Amazing price for a new game, if you don't have Game Pass and prefer the physical versions
[XB1, XSX] Forza Horizon 5 $64 Delivered @ Amazon AU

Last edited 21/11/2021 - 17:15 by 1 other user

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How ?
You need to check OZB more often. Basically, if you have a new account, Microsoft is offering GamePass Ultimate for $1 for 3 months. It's quite common around Christmas. Also, part of the reason for offering it now is due to Forza Horizon 5.
However, Microsoft has released a patch to patch the AFK (away from keyboard) exploit. So quite a number of cars no longer can get Super Wheelspin and the auto driving assist appears to no longer corner perfect for sharp corners (if you just keep the accelerator button pressed).
If the game can be played without patch with the physical disc (and not connected to network), the AFK exploit will most likely still work.
$64 paid for 18 months of my Game Pass sub using the VPN method :D
Someone asked about how to do this, so here is my rough around the edges response:
This was the guide I followed, getting 3 years worth for ~$130
- Have an XBOX account that has expired game pass
- Buy 3x 12 month XBOX Gold credit in Turkey / Brazil region (there are a load of sites like Eneba that do this)
- Log into Microsoft activation portal on PC or phone while on the correct region via a VPN (I used Surfshark)
- Once you've got 36 month Gold credit, sign up for a month of Game Pass Ultimate on the XBOX (will cost $16 if you have already used the $1 promotion)
- It'll ask you if you want to convert your Gold credit to 3 years of Game Pass Ultimate
This might get patched at any point without notice, but seems to still be working at the moment :)
$64 for 18 months? Wow, ok, that's a great deal. Even standard Game Pass is good value in my opinion.
Going to pickup a used fh3 disc today. I am late to Xbox and Forza horizon. Realised fh3 is based on Oz, just have to get it. Since digital is removed, even without the DLCs, I'd still like to have one. Going to buy fh4 ultimate when they are half price. For fh5 game pass will do.
Oh you can't get the DLC anymore? Damn.
The Hot Wheels DLC is awesomeCan not buy from MS, if lucky there are some places selling the redeem code, but the price is ……… I am not going to pay that.
Yeah, the Hot Wheels DLC is great. Better than the two DLCs on Forza Horizon 4 (though one of the DLCs for FH4 is clearly for players to get easy in game credits).
FH3 is really good too. Pity Microsoft didn't release a 4K/60fps patch for Series X. It was not an issue when I played it on XBox One / One X. However, once you get used to Forza Horizon 4 / 5's 4K/60fps, FH3 no longer feels as smooth.
probably the best game in the series IMO. Forza Horizon 2 was great as well.
Get the gamepass version and pay the $62 for the deluxe add ons. Then you get all the extra cars and two expansions and whatever other content is released for the games life.
The game is fantastic btw.
I used up most of my MS reward points towards that $62 pack (I paid $9 out of pocket), saving some points for 1 one month GamePass Ultimate voucher. The Premium add ons help a lot (a bit of quality of life improvement) - 2 extra free houses. However, expansion packs not released yet.
That said, before today, you didn't need the premium add on due to the exploits people have been using (AFK / away from keyboard). However, the patch is released so no point buying Willys Jeeps now.
Without the patch, the exploits were there, but Quick Resume was glitchy. Also, even with the add-on pack, getting free fast travel (smashing those fast travel boards) is a priority.
The game isn't perfect though. Horizon Arcade is annoying. It needs too many players to work. I hope Playground Games fix it and make it easier so you don't need so many players to have a chance.
What was the afk glitch?
Been playing for a few days and having fun not sure if gonna pony up for the delux add on yet tho.
It's patched anyway.
AFK exploit (no longer working, though it "might" still work with physical disc if you don't install the patch):…A lot of people used it to max out the levels (and got all the houses, lots of cars etc…). FH5 can still feel grindy. However, like I mentioned, getting free fast travel is generally a priority for Forza Horizon games and that requires you to smash all the fast travel boards.
After the patch, while AFK no longer works, at least be aware of auto steer option. It's patched so it no longer works as good as it used to. However, if you just want to get some easy in game credits, auto steer can still help. It's just you can no longer just press the accelerator and do nothing. Also, for certain challenges, you don't want to use auto steer.
@Whatisthatvelvet: Apparently, the AFK exploit isn't completely patched. It's just you can no longer use standard Goliath (needs to be a custom one based on Goliath). However, that's not confirmed. Using AFK is pretty boring so I cannot be bothered trying it out to see if it is really patched completely (and finding ones which still work would be time consuming I reckon). However, Willys Jeeps no longer give you super wheelspins so AFK exploit is now quite limited.
The barrel roll exploit is fixed (rewind trick). That one apparently was much quicker to clock up credits. Cheating can get you banned. Would be interesting to see if Playground Games decide to take back some of those credits, houses. They have previously retroactively banned players for cheating in the past.
No its not perfect I agree, but I have had a blast so far.
I dont know why people would want to glitch anyway, defeats the purpose of playing the game. The game literally showers you in free cars through wheelspins and accolade gifts etc. Cheating would just remove any sense of achivement or fun.
