Wether its a calm "what's this cabbage up to?" or vein busting anger outbursts at the wilful dangerous stupidity you just witnessed, what is it that people do when driving / sharing our roads that annoys you the most?
Hoons? Speeding? Driving too slow? Drivers on phones? Right lane hogs? Inattention? Failing to stop, give way, indicate? Cyclists?
Riding a motorcycle, not stopping/giving way winds me up, I always feel like they haven't seen me but it seems to be intentional most of the time. And bloody mobile phones.
The old guy was who driving on the wrong side of the road heading towards me at 80kph kinda annoyed me. To top it off, he flashed his high beams lol like we were in the wrong. Eventually the site of an an entire peak hour rush of cars facing him forced him to turn around and drive on the correct side of the road.