This was posted 3 years 3 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Audiobook] Humble Bundle - Voices of Heresy - Horus Heresy Audio Book Bundle - $1.35 for 6 | $13.55 for 13 | $24.32 for 23


Long time cheapskate, first time post-submiterer (totally a word).

Bundle breakdowns:
6 Audiobooks for $1.35
13 Audiobooks for $13.55
23 Audiobooks for $24.32

Ok, first a disclaimer - yes, I'm a Warhammer 40,000 (or 30,000, in this case) tragic, and gobble up anything I can get my hands on if it's cheap enough.
BUT, with that being said, this bundle is absolutely INSANE value and these stories are VERY good and have some EXCELLENT voice acting and narration (Garreth Armstong is a boss!).
I mean, having books by Dan Abnett and Graham McNeill should be all the convincing you need! Why do you even need to listen to me blabbering on at this point?!

The full bundle contains books 1-5 in the looooooong running Horus Heresy series, so are an excellent point to dip-you-toe-to-jacuzzi-baby. These 5 books alone cost around $40 each on Audible, so, you know, VALUE FOR THE VALUE GOD! Each of these books offer 10+ hours of story content - EACH!
There's also a bunch of shorter stories (the Garro series is excellent, for instance), a couple of the later books in the series, as well as a couple of Primarch which are basically books about super men not named superman.

I personally guarantee* that even if you buy at the base bundle rate you will get MORE than your monies worth here and enjoy every. Damn. Moment.

*Guarantee not valid anywhere.

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Humble Bundle

closed Comments

  • +1

    You lost me at Warhammer.

    • +3

      Oh ye of little faith.

      Sweaty, smelly and socially inept neckbeards aside, Warhammer has some really great sci-fi stories.
      As they say in the 3rd edition rule book, "Suffer not the unclean to live".

    • +2

      It's warhammer 40k

      • +1

        At least 40,000x better than the vanilla variety!

        • +1

          wait till you hear how much better Bioshock Infinite was than Bioshock 2!

  • +1

    Make sure you adjust the donation amount, so that Games workshop and humble get as little as possible

  • +1

    Bought Dawn of War in a bundle a few years back for a few $ and started wondering what the backstory to the game was.

    Then got Horus Rising [first book in the Heresy series] for $1 in an Audible sale a few years back and was hooked.

    Got the first books in the Eisenhorn, Gaunts Ghosts, and Ciaphas Cain series in a Humble Bundle, and was hooked on them, too. [Cain is a nice change as it's somewhat less GrimDark than the other series]

    Games Workshop has an effective business model - get you hooked on a series for $1, then you have to find ways to get the rest of the series cheap. Best way I found was cancel/re-subscribe to Audible/Kindle when they send you a please-come-back offer after 2 months.

    Also, go check out the WH section on 1d4chan and read up on the universe backstory and the character pages. It's a bit drunk-student-ranty in places, but worth it for a laugh and quite thorough for checking what characters have done in other books. There's also a fairly up-to-date list of all the books and whether each one is worth a read.

  • Missed out :\ expired

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