• expired
  • targeted

AmEx Statement Credits: Spend $20 or More, Get $5 Back @ The Reject Shop (in-Store Only)


Spend $20 or More, Get $5 Back @ The Reject Shop.
Got the offer on my Amex Explorer. Likely targeted.

Save the offer to your eligible Card and spend $20 or more, in one transaction, in-store only at The Reject Shop by 31/12/2021 to receive one $5 credit. Limited to the first 15,000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.


  • Offer is limited to one credit per Card to which the offer is saved and only spend on this Card counts towards the Offer.
  • Excludes transactions where you do not spend directly with your Card to which the offer is saved, in-store at The Reject Shop. Offer valid at Australian locations only. Excludes online purchases.
  • Excludes transactions made through a third party establishment or payment processor.
  • Credit is not redeemable for cash or other payment form.
  • Credit should appear on your billing statement within 5 business days from qualifying spend but may take up to 90 days from the offer end date.
  • Credit will not be applied to your Card Account if your Card has been suspended or cancelled.
  • Credit may be reversed if your qualifying purchase is refunded or cancelled.
  • Full Offer Terms available here.

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (2)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (10)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

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American Express
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The Reject Shop
The Reject Shop

closed Comments

  • +13

    I got a different Amex Reject Shop offer….Spend $35 get $10 back.

    • I got this one too, on my Essentials card.

    • +1

      Same for me…

      $35 is my annual spend at the Reject Shop though.

      • +1

        I wonder if they have group gift cards (like coles group)

        • +5

          No Coles. But they do have Visa and apple cards

  • Nice. Got it on all my supplementary cards too. $35 spend though

  • Got $20 for $5 credit but didn't show up on my Velocity Escape. Did show up on supps though.

    Time to buy more Netflix credit!

  • +2

    $3.38 for Cadbury’s hot chocolate $4.50 @ 25% off ($5/20) or $3.21 ($10/35). Never on sale at Coles or Woolies anymore ($5)

  • I got "spend $35 and get $10 back" instead………

    • Same here. Qantas Ultimate AMEX card

  • $5 cb on essentials card.

  • +1

    Netflix GCs

  • Noob question- can the Netflix gift cards be applied to turkey account?

    • +1

      Nope, only for AUS

      • Thanks @lufee

  • What giftcard do they sell? apart from Netflix..(have Turkey)

    • +1
    • +2

      To further clarify the link above from @kerfuffle…

      • The Reject Shop in my area now sells Apple gift cards, and they have $20 denominations too!
      • They used to sell Only1 Visa prepaid gift cards, but switched to Vanilla Visa prepaid gift cards about a year ago. I have seen $25 denominations, but they come with a $3.95 activation fee, which definitely reduces their desirability.
      • Is iTunes different to apple gift cards?

        • There's no noticeable difference between the two gift cards when it comes to redeeming it at Apple, as an App Store & iTunes gift card now functions in the same way as an Apple gift card. (It says so in clause 2 of the Apple gift card terms and conditions.)

          However, the two gift cards look different, Apple has been withdrawing App Store & iTunes gift cards from third-party retailers (e.g. Coles, Woolworths, Target, BIG W) over the last few months, and the Apple gift cards come with a large (colourful) Apple sticker.

  • Any thoughts on when JB will have a 10% off Apple / MBP deal? I'm happy to hold out a fair while - but not too late. Fell like it's incredibly unlikely to be before XMAS and probably before the end of year…

    • Oh wait, I'm an idiot. Wrong amex deal.

  • +2

    I feel "Rejected" as I didn't get targeted to spend at the "reject" shop. Rejected by the Reject indeed

    • Not sure if this is applicable to you but I only started receiving these targeted offers after my first monthly statement.

  • +5

    Got the spend $35 get $10 back on my primary + 4 supps. The best deal I can work out since I have no use for Netflix/Apple/Steam etc gift cards is $175 ($35x5) of Visa gift cards. If bought as 3x$50+$4.95 fee and 1x$25+$3.95 fee is a total spend of $193.80. After the $50 (5x$10) credits that's an out of pocket of $143.80 for $175 value which is a 17.82% net discount. Not a bad way to convert AmEx spending into spends at non-AmEx/AmEx surcharge retailers. I was able to do split payments at the store I happened to be near when I saw this deal but as always, follow the golden rules of don't go at a peak time and have your cards/mobile wallet ready so you're not holding up the queue.

    • how many split pays did you do in a single transaction? i though there was a limit of 3. i tried to buy TRS GC but they said they stopped selling them? i have a few $20 amex offers i wonder if i got a a $50 visa gift card and split pay with 2 amexs can you pay the difference with a TRS GC or use a third amex card and then purchase something later with the third card to make up the difference to $20? i suspect for this offer it has to be a single transaction over $20 not multiple transactions adding up to $20+ allowed?

      • +3

        The offer says “….in one transaction…”

    • I just tried to do this and they said they couldn't split less than the actual gift card item amount. I wanted 3x $25 + 1x $50 + fees = $141.80 split 4 times

      • +2

        Might just have been your store/operator. I did 3x $38 transaction for 2x$50+fees cards the other day and had no problems with it.

      • Cannot see what difference it makes as long as you pay the total amount. I went in 2 weeks ago and asked the girl at check out to split into 10, each was more than the GC as they only had the $25 ones. She was happy to do it but had trouble with the system. She asked a male supervisor to help and he took over. I had to explain that she had agreed to split the transactions, he was not very happy but complied. This was a great deal even for the $25 cards but could have been better.

        • +1

          Thanks daanish and Yola. Will try again

  • -1

    is the stuff they sell actually rejected stuff? If not, it was bad PR to call themselves that.

    I remember as a kid, it was considered an insult to say someone shops at or bought an item from the reject shop.

    This is a question that's been burning for many years now but I never got around to asking about it.

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