[VIC] Unleaded U98 Fuel $1.549/L @ 7-Eleven, Dandenong 3175 » All Comments
How can you lock if you are in different postcode?
There is a thread within ozbargain with 146 pages to help answer your question.
Can you share the link here. I am an Android user.
Jailbrake required? It’s not clear from their site…
@WhyAmICommenting: Nope. Just connect your phone to laptop/desktop and change location via 3u tools. Lock fuel. Then restart phone to change location back to where you were.
10 cents cheaper than U98 yesterday. Cheaper than the cheapest U95 from 7-eleven in the country.
arghhh im running errands and cant get to the chopper!! Nice price OP!
GOD this is not a bargain or deal can OZB ban this posts?
oh shut up. this would save people more money than a lot of the stuff posted here as a "deal" and you are saying it's not a bargain or deal?
This is most definitely a bargain.
Hi Newbiesh
Sorry I've upset you, could you please point me to where I can get cheaper fuel?
https://fuelprice.io/station/costco-casula/Costco fuel is currently priced at 164.7cpl for 98 RON
Found the petrol station operator.
I think he’s just got an issue with the morals of these posts. I tend to agree with him. If everyone does hack the location to get the cheapest fuel in the country, eventually 7-11 will axe this altogether. I still save money by using the app the way it is intended to be used and would hate to lose this privilege.
not everyone does it, which is why it has stood strong for years. as a nerd on ozbargain you are the huge huge minority of 7-11 app users
Click the hide button and choose to hide deals from 7-Eleven or cwongtech. Don’t thread dump, the rest of us enjoy these deals. I’ve already locked in and will fill up my car in the next week.
actually it is a decent bargain. can you find a better price?
Competing with JV for most negged comment apparently
What's JV's current record?
-50 downvotes newbiesh. The crowd has spoken. lol
Nice find OP. U91 has been sitting at $1.44 for a few weeks now. Haven't fired up the chopper recently as prices seem to be steadily coming down. Yesterday for example was the cheap fuel day in WA with the cycle so with 8c off at Coles express (docket and carsales), was able to get it effectively at $1.399. Hoping we get some U91 or higher deals below $1.40 soon.
Wow. Sitting at $1.90 for e10 in brisbane. It is starting to come down now tho
E10 is $1.479 at Kingston South.
Is there a way to give up my current lock price so I can lock in this offer?
Just open a new account mate
good idea
I have 8 accounts, just in case.
Create a new email and new account, nothing stopping you
cough trashmail cough
Use with a gmail as the destination email for TrashmailEither use it for 2L of Fuel, let it expire or create a new account.
Just put any amount of fuel in tank and scan card. If locked price is higher than the bowser price, it will give you the cheaper price and reset price lock to allow you to lock-in again. I use this to extend the cycles, especially leading up to long weekends. Plus have apps on kids phones!
left my chopper at home so will probably miss out.
pm me your details and I'll lock for you
Fishing is good today……..
What exactly will/can they do with your 7-11 details? Use one of your free vouchers? Troll you by sabotaging the lock? Get your (free) account banned and so you have to open another one?
(Of course, assuming that you aren't using the same details with other accounts, which might not be a safe assumption for many people…)
I'd genuinely like to know as I can't see a huge downside here.
Member since 07/07/2015 and you don't know Ozbargainers frequently, and kindly I might add, offer to lock in prices for others?
You must be new here. Very common practice to get a fuel lock - Easy enough to set a random password and use a burner email address if someone was really that worried.
Thanks for the offer, but I will give it a miss since I only filled up on Monday night. I only usually fill up with 91RON but for this price, I would have gone for 98.
PM'd. Thanks a lot in advance mate
Oh jeez can you ?.
Filled up e10 for 99c with lockin monday.
Was worried it would be denied (since actual price was 1.89)
Saved $50Fuel app lock in deals are awesome.
Which app did you use?
The "My 7-Eleven" app.
Yep 7-11 app android.
Have an old rooted phone which i use to lock location.
Let me know if you have any questions.
The 7-11 price watch thread has lots of info.
Yeah I got that one as well. Awesome
Thanks OP, locked and loaded.
How to lock the price. My location fair away. Any workaround
I have my chopper on standby if anyone needs me to do a quick lock in for them, PM me your login details.
Check pm. Pilot is stuck at work and couldnt send my chopper.
Thanks Pepe, your a legend!
Thanks for the chopper ride!
Locked and loaded :D
38 locks later, I'm finished for now.
What a soldier!
Your work is appreciated, thanks again PepePepeson!
thanks for your kindness, keep up the OZB spirit!
How can i lock at that price… i am located in williams landing where U98 @ 191.9
Get to the choppa
NVM had to move my location south a little
Damn just locked at 164.
Thanks opJust need to create a new account and lock in the new price :)
Isnt 7/11 petrol the worst one to get out of all petrol stations?
My mechanic recommended 7/11 (Mobil) or BP.
