eBay Final Value Fee Promotion for 5 Items

Is anyone getting these for december?
I have been getting these for the past couple of months and when I tried clicking the same link it says offer has expired

Is everyone on the same boat?

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  • Last one I received expired on Dec 2nd

    • same here

      • Dec 2 on mine too.

        P.s It comes around every six weeks or so… Might come back when eBay wants to boost Xmas sales, or possibly post Xmas unwanted gift sales.

      • yea doesn't seem to have any FVF selling promotions at the moment

  • +1

    Ebay No Final Value Fees (2 items through gumtree).
    Is it working properly for people? As in not charging fees.

    I haven't used it in ages as I am still wasting time trying to get fees back incorrectly taken from months ago.
    The $1 FVF (5 items) offer had worked without issue but dont want to get messed around with the gumtree offer again.

    • +2

      Definitely works, provided they are single items only and you only list 2 items during this period.

      Can confirm I listed 2 in November.

      • Cheers I will give it a go.
        Will screenshot at every stage.

        • I would and make sure you turn off adblock as we just in case the click through traffic doesn't record properly.

      • I got charged FVF for the 3rd listing. 2 item monthly limit is enforced.

        One item sold after 30 days and was not charged FVF.

    • It broke for me again. Was working fine October, just charged me full fees in December and I get the same 15 day wait excuse.

    • +1

      Post banner is gone now.

      • +1

        Just noticed that myself! Boohiss

  • I’m waiting also.. day after day still nothing :(

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