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[PC, Steam] Half Life: Alyx $42.47 @ Steam


Good deal for those who just bought a quest headset

Other vr games on Steam are significantly discounted

Arizona sunshine is $15

Pistol whip is 30 percent off

Skyrim $30

Fallout 4 $27

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Does Quest still need $1K+ PC to run Alyx?

    • +16

      There is no native port of Alyx for the quest. You still need a good gaming pc to stream it to the quest.

    • yes, you need a PC worth at least a thousand dollars to play PC-powered VR games on it.

      • +14

        Tha game checks your PC's components against https://pcpartpicker.com/ and refuses to run if the price is less than $1,000.00.

        • +6

          I can confirm that this is the case. My PC was purchased for $979.56 and it refused to run.

          • @frankthetank: that's what happens when you score too many bargains.. the price drops below the threshold in which the game will run

      • +2

        My old Pentium 133 cost over $1000, that's great to know it'll be VR capable!

    • +2

      If you're willing to put in the effort, hit the used market for GPUs. Currently, I'm running a R9 290 that I found on eBay for $100. Sure it's 8 years old and doesn't get drivers any more, but it can run PCVR games streamed wirelessly to my Quest 2 at 66% resolution at a consistent 72Hz. 66% percent sounds shit yes, but the Quest 2 has such a high resolution that 66% is still legible, the only thing that worsens playability wise is that you need text to be closer to you.

    • +1

      Worked fine on my old 1070

    • +1

      Works fine on my NVIDIA 960. Amazed at how well optimised that game is.

  • +7

    Worth even at full price

  • Amazing! I was just checking the price yesterday!

  • +4

    Its a pretty impressive PC VR title and once you get through the whole process of setting up SteamVR and adding experimental settings on the quest it runs pretty well ( Gaming PC ) hard wired and access point close to where the Oculus is being used.

  • +1

    Hoping Samsung eventually give me the $40 steam credit they approved me for mid October to use on this.

    • +2

      I had to constantly email them for every ssd promotion.

      • Well the idiots never managed to get me the vouchers despite 'escalating it' so I've missed the sale. I'll keep that in mind for the next redemption.

  • Thanks!

    I just purchased. Can't wait to get home to try this out with my oculus quest 2

  • +7

    I also just got a Quest 2: If it helps anyone: Skyrim and Fallout 4 are quite a bit cheaper on cdkeys.com. I bought both from them last night and activated immediately with no problems. No VPN needed.

    Skyrim VR $20.99: https://www.cdkeys.com/pc/games/the-elder-scrolls-v-5-skyrim…

    Fallout 4 VR $18.89: https://www.cdkeys.com/fallout-4-vr-pc-steam-cd-key

  • Can you use a quest on steam without having to link the quest to facebook?

    • +1

      Not yet. Next year, but I suspect that is just linking to meta instead which is the same thing I guess. In the past you could just use an occulus account but since occulus is owned by facebook I guess that is the same thing too.

  • +1

    Thumper is also on sale for 75% off and is currently $7.50

  • +3


    Best VR Game ever.

  • +1

    Can this be played without VR or is it VR only?

    • +1

      It's a game built from the ground up for VR, so no you can't play without a headset.

    • +1

      There's a mod that lets you play it without a headset. Would strongly recommend playing it in VR though.

  • +2

    I bought this game last time it was half price a year or so ago and then picked up a $130 og oculus and was blown away with how good it is!!! It sucks because there's absolutely nothing else like it out there. Set the bar way too high for me lol

    • If you're looking for something similar in the VR space I would highly recommend The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners, which is also on sale on Steam right now. Has a lot of the same gameplay and polish as Alyx, beautiful visuals, and a great story.

  • Thanks OP, been wanting to pick up this game for sometime

  • Been waiting for this to go on sale for a while now & was expecting Black Friday deals would send it down. Cheers OP.

  • Great game!! Cannot recommend this enough!! I picked this up for ~40%off last time it was on sale, and I just finished it. :(

    Looking forward to perhaps giving Pistol Whip a crack.

  • +1

    How's performance in general now? I remember playing through the game at the start of the year with a 3080 and 5800x and having huge stuttering issues while using a quest 2.

    • I played it with a Ryzen 3600 and a 5700xt and I reckon I only felt fps dips maybe half a dozen times with most settings maxed.

    • You shouldn’t have had any performance issues to begin with. I have 3070 and 5600X, played on max resolutions and 120hz, 0 stuttering

  • STAR WARS: Squadrons also down 63% to $18.48

  • is this kind of counterstrike (3rd person shooting?) type of game? not my cup of tea on the normal pc but now i have oculus should i try ?

    • +3

      It is a first person shooting game but not like Counter-Strike, it's a singleplayer game with a campaign storyline you play through. No multiplayer. Counter-Strike is not a third person shooter, you may be thinking of Fortnite?

      Try out this free VR Experience created by Valve to see what you think of using your VR with it, you will be able to see if your laptop can handle it too.


  • will my laptop able to handle?

    Intel Core i5 9300H (2.4 GHz ~ 4.10 GHz, 4 cores)
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB GDDR5
    512GB SSD

      • i tried that it says can at minimal, but strange is the steam report says that i am using the intel gpu not nvidia.
        i have looked at internet for hours, tried different solutions but no success (to force my laptop to use nvida).

        • +2

          I know nothing. Try doing it with a monitor connected.

        • +1

          I'm pretty sure that's just a bug and it's actually using the nvidia GPU. You can check by running the test and looking at the graph in the performance tab of task manager to confirm.

  • Sooooo tempted. I ended up buying the Orange Box on console recently to see how it runs and works great on current gen Xbox.

    I wish they did a non VR version as I don't have a VR headset.

  • Damn my ocu arrives early dec…. too late this expired 2nd….

    • Nothing stopping you from buying now is there?

    • You know you don't need a headset to purchase the game right 😂

    • Do you need Facebook to use an occi?

  • +1

    I would love to play it but I wouldnt be able to handle flying headcrabs in VR.

    • Headcrabs flying at me was terrifying. But… boy there is a whole stage level where it is designed to scare you. I collapsed on the floor couple times.

  • Got my headset yesterday and working over airlink well. Seems much higher quality than old wmr games

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