• expired
  • targeted

10% Cashback (Up to $10 Max Total) at Cafes, Restaurant, Pub, Delivery Service or Fast Food @ Revolut


What’s sweeter than being allowed back into pubs and restaurants? Getting up to 10% cashback after your meal, that’s what!

Say goodbye to virtual hangouts - from now until 16 December 2021, we'll give you 10% cashback on the next $100 (or portion thereof) you spend at pubs, restaurants, eateries or cafés.

This Promotion is limited to the first 2,000 Eligible Customers. For the purpose of the Promotion, an Eligible Transaction is a payment made with a Revolut card to a merchant whose merchant category code (“MCC”) is designated as MCC 5811 (being caterers and meal delivery services), MCC 5812-5813 (being bars & pubs, cafes, eating places, drinking places and restaurants), and MCC 5814 (being fast food restaurants).

Revolut will credit the cashback amounts into your Revolut account within ten (10) business days after the end of the Promotion Period.

Referral Links

Referral: random (250)

$50-$140 for the referrer only. Referee gets $0. Each referrer can refer up to 5 sign-ups. Three minimum $10 purchases by referee required.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Just a one off, so make the most of it.

    • +4

      It's not one-off. The T&C refers to Transactions:

      The Promotion is the opportunity for Eligible Customers to receive 10% cashback on transactions made at eligible restaurants (“Eligible Transactions”) during the Promotion Period.

      • You can use it multiple times @10% up to $10 cap ($100 spend)

      • But what about "we'll give you 10% cashback on the next $100 (or portion thereof) you spend"?
        next is not the same with every
        Anyway - is academic - I suspect the 2000 quote has been filled…

  • Terms are there but I see nothing advertising it anywhere?

    • +1

      I got an email. Maybe it is targeted?

  • +2

    So basically $10 cashback cap

  • +7

    The wife will be thrilled!

  • +1

    The total aggregate cashback you can earn on Eligible Transactions under the Promotion is capped at $10. The cashback offering in this Promotion is in addition to the regular cashback earned by Metal customers for spending with their Revolut card. This Promotion is limited to the first 2,000 Eligible Customers (please read the below sections for more information on eligibility)

    • How do we know if been eligible and 2k spots not filled?

  • +3

    got the email for this too,

    it's a one-off, limited to the first 2,000 customers.

    What is an Eligible Transaction?

    For the purpose of the Promotion, an Eligible Transaction is a payment made with a Revolut card to a merchant whose merchant category code (“MCC”) is designated as MCC 5811 (being caterers and meal delivery services), MCC 5812-5813 (being bars & pubs, cafes, eating places, drinking places and restaurants), and MCC 5814 (being fast food restaurants).

    • +1

      Where do u get the "one-off" condition? T&C is saying: The total aggregate cashback you can earn on Eligible Transactions under the Promotion is capped at $10.
      So, looks like we can do small-2 transactions (but it's capped to $100 total to get the cashback).

      • we'll give you 10% cashback on the next $100 (or portion thereof) you spend at pubs, restaurants, eateries or cafés.

        I read that as a one off

        • Not one off.
          It's saying you only receive back 10% of the total spent up to $100.
          T&C states "total aggregate cashback" - ie combined from different cashbacks.
          Nothing about only 1 use.

          If you only spend say $30 x 3 times (a portion of $100 max) - "total aggregate cashback" would be $9 back (a portion of $10 max cashback). You just don't receive the maximum $10.

    • +1

      The main question is how do we know the merchant codes of the place (MCC) ?

      E.g. some fast food places in gas stations they count or no ?? If their card transactions normally say its a gas station company ?

      Any fast foods in groceries store ??
      Are they eligible ? Their charge comes up at grocery store name

      • Any fast foods in groceries store ??
        Meant caffe/ fast food in grocery stores where the merchant name comes up as grocery store?

        • gas stations they count or no ?? If their card transactions normally say its a gas station company ?

          My 7-Eleven transact came up as purple "Transport" :// and not the usual "Pizza/restaurant" icon

    • Cashback now paid out - was for multiple purchases!

