This was posted 3 years 3 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

DoorDash eGift Cards 20% Cashback @ ShopBack via App


Just noticed in the ShopBack app. Today (AEDT time) only.

Available in the following denominations:

  • $15 - Limited to 3 purchase per customer
  • $25 - Limited to 2 purchase per customer
  • $50 - Limited to 2 purchase per customer
  • $100 - Limited to 2 purchase per customer (OOS)

Referral Links

Referral: random (3532)

$30 for referrer, $5 for referee after referee qualifies.

Qualifying requirements for referee: 1. Made a minimum $20 online purchase (below exclusions apply), 2. Received a minimum $10 confirmed cashback online, 3. Added banking details to account.

Users will need to fulfil the referral criteria within 180 days from referee's sign-up date to unlock cashback. See all terms

Related Stores

ShopBack AU
ShopBack AU

closed Comments

  • +3

    Seems to be the opening "Daily Deals that Sleigh"? If the deals keep being this good I'll empty my account by Christmas lol.

    Insane amount of cashback!

    Btw $15 is max 3, $25+ is max qty 2

  • Am I eligible the new user bonus if I use gift card to pay?

    • +1

      Yes. The referral bonus is considered as promo code, where gift card is just payment method

  • +6

    Shopback is killing it lately, im going poor

  • Shopback are bringing their A game here.

  • +13

    BUT most restaurants jacked up their price significantly on all delivery platforms.

    • +14

      Yeah, this isn't anything new. Good thing they regularly have 20%+ off codes which combined with 20% off gift cards is alright.

      "It's cheaper to pick up" is just like saying "it's cheaper to cook". Both are true, neither are that helpful.

      • +1

        I know how to pick up but I don't know how to cook. So "it's cheaper to cook" is not true for me.

        • I understand this because I didn't know how to properly cook until lockdown really when I thought I'd give it a try.

          That being said, I'm sure you know how to heat up a pizza, a lasagne, a frozen meal etc.

          Pre cooked food at the supermarket is still cheaper.

      • +1

        Thing is there are always a lot of people who dont realise how much of a mark up these stores and platforms do. Because its not transparent and each store can have different markups with each platform. I only found out how much the markups were last year before that i thought it was quite small and consistant with all stores. Since then i always let people know and i am always surprised by how many people dont know about this. And now these platforms have introduced a service fee as well as a shipping fee as well as the fact that the stores are marked up anyway….

        • So if you don't like it, use the store's delivery service if they have one. Only issue is these tend to have high minimum orders, high delivery fees, no order tracking, no or very little promotions and sometimes inflated prices anyway.

          It's almost like their business model is wanting people to come in store?

          • @decc0: You seem to be missing a couple of the points.

            1. I hadn't known there would be such a mark up till I arrived at the store and saw the store prices on their menu. I wish people had told me how much of a markup there was. I thought maybe there would be 10% but I thought the money they made was from the mass sales and getting discounted pricing from the store due to bringing in alot more business as well as the delivery charges.

            2. This was pick up not delivery.

            • @lonewolf: correct happened to me. shocked when looking the menu.
              but after that, when ordering online we check the restaurant website to see if how much the mark up. sometimes we decided not to order from those
              yeah terrible terrible

            • -1


              I hadn't known there would be such a mark up

              You had time to compare their menu to their offering on Doordash etc.

              I wish people had told me how much of a markup there was.

              Again, would've taken a few seconds to Google.

              getting discounted pricing from the store due to bringing in a lot more business

              Stores hate using these platforms, especially for people picking up anyway. They have to either mark up or take a loss. They can't try an upsell, have to deal with no shows or latecomers who then rate poorly because food is cold etc. Most places have an app these days specifically to combat this.

              • @decc0: Nope and nope, They did not have prices online. I saw the menu in store when i went to pickup.

                but more importantly you are still missing the point. I hadnt known there were these kinds of markups, its only after i found out that i started to really check every single item i order. Some mains may have a smaller mark up than others in the same store, some delivery platforms will have different prices for the same store. I hadnt known all this till people started to report it and / or i started to experience it myself. As well as I believe the markups have been increasing steadily from when they first started.

                • @lonewolf: Nice neg.

                  I hadnt known there were these kinds of markups,

                  Whose fault is that? It's not like Uber Eats is going to advertise on their front page "we charge a 30% fee to our restaurants so please order from them directly". Prices are directly set by the merchant, that means they can charge what they like. You agreed to pay it.

                  markups have been increasing steadily

                  Do you have any idea how business works? Just curious. They don't go "this is making us a profit, so let's lower our earnings for the customers benefit". It's not a coincidence that restaurants have promotions based on what they need to get rid of and have higher markups on popular items.

                  What's the point I'm missing exactly? That you thought food delivery platforms operate a charity service? The entitlement is astounding.

