So basically, I decided to give Click Frenzy a try recently when they had the one-in-a-million deals for airpods, etc. In doing so, I was required to put in my real phone number in case I had won. Normally, I would avoid giving out my real number like the plague, but I thought, why not… OzBargain seems happy with Click Frenzy.
Today, I have received scam/robo calls from 2 unknown numbers so far, and it's just after lunch time. I have been getting 1-2 a day and this seems to have started following me signing up for Click Frenzy. This could just be a coincidence, but wanted to ask you all to see if anyone is having a similar experience. For reference, I'm in Sydney, but I'm not sure if that matters.
Never got any text from Click Frenzy saying that I won, was kinda bummed about that lol.
But no, no scam or spam texts or calls. Also in Sydney.