Same as previous deal ( but extended to 17/04/12. $29 * 12 month plan (with 1 month free)= $319
Nokia C7, Samsung Galaxy S1, HTC Desire HD and Z, HTC Salsa,and Nexus S. Nokia N9 not available.
Same as previous deal ( but extended to 17/04/12. $29 * 12 month plan (with 1 month free)= $319
Nokia C7, Samsung Galaxy S1, HTC Desire HD and Z, HTC Salsa,and Nexus S. Nokia N9 not available.
Referrer & referee receive $25-$50 credit after referee's 3rd monthly bill.
HTC Desire HD is an alright phone and good value for this price
If you can find one in stock at a VF/3 store, it is $199 to buy outright.
where did you hear this?
Until very recently I worked for Vodafone. It's on the pricing matrix - got a price drop a while back, but I was asked not to put any more deals on OzB. They're probably a little harder to get hold of than they were a week or two ago, but if you go into a store with no stock, they can look up stores which have them on their till.
thats great price, worth getting rid of my iPhone 3G for that. But I am waiting for the One X.
I believe the Desire Z was on the $19/12month plan in last month.
Xperia Arc would be my pick.
I was sold on the arc until i found out it doesnt have a front facing cam.
havent pick up mine at the post office, will do it on saturday :D
what are the odds of the n9 being restocked?
Is unlocked Sony Xperia Arc one month old good value for $200. Someone at work is selling it.
Yep, take it quick before they change their mind!
well with this deal, for extra $120 you get year worth of calls and a new phones…
and its on 850mhz
Wonder if these are unlocked? Anyone know?