Apple issusing refunds for iPad 3 [3G] Models

APPLE has offered to refund customers who bought the new iPad expecting to use Telstra's 4G network, but denies it has misled the public.

In Federal Court proceedings brought by the consumer watchdog in Melbourne today, lawyers for the computer giant said the company was willing to take steps to ensure consumers did not mistakenly buy the iPad 3 believing it could connect to Telstra's fastest wireless network.

Paul Anastassiou SC, representing Apple, said it would offer refunds and returns to customers "if they claim to have been in any way misled in relation to the reference to 4G."

"At no point in any promotional material for which Apple was responsible has Apple said at any time that the new Apple device is compatible (with Telstra 4G)," he said.

"No such representation in our submission is conveyed by the use of the acronym 4G in the name of the device.

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  • +1

    Wow, well that's very disappointing it doesn't work on telstra 4G..good to know. Thanks for posting.

  • +2

    This is kind of surprising. I thought was made very clear in the Australian press media that it does not support the same 4G as Telstra delivers.

  • Hmmm

    Maybe they will special prices on "refurbished" [returned] stock?


  • So the real question now is, when Optus rolls out 4G will it be legal then?

  • No It will not work in the Optus 4 G, we use a different frequency in Australia and the ipad 3 does not have a receiver in it for that frequency.
    Regardless, if you only bought an ipad 3 because you canuse on the 4G network…. seems like a strange reason why to me. It still works fine on 3G and all of the other updates work perfectly.

    • How about some specifics?

      • Apple's new iPad comes with the capability to connect to a long-term evolution (LTE) or "4G" networks in the 700MHz or 2100MHz spectrum band. Australia's only LTE network is currently provided by Telstra, which uses its former 2G spectrum band of 1800MHz.

        Optus will be using the same frequency for their 4G.

        • Actually Optus is using the 1800mhz for their 4g, also 700mhz is currently used for Analog TV.

          Its very unlikely the telco's will use same frequencies for anything

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