I currently have a Logitech G810 which has begun chattering (typing keys multiple times when pressed).
I'm looking for a replacement and have $230 JB voucher I was planning on using.
There are quite a few available at this price point so was hoping for some recommendations or advice?
Full size
Backlit (doesn't have to be pretty - just so can see it in the dark)
Mechanical (not sure what type of switch but I don't mind a bit clicky)
Volume control would be nice
I've been scrolling back and forth here: https://www.jbhifi.com.au/collections/computers-tablets/keyb… trying to decide on one. There are a few brands I'm not familiar with like Roccat and Gtek - are they worth considering?
Is there any one or two keyboards that stand out at that price point?
Thx in advance.
have a razer blackwidow 2013 for 8 years now, still going strong. if you like it i'd say go for that brand.