This was posted 3 years 3 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4, PS5] PS+ Games Dec 2021 - Godfall, Mortal Shell, LEGO DC Super Villians @ PlayStation


Leaked from the same reliable source that has been leaking them correctly for months.

  • Godfall (PS5 & PS4)
  • Mortal Shell (PS4)
  • LEGO DC Super Villians (PS4)


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closed Comments

  • -6

    Highly doubt it. Usually a full multiplayer game.

  • +2

    Still not enough to convince me to play god[awful]fall

    • +1

      It's enough for me.
      I bought it in launch and returned it. Bit for free I will have no issues

      • +1

        I really liked it. Short game tho

  • +6

    Amazing month if true, wonder if we’ll be able to upgrade Mortal Shell to the PS5 Enhanced Edition or will this be another FF7 Remake situation

  • +6

    It's the month of Christmas. Is this what you got Sony? 😂

  • Been wanting to play mortal shell!

  • Just bought Godfall on Ps store two weeks ago. Reckon they will give me a refund?

    • +1

      I think they only give refunds if you haven't installed it and played it

      • +2

        And i think it has to be within 14 days

        • Nailed it! Thank goodness each week is 7 days or wed be screwed

          • +1

            @ozbjunkie: Well really if the week was 6 days long ..Wed would be screwed 😋

    • +7

      Sony is the worst company I’ve ever dealt with regarding refunds. Buy physical copies in future :)

    • It’s not the full version of godfall, it’s just the multiplayer part

      • :o

  • +3

    Usual rubbish games

  • +10

    Looks like I'm not redeeming my $53.30/12mths PS+ just yet

    • $33 for me

  • +1

    I was about to buy DC Villians on steam, 5mins ago, on sales for $7 something. But for "free" is even better. Even though my PS+ expires in december.

  • +1

    I don't think even with the black friday sale I'll renew my PS+ membership. Too old and with kids now to game online with mates ha, and the last game that probably excited me from PS+ was FF7.

    • +3

      Come on mate, never to old. You just need one of your faithful mates with a PS4. I jump on with my mate and play Battlefield 4 .We have our own squad which means we can talk to each other when playing. We get our butt kicked sometimes but they much younger and also invest in auto aim hacks… We in our fifties…..

      • +1


  • +1

    I'm interested to know what the challenger edition of godfall is. Is it godfall 'lite'? Or is it higher than the base edition?

  • Mortal Shell is by far the best Souls clone. If you were ever on the fence, you’re in luck!

  • Can you play Lego DC Super Villains co-op with a friend over the internet? Or is it only couch co-op?

    Could you use Share Play to simulate couch co-op?

  • +1

    Hope this leak is false, don't like any of them. But then again got a huge backlog of PS3/4 and switch games, yep you read that right, backlog since PS3 days 😵😩

    • +1

      Me too, still have some PS2 games I haven't completed either, massive pile of shame.

      • +1

        Same, but I've abandoned the PS2 sadly…

  • These games have been confirmed by Playstation Germany.

  • +1

    2 games and a demo. That's poor. I rarely complain about any month, as I like to try out different genres, but this is terrible.

    Least give us a full base game.

  • Link updated to official blogpost announcement:…

  • +1

    So Godfall isn’t the actual full game? Which parts we getting then?

    Overall still a reasonable month, not sure what people are genuinely expecting. I paid $40 and $33.30 for 2 years worth of PS+.

    People expect the world, only to be given an atlas and get mad. But at those prices I’m happy with my atlas

    • A few modes at the endgame, where everything is maxed out.

    • Reveal trailer here:

      Seems to give you maxed out player (which defies point of progression looter) but with intent to jump into end-game modes with friends and play along straight away. Think boosted Destiny or WoW accounts I suppose.

    • Considering what people on Xbox get, PS is a joke.

      I didn't even renew my membership and only been a member 3-4 months.

      It's been horrible, not sure what I expected but better than what I've seen.

  • +2

    Godfall: Challenger Edition is now live as it ticked over to midnight. Other two still not updated yet.

  • +1

    If your interested the Lego DC Super-Villains Season Pass is on sale $5.73…

  • Phew, almost bought Godfall for PS5.

    • It ain't the full game tho.

  • Godfall is a stripped out demo version. Online advice recommends not adding it to your account to show Sony this is not a precedent we want to be set. Sucks either way though

    • I just don't give them any money, I play Warzone for free or buy games used online 🤣

      • And you bought a used console right?

        • Nope, but I got my ps5 for $608 after 19% discounts lol

          I did buy my PS4 pro used!

          • @[Deactivated]: I got mine by trading in PS4 Pro, some games, an extra controller and paid $50.

    • +1

      This is incorrect. Stop spreading this misinformation.

      It's not a "stripped out demo" as everyone is trashing it online. It provides you a maxed out character to join friends in the endgame content which is what everyone plays nowadays.

      It does not include the campaign but this is basically a tutorial to grind you through the process to max out the character that doesn't have much of a story to it really.

      So it defies the whole point of 0-max looter progression in a game, but isn't really a "demo". It's straight to endgame content with all 3 modes available as well as looter progression from there on out.

      Still a relatively mediocre game once the shiny graphics wears off which is what it should be criticised for. Not this "demo" nonsense.

      • So does that mean Godfall's single player mode is not worth playing?

        • 100% yes. Hence it was cut out from this version so people get to playing endgame straight away.

          It's like how World of Warcraft or Diablo 3 would give you a boost to Level 70 so you can enjoy the newer content straight away. The difference is those games still have lore and worth playing from 0 if you wanted to. Godfall isn't.

  • At the risk of upsetting some of the elitists around here, I found Mortal shell to be enjoyable enough. Not great, but serviceable.

  • What happens to those games once December is over? Do they stay in your collection?

    • +2

      You retain access to them as long as your PS+ subscription is active. Including if it lapses and you re-subscribe at a later date.

  • Wait, I thought there will be Judge Eyes as well.

    • Asia-only.

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