Seeking Robot Vacuum Cleaner Advice

Just moved into my new house ~ 500sqm internal. Wooden floors with some carpet. Got a dog that sheds a bit of hair (nothing crazy).

Unfortunately its going to take a while to develop the yard around the house so i'm surrounded by a big dust bowl for the next couple months.

Pricewise ideal spot would be around $1,000, but i could be convinced to go to $1,500 is something is significantly better.



  • No reason to go above $600 imho
    Plenty of great options in the Viomi s9 - with auto emptier (probably a must for a house with a dog)

    If you really want to spend go the Roborock S7 with auto empty dock, although this will cost a bit.l

  • Eufy t9+. have one with a long haired german shep and couldnt imagine life without it. Single story 180sqm with tile and carpet.

    On sale now for the $1k price point i think at JB HiFi (actually i should post a deal)… normally around the $1300 mark including the self emptiying bin.

    good luck and now is the time to buy!

  • +3

    We have the OG Roborock, Roborock S5 and Roborock S7 (without the dock).

    For $1k the Roborock S7 is amazing. I wouldn't bother spending the extra $500 for the dock to save 30 seconds of emptying the dustbin. The mop function is actually excellent as well, saves us mopping floorboards except for once every couple of weeks.

    The S5 is also great as a vacuum, mop is less great but as a day to day vacuum you wouldn't tell the difference between the S5 and S7.

  • +1

    Top 5 Best Robot Vacuums 2021- Vacuum Wars!

  • I've been looking at the Ecovacs Deebot T9+ and the Roborock S7. They both seem like a good choice but the T9 comes with a self empty station and it's still cheaper than the S7.

    If anyone has either, feel free to share your experiences with them (also for OP's sake!).

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