If you wish to avoid patrol stations that have had a history of underpaying their workers? Then YES
If you're asking about Fuel Quality? Then NOthis has been discussed a million times. Basically all your fuel comes from overseas and is shipped by a truck tanker that will go to multiple different branded fuel outlets on their delivery run and the fuel you receive is indifferent to the one from the retailer across the road. Some brands may add their own additives (BP for example) for their premium products, and conduct delivery using branded-livery trucks, but then again that's really just a bit of marketing BS more or less.
Meet the octane requirements of your car and your fine. What truly matters more for fuel quality, is that you go to a service station that is newer (less chance of water exposure in tanks, but minimal in any case) and hopefully has higher turnover (less chance for fuel to go stale, again very minimal chance)Lol I can't even spell PETROL. Been looking at too many nissan's lately
I've heard/been told and many accounts that it's actually the best. When all Australian fuel is sent for grading, 7/11 (Mobil) is rated the highest.
Ferk - at work all day. RIP cheap fuel. Damn iPhone.
Eh? Isn't it the iphone that can call the chopper?
iPhone needs a computer assist
Android capable of teleporting in Pokemon go can do 7/11 too
Need custom rom or stock for android? I always thought it was iOS exclusive.
@dealz4all: Rooted is the only requirement, pass safetynet test and smali patcher
Doesn't matter if custom or stock as long as android 10 and above
Pm me your login
Price is still going strong. Flew there and it's locked at 154.9
Happy to lock in for anyone if needed :)
Pm please 🙏
PM, thanks legend!
Pm me please bro
sent you a pm!
Alright, gotta head back to work so can't lock in anymore
Pm as well
Has anyone had a fuel attendant deny the price if its a lot lower than the pump price?
I haven't had any issues for the 2 year I've been doing it, I think 7-eleven cover the additional cost? I usually get a "wow that's a good price"
Nope. Used the 99.9c/L E10 lock twice in the last week.
Nah, they don't care. The franchisee gets a fixed amount (2 or 3c/L) regardless of price/margin. The person behind the counter is paid the same wage regardless.
I had one incident where they say the machine is not working. so i didn't get to use the voucher. Not sure is it really machine problem tho.
Sometimes they can't scan my barcode (maybe my phone brightness is shit), some attendants are nice and just punch it in manually, some are dicks and make me email headoffice and eventually they mail me a gift card with the discount amount
I once locked in from NSW and accidently use that voucher in WA a few hours later - it was not a problem at all even though physically impossible..
It was not 'get to the chopper' but 'get to the teleporter!'
I've got a chopper available for use just PM me :)
Pm me please
PM sent
sent a PM!
One more?
PM Sent if still available
I'm still locking in for anyone that wants it. PM ME, I have no time for people that want me to PM you.
PMd, thanks!
Absolute legend
PM'ed :)
Price has changed to 174.9 now. Won't be locking in fuel now. Thanks for coming!
What's a chopper?
So how does the helicopter work?
U98 is $2.15 at my local servo today, prices are insane!
oo had E10 for last refill at 99c, now my car is getting U98 lol
Anyone got a chopper available? :)
Ah Frick
Just filled up, full tank at $1.7/LLooks like the app reinstated the maximum of two locks per 24 hours. Any way around this?
I was just able to do 3 different accounts (and another 2 accounts 12 hours ago). What error message are you getting?
An app error - that there's a maximum of 2 fuel locks per 24 hours. I've put my helicopter phone away for now so I can't get to it.
The number of accounts isn't an issue, it's that I can't lock a third one on the same device.
Android 10, rooted.
Just did nearly 40 locks on the same device in about 90 mins.
Yep same here, no issues locking in 35 times for others all on the same device.
Anyone us minusfour website? Price is not picked up by them
check now seems to have updated :)
edit - "The website is under maintenance. Please come back later."
Question here, I've got half a tank left with U95.
Is it a waste to top up with U98 using this and better wait to be almost empty, or should I just top up?Lock, fill, Lock again…
Good point
Plug for Refinery, where clicking the tile automatically copies the coordinates down for the chopper.
don't really understand why the government is still pushing for fossil fuels, but with petrol prices like. People are going to considering to an EV.
Have noticed that the lock will expire at 2:59am on 7/12/2021, rather than the full 7 days that we had in the past. Is this just me or everyone seeing the same?
Yep, same here.
Cheers, good to know I am not alone…
I thought it's going to expire on the 8th, then I could fill up after the trip on 7/Dec, but now have to fill before that.
Thanks for picking this.Honeypot maybe? Or just an IT person setting the time zone wrong somewhere?
This looks to be fixed. My expiry has updated to usual 7 days.
Just checked mine and it has been updated to 8/12/2021 too! Happy days!
Same. Glad it was fixed.
ok just sent this link to 7/11 and hopefully they make ozb stop posting such "deals"
you’re lucky ozb community standards are so high i’ve got a few words for you mate
Did we ask?
ethical mindset is strong in this one
would you share why you don't think this is a bargain?