                  • @decc0: I actually didnt mean to, Sorry. I was trying to put a positive on the thread below on the phone. I tried to remove it but couldnt find a way to remove it even when i went on my desktop.

                    but whatever you are obviously missing the point that there are a lot of people who had no clue how much of a markup was going on. You know why , like i mentioned because there were a lot of other kinds of situations like voucher / coupon companies that made a deal with a restaurant, we will get your products at a discount due to the fact that we will bring in a lot more sales to more than make up for the discounted pricing. As well as filling in empty tables.

                    When I eat in a restaurant the past few years, I see far more orders being picked up by delivery platforms than the amount of people seated in the restaurant. Besides peak periods for restaurants where some might be lunchtime close to work places and others might be weekend dinner times, the restaurants generally work with a lot of empty seats and not many orders at other times. Delivery platforms have changed that.

                    And frankly considering how many people always report how they got surprised at the markups, obviously this is something that they didnt realise at first. And since you have decided to start personal insults, this is no longer a useful discussion.

                    • +1

                      @lonewolf: But i thought the shop should treat this as kind of promotion marketing cost therefore they should prepared of getting less profit? I mean with uber etc people may want to try them because of the delivery, especiallyduring lockdown. And in the future they may go to the shop to dine in if the food is good.
                      Imagine if restaurant need to have their own drivers? And app…
                      Thats why i feel it is wrong for restaurants to just mark up 30% more because uber charge 30%.
                      Ok maybe markup 5% and absorb the rest as cost of marketing and having delivery feature and no need to hire dishwasher staff maybe lol

                      • @McMaferMur: Exactly, I agree. I think a lot of people thought that too because thats how the voucher / coupon companies worked. Increase sales, bring new people to the restaurant that normally would never have heard of it or gone there as well as fill up the quiet times where there is not much business. Since the biggest cost for restaurants is the rent, this way it ensures the restaurants are busy and making more sales for more of the period.

                        Fact is with delivery platforms and voucher companies, i have discovered new restaurants that i normally would not have found out about and have since gone back to the restaurant numerous times directly.

                        Yes, I had thought there was a small markup or the markup was in the delivery fee as well as that the service was getting a discount off the restaurant. I didnt realise both restaurant and delivery platform were having markups .And now with service fee as well as a delivery fee as well as a markup on the actual menu items. And with the delivery platform not only making money from the restaurant but also making money from the customer, they are making a killing.

                      • @McMaferMur: It depends on the restaurant you go to. I know the one I work at, we've been booked out a week in advance.

                        Our lunch menu, we do an in house special of meal + drink that we only make $4 on (after fixed costs, wages and ingredients, not including maintenance, unsatisfied customers needing to remake an order, laundry fees etc).

                        If the restaurant I work out decided to take your idea of absorbing 25% of the cost they'd be struggling to break even, while Uber is laughing all the way to the bank. I think it is entirely fair if someone doesn't want to cook and expects a meal to their door they should pay a premium for that.

                        I think you overestimate the amount restaurants make, and have lost during the pandemic. Just tell me how many restaurants have gone out of business and how many food delivery platforms have seen their customer base/profits go down?

    • +1

      I usually buy from offers and see how much diff it is. often either find free delivery or 20% off which negates the delivery. it's really for when I'm too tired too cook

    • +10

      Uber has been the absolute worst for me, most places jacking up the price by 20-40%

      • +6

        Amen to this.. I stopped using ubereat long time ago since the jack up.. I don't mind pay delivery fee, but jacking up individual food price is just stupid

      • I cant remember now if it was uber or menulog, but one of the stores i went to pick up from, had a markup of about 80% or so for mains.. It floored me. Went from $11 (store price) to 18-19$ (uber/menulog)…..

  • Wow

  • This is pretty insane actually considering you can also pickup.
    Going to get 2 x $100 for now and may get some more others denominators later on the day.

    Will see how it tracks first before going doors deep.

    Update: almost Instant tracking

    • Did you get instant tracking for both cards? I also purchased 2 cards and only one of my cards has tracked. 10 mins has elapsed…

      • +1

        received 2 minutes after purchase with both tracked in the same email

  • Anyone know if the gift cards are single use?
    If I buy a $100 gift card, will I need to use it all in one transaction?

    • +4

      No. The remaining amount will be in your account.

      • Legend, thanks!

  • Thanks OP.

  • Thanks OP x2

  • +1

    Does this mean I can buy all denominations with a total of $395? If someone already bought, please confirm. Thanks.

    Bought $100 x2 and got tracked instantly. Just double check before getting other denominations.

    • Yes, is it 2-3 per value or all up?

      Either way, it puts Cash rewards to shame with their puny little % on DD cards.

    • I just did that and cashback tracking was instant.

  • +1

    I have quite a bit of dd credit from previous offers. It could be my imagination but I seem to get less targeted offers from them since I built up some credit which has made me wonder if they do this as they know you have to spend with them sometime.

