Someone caved in my windscreen last night for no apparent reason so I'm getting it replaced.
I'm wondering if there's any opportunity to improve my 2012 Subaru Forester. Most windshield replacement companies don't seem to give any options for windscreens on their website and NSW tinting laws are pretty restrictive but I'd want to get the 75% VLT for the top 10% of the windscreen. Is that just standard or would I need to ask for it?
Also are there any after-market upgrades that would be easier to do before / during windscreen replacement? i.e. Front camera etc.
Just wanting to see if anyone has any suggestions.
Also quotes for the replacement are varying wildly ($550 from O'Brien after a "special" discount vs $200 from a local windscreen repair business both with lifetime guarantee). All the aftermarket windscreens are meant to be to Australian standards but I'm wondering if there's a good reason to go with an expensive big name company?
… result for can i tint my windscreen nsw
No window tint is permitted on the windscreen except for the uppermost part of the windshield equalling to 10%. .
Other NSW tinting laws can include: All reflective or mirror-like window tint is not allowed. Any bubbled, damaged, discoloured or deteriorated window tint that impacts the driver's vision is not permitted…