• expired

Pauls Zymil 12x 1L for $2.40 @ NQR Boronia, VIC


Hey guys, I know it might not be the best deal because it's most likely only in a limited area, but found this milk for really cheap. It's meant to be easier to digest so it could be safe for all those IBT sufferers out there.
A carton at $2.40 equates to about 20c a liter…. or even 2c per 100ml!
Expiry on most of them were about 8th of April and looked like they still had a few in stock. Could be useful if you have the need for that much milk/fridge space.
Enjoy! …..wipes away milk moustache…

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Can I just say zymil is a delicious tasting milk. Slightly sweet and really really tasty

      • It's actually true

        Not a bad thing. Positive on the spew side.

        • +1

          Actually, it depends on whether the baby is formula fed or not.. Just for those who care. :P

          Formula vomit is worse than normal vomit ..

        • True, true

  • +1

    WTF??? 20c a Litre….

    • +2

      probably discontinued product or close to expiry date.
      Edit: 8th april as in description so not bad at all!

      • Its not discontinued, Ive been drinking it for ages (love milk, not great with lactose though).

        It's still in all the majors (3 different kinds, made by parmalat)

        Going to go tomorrow!!

    • +1

      Wholesale package. ie. brown box. Pretty common for NQR, et al.

      • +1

        stupid they force you to buy 12 litres though, not that many people need that much milk. 4 for $1 would be much better.

        • Stupid for us, not for them. They just need to clear it fast. It's got just over a week left on the expiry, and they appear to have quite a substantial quantity on display - let alone what's out the back …

          And seriously, if you don't use it all, just use it to water the garden or something .. If only cars ran on milk.

        • it would be better for them too because more people would buy it.

        • Turn half of it into yoghurt, extend the use by date by a week. Can be done super easily in a slow cooker!

  • If those zymil are on the shelf under room temperature like the pink ones next to them, DO NOT BUY THEM. Milk pack in these packages needs to be refrigerated. The refrigerated package looks like this: http://www.zymil.com.au/blog/2011/09/16/exciting-news-for-zy…

    The long life zymil package that can store up to 12 month under room temperature looks like this: http://www2.woolworthsonline.com.au/Shop/ProductDetails?Stoc…

    • looks like their fridges to me, hard to tell from that pic but i think it is.

    • +2

      I hate to say it, but I'm pretty sure that is the refrigerated section in Boronia's NQR …

      Last time I went I left very quickly - it's not a very well maintained shop. And it was way overstocked, boxes balanced very dangerously in customer pathways. =/

    • +4

      It's not long life milk and it is refrigerated.

  • +1

    I once got my dog some dog food from NQR in Boronia. Opened the can up, and it was covered with a thick layer of mold.

    Haven't been back since.

    • -6

      Oh, and this NQR place was also the cannery? What a stupid post!

  • No it wasn't, but a crappy cheap store with crappy out of date food = crappy.

    • The thing is, even if it was out of date if it had been canned properly it should be able to get mold in it as there would be a leak somewhere for moisture and air to get in. But some of the food is crappy and I wont bother defending that, but there is quite a lot of ok food at great prices.

  • lol @ 1.45 each. An extra 11 for 95 cents!

    • Haha yeah I know. I've never had it before, wouldn't minded trying it, but I wasn't keen on for $1.45…. someone split a case with me and I might be interested

      • +4

        "wasn't keen on for $1.45"

        I think we have a winner for the tightest person on this site.

      • +2

        Its excellent milk.
        As stated above its slightly sweeter than regular milk, this is due to the lactose being converted to galactose which is sweeter and also doesn't associate with the digestion difficulties that lactose does.

        I've been drinking it for hmm maybe a year or more, I now notice very quickly when I drink regular milk (and feel odd for some time after).

        • +2

          Wasn't Galactose a villain from the Marvel universe….

  • What's NQR out of interest?

      • .com.au is my friend?

        Looks awesome!

    • +1

      Not Quite Right … hehe ;-)

  • +1

    One of the deals of the year. Great find.

  • I read Zymil and immediately thought of Deus Ex

  • I suppose they don't have NQRs in NSW?

  • +1

    What would anyone do with so much milk?
    The only use I can think of is that coloured milk challenge that news websites tell me the kids are into these days
    (you drink 3 litres of milk with food colouring and then vomit all back up with hilarious results)

  • +1

    Why are the cartons pink? I buy Zymil and they are always blue, I've never seen pink.
    edit never mind, I just researched and found they now have skim milk. Pink = skim
    You should probably edit the title so people dont think it's the full cream or low fat cartons.

    • Yeah and for some reason the skim is cheaper than the low fat, which is the opposite of normal milk.

  • Plenty left there this morning. Simply halved a box with my Mum & Dad. I use skim milk powder and generally consume 500ml per day. A bag of skim milk powder is $5.99 and makes 10L; this is 12L already made up with almost identical nutritional make up for much less than half the price. Granted, I couldn't consume the lot by 8th April on my own, the kids and partner drink full cream and light milk, but if you have someone to split the dozen with, or if you have a family that all drink skim milk, you're laughing!

    • Glad you managed to get some stock. I still live at home with the rents and had no need to buy it (def don't have the shelf space for 12 at home)

  • Thanks OP! My wife got a couple of boxes worth yesterday morning! OZB to the resue again!!

  • Why does this stuff have slightly longer expiry dates than normal fresh milk?

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