I reckon for the houses. Mainly the last one. 5 mil (okay, it is not as expensive as Forza Horizon 4's final castle, but still). Also, the map is big so some of the final challenges are long. Furthermore, certain challenges are car dependent. If you don't have the right car, it is a pain to get 3 stars.
The game was quite glitchy initially with Quick Resume not working properly. I knew fast travel is a priority so I got that done really early (that eases the resume not working, resulting in a reload of the game). Otherwise, with the glitches, the game resets my car position many times and lost the main house I previously set once.
@netsurfer: The quick resume glitches got rid of a bunch of the "adventure" progress I'd made. Pretty annoying. I was on the hall of fame, now I'm not
@theguyrules: So it was far worse for you. I think I lost a few wheelspins, but those are no biggies. Actually, now thinking about it, I did lose one adventure progress and had to replay that one.
The house I lost in Forza Horizon 5 was one of the free houses from the premium pack so I was able to re-purchase for free. If I didn't have the premium pack, spent credits on it and then ended up losing it due to game glitches, I would be quite upset. Still, it was annoying because I hadn't unlocked free fast travel at the time.
Going to buy the add-on from other cheaper region, and buy the game when it's half price. Game pass is the champion.
If your aim is to eventually collect the expansion packs, then that makes sense. However, the reason to get it right away is the quality of life improvement earlier on. Those 2 free houses allow you to get credits when taking car photos and bonus Forza points. It's much easier to get all the houses when 2 extra ones are given to you for free. The added cars really help earlier on (pity the AFK exploit is patched). VIP super wheelspins is once per week.
While I eventually got FH4 add-on, the benefits it provides, a lot of them are no longer useful. The free houses I already bought. Fortune Island credits… by the time I have the pack, I no longer need in game credits (already got all the houses).
You are right, maybe I can wait until future DLC something like the hotwheel or lego comes out. And buy the complete version.
@ce5himm: Historically, complete versions of a Forza game would only be available digitally, usually released sometime within 5 years from release day.
@silverrat23: yes, i can still play on game pass now, and buy the complete at the end of the game life.
just picked up my FH3, have to wait for another week for my new xbox to test.@ce5himm: The hotwheels expansion pack is really nice. I really enjoyed it. It's hard to purchase it now and people who still have the expansion voucher would not sell it cheap. The digital edition with hotwheels expansion was quite cheap and was a bargain deal. There is one advantage of digital edition, especially on Series S|X: no need to insert disc and that makes Quick Resume more pleasant.
@netsurfer: Yes, I find one website selling code for $500+. Well I am happy with what I can get now. Not ideal but this is it.
good price, but yeah as others said best value by far is gamepass.
I went digital on this one, likely to be playing it for a few years so I can take advantage of cross-buy on Windows & Xbox
Yup loving this game, didn’t feel the previous one tho.
Only less than 10hrs in and it feels more like FH3 in the map. Liking it. FH4s map felt too boxed in for this type of open world game.
yup thats the exact reason i didnt like it: crappy narrow European roads. Large open scale areas is where this game shines.
30-40 dollars (rate various day by day) for at least 26 months of XGPU on (Russian site), find a good seller and you may need a new Xbox account registered on the day of purchase. I got 31 months for around 38 dollars and got a 4 USD gift card back. If you have a Chinese friend from China, you can ask him/her to help you get 36 months of XGPU from for about 30-35 dollars.
Any chance to get more info on this?
To me, the best way is to go to and type 'xgpu 36 months' in the search bar and find out the deal. Most of the time the price is much cheaper than in Australia. In 2019 I got my three years of XGPU on Taobao for about 130 AUD and it's working very well. Recently the price dropped a lot due to some promotion events in North or South America.
Here below is an example:…The current price for three years seems 168 RMB which is about 33 AUD for this seller. But I'm not sure whether it requires a new Xbox account or not.
For, probably it is easier than Taobao as it can be switched between English/Russian. I got my XGPU from a seller called 'forYou97'. Once you paid the money you need to register a new Microsoft account (just set a simple password, don't bind your card/mobile phone information or 2-step authorization at this stage). Then message your order number, new Microsoft account name and password to the seller and he will help you get the xgpu within 1-2 days. After you got the membership then change the password and bind all other sorts of stuff you like. Currently, the offer is 'Xbox Game Pass ULTIMATE 12 +13 Month +EA Play + GIFT' for 24.03 USD.
So does this also run on PC?
Not the physical version, no. If you want the PlayAnywhere feature, you need the digital version.
It's currently on GamePass, so you are better off taking the GamePass Ultimate deal right now ($1 for 3 months).
The only advantages of this for console gamers is that (1) you get to own this game physically (2) help the install process - assuming the patch is not downloading the whole game and (3) ability to play this game without network (though that might be in solo mode).
Just get it on game pass if you want to play on PC
Looks like they are matching HN
Oh no, I bought it a few days ago for $75, haven’t opened it yet.
from amazon? buy this one and returen another.
Return is not free, it is $7 for return
and here I just bought a FH2 for the 360 for $4 and been playing that lol
i pickedup FH3 for $5 2 hours ago, well that does not including the petrol for return. i think it's not bad if it works,
Good to have a physic backup even you have the digital version.
Do you guys think it will go cheaper on Black Friday; I do prefer the physical version?
Very cool game but yeah get gamepass, 3 months for $1 ftw !