Is There Any Way to Pay off Zippay with Credit Card to Get The Points?

Hi guys,

I recently bought a PC and was having some technical trouble using my HSBC card. So I had the great idea to use Zip pay in the hope I could just pay this balance off with my card.

Unfortunately this plan cam to an abrupt end once I realised I had paid to sign up to Zip for no reason as I am unable to pay my balance with my card.

I'm wondering if there is any strategy to paying off this amount to get some points? What would you do in my situation apart from not being a complete idiot from the beginning?


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  • Have you checked your card controls? Try switching off overseas online transactions.

  • +1

    First question: was it ZipPay or ZipMoney? Because ZipMoney doesn't allow C/C.

    We generally only accept Visa and Mastercard formats.
    The below card types are not accepted:
    * Credit cards (accepted on Zip Pay, but not Zip Money)
    * Pre-paid cards
    * American Express (AMEX)
    * Eftpos only cards
    * Non-domestic cards
    * Card marked as lost or stolen - any card that is marked as lost or stolen with the bank will be invalid

    Having trouble?
    * The credit card must not be used on another Zip account that is not in your name. We cannot accept duplicate payment methods on different accounts.
    * Make sure you're not adding the credit card to a Zip Money account.
    * The credit card must be Australian - we can't accept international credit cards.

    • Ah yes, it is zip money because I had to buy something for more than 1,000 :( How annoying

      Thanks for the info :)

  • Try Bpay via sniip, referral bonus should balance out the fees.
    Biller code is there, not sure if Zip blocks CC source payment.

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