Over the past year I've seen other Ozbargainers complain about the number of Amazon deals on this website. I was wondering if there should be a a checkbox that allows us to not show Amazon deals?
I'm not an Amazon subscriber and I'm guessing most Ozbargainers are the same. The delivery on Amazon kills most deals if you are not an Amazon member.
Don't Show Amazon checkbox for OzBargain?

Great. I just tried it and it works!!
I've been an Ozbargainer for years and never knew about this feature.
I'm using it for Costco too.Next question. How do I UNhide, if say, I subscribe to Amazon Prime?
All the blocked items should be under your settings - blocked tab.
I interpreted the intent of the question differently. I imagine if delivery was free he would be happy to see the Amazon deals. In other words, what he needs is to block a consistent deal tag that implies "Amazon Prime Members Only Will Receive Free Delivery" or "Amazon Prime Exclusive" (e.g. free eBooks).
They'd still show on his front page though, as there's only an option to hide tags on the new deals page. I suggested having an option added for the front page a while back, but there's been no change. Not sure why an option for front page wasn't added along with hiding from new deals in the first place.
- I'm not an Amazon subscriber and I'm guessing most Ozbargainers are the same.
I would have thought the opposite, seems like quite a lot of people have prime memberships based on votes.
Absolutely. It's probably the best value $59 12 month subscription around. Especially when you consider Prime Video and Amazon Music thrown in.
Plenty of free games too (including AAAs).
bought amazon prime 3 months before my first child arrived. it has saved me thousands of dollars in deliveries but also time.
Anything I order from Auspost can take 2-8 weeks to deliver at the moment. If Amazon says next day it arrives next day, it solves so many hassles for me on knowing when something will actually arrive.
I get their warehouses aren't great but it's literally a zero skill job, wheel around a trolley and pick stuff up. There's no shortage of people willing to do it and earn $30 an hour. Conditions in Australia are far better than the US because we have decent workplace laws, they're safe locations where you just work then go home again.
Plus Prime Video is great. Love me some Grand Tour and Expanse. I cancelled Netflix recently, at $23 a month I'd rather just buy blurays of the shows I want to watch.
Same here, after a few failed deliveries from eBay, I prefer to stick with Amazon.
Not a heavy shopper but seeing the benefit from prime video and games, so decided to stay.
The delivery on Amazon kills most deals if you are not an Amazon member.
You're this close to getting it
I wouldn't bother becoming a Prime member OP. Save your money and put it towards paying more for the exact same items from somewhere else.
You can go to any deal, click on "Hide" and select the option to hide all deals from this store.