Not every heroes wear a cap lol
What's your problem mate - no one is doing anything wrong by reporting where prices are cheapest in the country… the point of a bargain orientated site.
"hopefully they make ozb stop posting such deals"
LOL I dont think you realize how the internet works!
What a flog
why are you even here lol
I dont think posting cheap fuel price is against their T&C
This guy went from complaining about saying this isn’t a good deal to sobbing to 7/11 to do something about it LOL.
7/11 just thanked me for reporting and said they fixed it by changing the price and looking to patch this in future update.
Did they give you a star?
@Hero: hahah…
You should see some of his/her posts. Nothing but a whinger.
I think they are the problem.
They can update as much as they want. Someone always figures out a way…
And you are a tool. Why are you even on here? Do you go running to every company when a deal gets posted telling them to jack their prices?
Any hope for Android users?
You need a rooted phone. I rooted my old phone to use a chopper
I rooted my old phone
hee hee immature laugh
Get your mind out of the gutter 😋
Thank you. Much needed
Has anyone tried locking in fuel via bluestacks with location spoofing?
Yup, can't install My 7 eleven as the android version is not supported
Finally found a new use for my old iPhone 6 lol
Thanks, OP.
Will lock in and provide barcode for people who PM me
But the barcode will only work once, or do you have multiple accounts?
For Pascoe Vale (near Melbourne) suburbs U91 is even cheaper at 152.9c at Woolworths Caltex, 7-11 and Coles Express:
https://petrolspy.com.au/map/latlng/-37.73832547550139/144.9…Different fuel mate.
This deal is for U98
for U91 cheapest 7-11 price is 144.9 (Shellharbour, NSW)Thanks, I now realise that OP is for a different fuel type.
looks like the fun is over
dam. too slow. showing 174.9 for me now
Deal's expired now.
Cwong the legenddddd
Is it ok to use fuel lock interstate?
It’s been fine so far in my experience
As long as you fly your chopper there, or ask someone to fly for you
just did 2 tanks but wasnt fast enough to keep a lock in the chamber… its ok fuel is coming down anyway
Damn, missed out!!
7/11 just thanked me for reporting and said they fixed it by changing the price and looking to patch this in future update.
are you telling everyone so you can feel good about yourself?
am just telling so you could feel bad for ruining the app for others that actually used it in right way.
But we did use it in the right way though?
We observed there was a good price and shared it to people who live in Victoria
Thus the [VIC] tagam just telling so you could feel bad for ruining the app for others that actually used it in right way.
Thanks for your contribution to OzBargain I suppose
You may have ruined it for other people who live in Melbourne near Dandenong as well.
@cwongtech: yea yea im not gonna hide 7/11 deals but i will just report every single of them being psoted.
yea yea im not gonna hide 7/11 deals but i will just report every single of them being psoted.
Confused what you get out of it from this action, you don't get any awards or thank you gift cards from 7-Eleven.
But okay, if this is what makes you happy, feel free to do so, it won't affect me or a lot of people7-Eleven prices vary from store to store, and may change from time to time, unsure why this post has made you so upset, we saw that there was a cheap price listed publicly.
I hope that no matter what happens in the future, that you have a Merry Christmas ahead :)
@newbiesh: Will you report all deals from all stores/vendors that are eligible for price matching henceforth? Because there are many of those around, and with Christmas coming up you might get rather busy with catching them all…
… still waiting to feel bad :/ That bus must be running late.
Actually, I'm still waiting for the bypass DVD region-lock bus…
you are so full of shit……..
Quick, you better report me for calling you what you are……… Looser!
am just doing the right thing, rather be a "looser" than a thief/fraudster.
So you reported this to 7/11 cos you got scammed in the past?
Why are you echoing your comment. Who cares if they patch it. It will be broken again. They are better off not wasting their time and money on a patch when it is easily bypassed.
And once again, you are a tool
well, actually a lot of people would not fill from 7-eleven if not for this feature. There are many areas in VIC where there are competing stations at similar prices. If anything, you are ruining business for 7-11
Ha ha, BS. They won't be able to tell who is in the area and who is "in the area".
hahahahahahaha kinda based actually
Just went through your profile posts…wow what a sad read, I feel pity for you tbh…
True, seems to be pathetic in every single aspect, I really feel for this guy.
So if reporting makes him happier, let's post more 7-11 deals on OZB to cheer him up, you never know, this might be the light in his life.
If anyone needs a lock ever, just PM me. I got you ozbargain family!
I have a couple of accounts locked at this price that I won't be using, exp 8 Dec at 9am. Will share the barcodes to the first two people who PM me.
Anyone's fuel lock for this 98 just disappear like me???
Nah still there. Log out and back in?
Long shot but does anyone have a spare available?
If anyone has a spare code, please let me know. Thank you!
beat me by 30s :)
happy locking