  • Fast food places?

  • -2

    Im using the revolut card since i put money in and couldnt get out, wouldnt recommend joining to actually use the card regularly.

    • Not sure how this "couldn’t get out" works for you, I use this card when I am in NZ and can pull money from the ATM without an issue (at least last time I was there - June)
      I may have misunderstood what you mean though

      • i didnt want a card delivered.

        • +1

          Does it prevent you to send out the fund without card (can't check as I have the card)? Just click Send in the app, then enter BSB & acc number as with any other bank transfer

          • -3

            @hny3: I tried sending overseas and there were exorbitant fees

            • @sunnyc: I've withdrawn to an AU bank account many times - no fees

    • same, tried to send funds out of my card, didn't work. kind of pissed…

    • +2

      Curious to know what you mean? Can’t you just transfer out to your bank account?

  • Haven't received the email, so I am not eligible. Guessing it is because I already use the card a lot.

  • +2

    how can I know I am the first 2000 or not? I think this won't last long

  • +5

    Would love to get 10% cash back every time I eat out.

    • +1


  • +1

    still waiting for my referal money

    • +1

      I had to talk to them to get my referral money even after meeting all the criteria. Just hit up the in-app chat.

      • Took me 2 weeks to chat to few different person on revolut to get my 30 dollars referral. Goodluck.

  • -3

    Start the car - 100 over
    Wait at a red light - 100 over
    Park the car at the restaurant- 200 over
    Wait for the table- 500 over
    Order food- 400 over
    Eat your food- 600 over
    Reach the counter to pay- 100 over

    Pay in full…start the car…

  • +1

    Who is eligible to participate in the Promotion?
    Have personally received an email from RPA inviting you to participate in the Promotion.

    So obviously targeted

    • +3

      Actually I did not receive the email but offer shows up in my app so apparently I'm eligible

      • Where abouts is it in the app?

        • Under 'Suggested for you' on the main page ('Accounts' tab) in mine

    • Email header is "10% cashback when you eat out 🍔"

  • Does it cost anything to send money back to your bank account?

    Is there a minimum amount you need to send?

    • It's free. Not sure about the minimum though

      • Minimum is $2 to transfer back to your bank account

    • +2

      It's minimum $25 to load, no fee to transfer back and was instant (Osko) for me.

  • This deal is targeted based on the T&Cs in the deal link:

    Who is eligible to participate in the Promotion?

    In order to participate in the Promotion, participants must be an Eligible Customer of RPA. To be considered an “Eligible Customer”, you must:

    • Have downloaded the Revolut app,
    • Have successfully set up an account with Revolut (Standard, Premium or Metal account customer),
    • Have successfully passed our ‘Know Your Customer’ checks and been onboarded,
      Have an active account (not suspended or restricted), and
    • Have personally received an email from RPA inviting you to participate in the Promotion.
  • +1

    I use a salary packaging meals and entertainment card that relies MCC, it's unreliable at best.

    • Never used the card, just take pictures of the receipts and send them in. Simple and quick process with Maxxia. Do 3 claims a year close to $1000 at a time.

      • I'm happy with the card. It's accepted enough times that I hit my max for the year. Easier than taking receipts, which I used to do before the maxi came in.

  • Targeted offer, didn't get the email :(

  • +2

    No email here, but I have a banner for it in the app (clicking it doesn't go anywhere though).

  • Received the email.
    On android it is showing in app, but goes to "add money" (only have the $30 referral credit).

    Could have used for lunch today if I'd known - email arrived as I was paying.

  • Thanks OP. If you use this though how do you know you will receive cashback as you have to be in the first 2000? Unless it has only been targeted at 2000 people, which seems unlikely.

  • Is the physical card required??

    • nope they issue you instant virtual card and added to gpay

  • -3

    Revolut is not a recommended bank or financial company, didnt get any cashback after the promotions terms done.
    cant disclose 2000 for this promotion is finish when contact their online chat.
    will neg this deal.
    will revoke if not dud

    • "didnt get any cashback after the promotions terms done."