  • Broaden time

  • +3

    Thanks OP. Bought to the limit allowed on all cards - $395. Got $79 in total cashback which tracked instantly.

    • +1

      I'll join your party to $350 worth .

  • Expiry date? Or how long to use up after adding in account?

    • +1

      31st Dec 2031

      • Thanks. My bad. Just noticed. That's pretty long.

  • +1

    If later, we go through shopback and use doordash gift card to place order, will that track?

  • -1

    Last few times I’ve gone to order DoorDash, the delivery time has been over an hour. Gone to UberEats, and they’re about 40mins

  • if I pay using door dash cashback credit, will I still get the 20% CB?

    • +1


  • my local prices are much higher on DD than on their own menu.

  • if i got targetted email offer "take 50% off your next order up to $10" (there is unique code to enter at checkout)
    will i get that offer when using this DD gift card to pay?

    • +1

      Yes, in my experience gift card is as good as cash on Doordash. Once it's redeemed it's a balance in your account that can be selected as a payment method and can be stacked with any offers/promotion including cashback with shopback for the order itself.

      • oh yeah make sense, on checkout apply code the amount reduce then go to payment method. sweet.

  • Is it just me or is the limit now limited to one card per denomination?

    • I just bought 2 x 100

    • I bought one and the text on the app says limit 1 transaction for the $100 one. but I was able to buy it twice

  • Limits have changed for lower denominations.

    • +1

      Still the same for me? Just bought 3x $15 ones, gonna buy 2x $25 now

      • Weird. It was definitely saying and only allowing 1 for a bit there (I had bought 1 of each and going to buy another when it happened)… but It's working again. Gremlins or someone pulling strings behind the curtain…

      • any reason to do small ones instead of just 1 x $100 for example ?

        • Easier to split across different accounts I my friends and I hold.

  • tracked instantly

  • Does this stack with current 25% off promo on app?

    Can you pay with the cards and also use the promo?

    • +3

      yup yup DD giftcards are just like money once you loaded to your DD app account so any future deals promos will works fine read from top

  • -8

    Yeah, after getting the wrong order three times in a row I won't waste my time.

    Also disgusting labour practice.

    • The one time i got a wrong order I contacted support and got a full refund in addition to keeping the food, do I see it as more of a win really.

  • Dodged a bullet, no DoorDash here my wallet is on life support already.

  • $100 GC sold out. $50 one says that the deal is limited to one purchase can anyone confirm?

    • Confirm $100 is sold out. $50 still says 2 purchase limit.

  • +2

    Bought doordash gift card from shopback before.

    For whatever reason after I redeem my gift card in my doordash account,
    and tried to place order with my name, my address, doordash disabled my account saying security risk.

    Contacted doordash customer support multiple times, they eventually re-enabled my account, tried to place order and pay with the redeemed gift card credit, banned again.

    Contacted customer support multiple times, re-enabled, this time try to place order using credit card with my own name, delivery to the billing address, banned again.

    So when use or redeem your gift card with doordash, you want to consider this , you maybe flagged as unsafe user for whatever reason and they refuse to serve you. I'd stay with credit card or paypal with doordash since such bad experience.
    With so many apps and services, doordash is the only app trying to block me disable my account , in 10 years, and I haven't done any suspicious activity. All payment methods are in my own name, deliver address is billing address

    • -3

      haven't done any suspicious activity

      For them you bought a discounted gift card hehe :)
      Very Naughty Boy !

    • Did you order on the website?

      • Yes I always place order on their website

        • Try using the app and paying with apple/google pay. It happened to me before.

          • @me1stt: ok will try. But that means I cant use my redeemed gift card XD

            • @aboutconfig: I think you still can.

              What I did was selecting apple pay as the default payment method first, and then placed an order not exceeding the gift card balance.

              Didn’t add any card.

              • @me1stt: To be clear you didn't have any card in your Apple pay/Google pay and so it took from your redeemed gift card balance?

                • @MatrixM: I didn’t add any card in DoorDash account.

    • +1

      Do you have more than one doordash account in your household? Usually they block you if they detect the same IP address across several accounts.

  • Overall 2 cards per customer or 2 card per each gift card values ? if anyone got info, please share it. will try to reach out store rep to see if they can answer here as well

    • +1

      The limit is per denomination. For example you can get 3 $15, 2 $25 and 2 $50 for a total of $195 worth of gift cards. I did that and all 7 transactions tracked instantly.

      • thank you.

  • Have 3 doordash uber eats menulog and shopback accounts across three mobile phone numbers and three prepaid Visa cards I got 7% off. When combining with shop back or cash rewards offers and the odd buy one get one free it's good value

  • +1

    FFFFFFFFFF. Missed it!

  • Damn forgot to buy!

    • +1


  • -3

    Ooo gee didn't realise the gift cards all go onto one account at once

    Got $100 and thought I could use across multiple accounts stacking with new user codes


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