another code for $15 off min $20 spend from Uber Eats: GRODMN

    • +1

      Cheers - updated and credited

      • I think this code is Sydney only

        • I got the same code in a letter box drop. I'm in WA.

  • +3

    Stacks with the 50% off pantry items

    • +1

      I thought I found a glitch just then but I guess it was thhis - with the 50% off then it's a great deal!

    • Where do we find those?

  • GRODMN not working any of the melbourne stores I've tried - perhaps its location specific?

    • Ah yes – just noticed it says Sydney under location when you tap Details.

  • +1

    Omg a code that works!! Checked my previous code and last code was on Feb 2020!!

  • +3

    bought 6 eggs x 5=30 eggs, $20
    Using the trial of ubereats pass to wipe the delivery fee $1
    So totally $5+$2 service fee=$7 for 30 free range eggs from woolworths… Delivered

  • +4

    F@#$ UberEats, honestly. It's not just that there's a problem with almost every order I've had with them, it's that there's no way to contact anyone to complain about an order going wrong. The best you can do is hope that the in-app 'report a problem' don't just brush you off, but they almost always do. Then you have a CHANCE at maybe getting your money back, and not a single thing more.

    Last time I put in an order it bugged out and said it was being delivered - for over 3 hours. Couldn't call anyone. Couldn't email. Couldn't even report the problem in the app, because it just reads that the status is still out for delivery, and so it tells you to stfu and wait, it doesn't care that you've been waiting for 4 hours. Didn't get any apologies or discounts, was lucky to get my money back the next day - Here's a hot tip: None of the buttons ever lead to any actual resolution mechanism except for 'the food is missing' or perhaps some of the more serious 'the delivery guy assaulted me' type ones.

    All of the other services (at least, up until recently) you can call someone and if they really screw you around, they'll give you a discount or something. But with the service fee on top of the delivery charge and all this garbage customer support? Why would anyone user UberEats?

    • Same sentiment for me but for Menulog. They charged me twice for an order that the restaurant accepted but they were actually closed; the Menulog operator connected me on the phone to the wrong restaurant and said, "they are actually open"; she said she would organise a refund but I had to follow up 4 times over a month to actually get the refund. They said I would receive a credit to compensate me for the experience, but I had to keep demanding that as well. Their CS has gradually gotten worse – presence of a telephone number doesn't mean much in this case; I only received a resolution after contacting them on Facebook.

      Customer service with Uber Eats has generally been good for me. YMMV I guess.

      • I'm sure their customer support people are garbage, but at least you have a phone number to contact with Menulog and someone to raise an issue with - if Uber Eats screws up, and the app basically tells you to pound sand (which it will for 90% of problems - even for 'my food is missing' there's no text box or anything, just a simple button to press and hope) - What do you even do? I mean please, if you have a phone number or email or whatever contact method for UberEats to share, please do so.

        • +1

          I also find it frustrating that I can't speak to a person with UE. I'm having issues getting a proper tax invoice on the app to claim cashback on Cashrewards, as their receipt don't include the information that CR needs. I did receive an e-mail reply but was just told that the receipt is sufficient and they won't issue tax invoice for amounts <$80 so I'm stuck.

    • +1

      My feelings on it exactly, would never use them if there wasn’t a great deal on. So difficult.

  • How do you find groceries on the app? There's no specific category

    • Try searching for 'grocery'. I have a grocery tile on the front page too.

      • Nope. I get nothing.

        • Mustn't be any grocery stores in your area

  • I found a third code for everyone to try:


  • Bloody Ampol never provide the Ben and Jerry's flavour which you order. First time they substituted for peppermint cookie, and today I ordered two different flavours and received 2x non-dairy (wtf?) Netflix n Chill'd. Useless. I'd be livid if it weren't for the discount. I find UE more hassle than it is worth, from lack of drivers/delivery delays to cold food and wrong food.. just not worth it at such inflated price.

    • Yeah, but at least you get it for free now they've given you the wrong one.

  • Never used but can’t get it to work

  • +7

    Found an older code MICHAEL15 also works only limited to first 2000 redemptions.

    • +1

      Thanks – updated and credited

      • Need to put 15 on the end. MICHAEL15


        Edit - My bad! Your code is correct (of course) I just can’t see the full code as it cuts off after MICHAEL. Using two devices here so I didn’t click to copy.

  • +8

    Add FBGRO15 to the growing list of coupons.

    • Thanks.

  • First time using this deal, no drivers from Woolworths Metro Bentleigh so I've ordered lamb chops and cheesecake from an IGA in Cheltenham. Now I can't hide the Uber "Preparing your order…" screen. (My phone is a Samsung Galaxy A20). Does anyone know how to fix this?

  • +2

    GRODMV still works, valid until 31 January 2022. One redemption per account.

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