      How do you know you don't get any cashback in the future, as per promotions terms?? And that strange future prediction is your basis of your invalid Neg vote?

      Revolut will credit the cashback amounts into your Revolut account within ten (10) business days after the end of the Promotion Period. (t&c, now in Deal Description)
      Promotion ends 16 December 2021

      • past promotions and some guys shared their experience too.

        its worst than SB, i got more than $1 from SB. i have $0 from this company, $0, doing their campaigns. YMMV.

        have you chat with them if you are eligible? 2000 isnt many. From their message, more than 2000 are targeted and not disclosed.
        get on their chat? or spruiking to earn fees through their card spent and a dud when you have 0 after doing the terms, not in the 2,000?

        do they have a rep here?

        • +1

          past promotions and some guys shared their experience too.

          any link? this is the first promo i am participating

          • -2

            @capslock janitor: on their app, and some emails. wasted time for duds. targeted caompaign victim. lol.

            wait till they become bank with government guarantee with them before putting your penny in them. ;)

            • @zzzsianzzz: What campaigns? Where's your proof??

              Neg votes (apart from yours) are for those who missed out on Referrals.
              That's more likely because on Ozbargain referral system, those randomly being used for referrals may not have been able to refer. Not a fault of Revolut!
              Or people failed to read the t&c, like you did.

              Your complaint & neg vote is not valid as t&c show you have wait up to 10 days after 16/12 for cashback to appear in your account.
              So you complained about nothing! Just failing to read the t&c.

              Your complaints shouldn't be trusted without proof! Which you won't provide!

              Your response was:
              on their app, and some emails. wasted time for duds. targeted caompaign victim. lol.
              What does that even mean??

              You just make poorly worded & hard to understand - unsubstantiated comments that unnamed others have been critical… Can't get more vague than that!

              Your proof: past promotions and some guys shared their experience too.
              But you couldn't understood the t&c of this Deal… & complained!

              Really - you have nothing more that a mistaken belief you should have received cashback in this promotion, long before the t&c say it will arrive in your account!
              And when called out about that, justify it by vague issues you think you saw…

              Back up your unsubstantiated claims or back down. People will otherwise quote your complains in later Deals as "proof".


        • +1

          Show us your proof of others complaints in these campaigns!! Rather than just your interpretation.

          I've looked for neg votes about major issues - can't find support for your claims!

      • -1

        have you had any cashback for their past campaigns?

        • +1

          What campaigns?
          I've promptly received $30 referral for $30 spend.
          Couldn't have been easier!!

          • -1

            @INFIDEL: YMMV.
            time will tell who speaks the truth.
            im saying from my experience.

            why are you so pro revolut?
            you are associated with them?

            the upvoters, can revoke your + if you didnt get cashback but targeted.

            i have an open chat, for months on their last promotion.

            • @zzzsianzzz: You do realise claiming or inferring a person is associated is a serious matter on OzBargain! Mods don't like it!

              Absolutely not! I just like the money they have given me so far💰 & everything works great.

              Rather your attitude without any proof of what you claim is very questionable!! You were asked for proof - but failed to provide any.

              You didn't understand this promotion's t&c.
              You complained you didn't receive your cashback payment…
              Even though the t&c clearly stated it would not be paid out until up to 10 days after 16/12.

              That's a pretty major mistake to base your neg vote on!!

              So you can't be believed.
              Hence you were downvoted on your unproven claims.

            • @zzzsianzzz:

              time will tell who speaks the truth

              Well it wasn't you!
              Like others, received my 10% cashback yesterday
              I'm happy😊

              the upvoters, can revoke your + if you didnt get cashback but targeted.

              No need. I'd upvote again if it was possible.
              Your warnings were absolutely wrong!
              We now know not to believe you.

              past promotions and some guys shared their experience too.

              Trouble is, someone in the future will base their false complaint on your false complaint!

              Now you should do as you promised will neg this deal.
              will revoke if not dud

              It's not a "dud"

  • Does anyone get the cash back?

  • +3

    I spent money at a restaurant on Friday night. No confirmation or anything that I will be getting cashback. Not counting on it.
    They make it vague as to how many people have claimed it on purpose to get people to use their card it seems.

    • yeah an email receipt for such promo would be good like cr/sb

  • +3

    Just chatted to someone named Kai on Revlout.
    She suggested that it's $10 minimum spend (no maximum spend), No Cap on maximum she said its 10% of whatever is spent over $10.

    But again I dont really trust these people's saying, she called my transaction to have MCC of 5734 instead of 5812 initially then later appologised for seeing it wrong ?
    I really dont trust these random people. If I was you I'd spend btw $10-100 max/transaction

    • +1

      Interesting. There’s nothing in the terms about a $10 minimum spend.

      • Correct, and nothing suggested my trans to have MCC of 5734.

        I dont trust these idiots

        • Just spend as usual at cafes etc & pay by this card.
          If up to $10 arrives in the account - great, a bonus.
          That's what I'm doing.
          Why get so worked up about it & waste your time?
          Just enjoy your coffee, or whatever☕

          • +6

            @INFIDEL: Because If I am not going to get bonus from Revolut I'd be using my CC to get bonus CC points instead.

            • @USER DC: And the loss of some bonus points justifies wasting time, contacting them & complaining about this?

              That sounds like a big (& effectively expensive) waste of time.
              Why spoil a good meal or coffee?

              The offer was vague, so not necessarily reliable. I use the card, but don't count on less than the $10 I might receive.

              • @INFIDEL: Sounds like you need to use CC instead (i.e. always get your rewards points), and hence pro tip: never have to complain about not getting the points. (AKA no time wasted on revolut's chats etc.)

                • -1

                  @USER DC: I think thats what you should have done! It's a matter of personal choice - what is best for you.

                  I don't dine out much (but am now on holiday), so 10% saved on little spent is pretty unimportant to me. I'd rather enjoy the meal.

                  When I return, up to $10 cashback won't even be noticed against the expenses.

                  Before this promotion, used a Suncorp Visa Debit card - $20/mth cashback over 3 months Much better than CC points on low spend!

                  In comparison, up to $10 here seems miserly. Not worth spoiling lunch over.
                  [2 small ice creams free at 7-11 - person serving excitedly said "you're saving nearly $10!!"… Didn't excite me much.]

                  • -1

                    @INFIDEL: you are not the op.
                    you dont spent and go out to dine.
                    what i can't understand why you are defending them if you are not associated? lol.

                    • @zzzsianzzz: The question should be…
                      Why are you so critical without providing any proof (as repeatedly requested)??

                      I'm not defending them, am critical of your unsubstantiated & incorrect comments!

                      Lol! If I was "associated" I'd be doing a pretty bad job (by my comments):
                      playing down the benefit of this $10 cashback on $100 spend promotion (compared to say $60 @Suncorp in previous 3 months for minimal spends),
                      discouraging people not to count on the cashback - so just spend as normal,
                      spending little myself…
                      Not what Revolut would want!

                      But based on your comments, logic seems to escape your understanding!

  • I agree, just do it and if you get the bonus, great.

    • Couldn't have said it better myself😉
      Use this card to pay for your usual coffee or meal.

      • +1

        I could be getting 2% cashback/cryptoback on my card; but figured this 10% was worth the risk per se so been using it instead.. sigh why they gotta be unreliable

        • So the worst case is - you might miss out on $2 credit on using your card on $100 of eating out. Half the cost of a coffee☕

          Life is a gamble - like this poorly presented offer, but $2 on really isn't worth losing sleep over.
          You might get $10 back.

          • +1

            @INFIDEL: it adds up quick we've been eating takeout a lot lately haha couldnt be stuffed cookin just what it is

            • @capslock janitor: Lucky you - I'm so frugal, I rarely eat out or buy take away. So this Deal is costing me money!

              Luckily going to an OzBargain meet on Saturday - with free meal & drink!

  • Anyone know if paying for something in the Ritual App what category that falls under?

    • For those watching at home… can confirm Ritual doesn’t come under Restaurants but rather Utilities.

  • +1

    anyone got their cashback yet?

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