Obviously not ARB quality but good price for large volume compressor. Reviews are good except the DOA units and the bag ripping.
Plus 2.2% on Cashrewards
Obviously not ARB quality but good price for large volume compressor. Reviews are good except the DOA units and the bag ripping.
Plus 2.2% on Cashrewards
Will this handle a brad nailer/stapler?
I'm pretty sure you need an air tank to run tools, I've never seen tools working straight of a compressor. ARB has an optional air tank to run tools.
what is OP's name..
I reckon it can but it is powered by 12v car battery.
Also 250 LPM is really good as I have a blackridgw with a big tank which only deliver 180LPM.
If you've ever pulled one of these apart you'll see they are designed for occasional use. They have a die cast piston that is cast as one piece with the rod (no little end bearing) so the piston rocks back and forward in the bore. They solve that problem with a big rubber ring. Then the big end has no bearing and the crank is only one sided. The while lot of full of metal shavings from it all slowly wearing away.
Thanks for your comment. I'm in the market for a conpressor to keep in the ute, gooked up to a 110ah lithoum battery. I'm bot wanting to spend big dollars, but don't want to buy cheap crap. Do ypu have any suggestions on what to buy?
That seems a bit racist…
I’ll show myself out.
@mapax: I realised someone replied before I could finish editing. I hope you're joking about being racist, if you read the rest of my reply i also misspelled compressor, lithium, not and you.
@mapax: There are a lot of people that use the R word as a weapon against others whether for self rightous, political or other reasons. That's why I said that "I hope" you were joking.
Anyway, let's keep it on topic because I'm genuinely interested in Mike's or anyone else's thoughts on a decent reasonably priced compressor.
@robertyeh: Pity about the cost of the ARB compressors. Cheapest i can find is $350 for the single motor compressor or $420 for the kit with hoses. Trying to convince myself i can justify the price as it will probably outlive my ute.
@heal: Love my ARB compressor. 7 years and still going strong. Countless tyres.
I did however buy the $49 compressor with discounted gift cards and cash back making it around $45.
Real world comparison coming up soon
No absolutely not. This is for inflating tyres only.
Great deal bought one thanks OP.
Thanks OP, bought one.
how many decibels is this ?
Good price! I've had one of these for about 4 years and am very happy with it. Only annoyance is that you have to turn it off to check tyre pressure whilst pumping. I think I paid $129 for it so at $49.99 it's a great deal.
I don't think this XTM brand dual piston air compressor has been available on the market for 4 years. I thinks it only came out probably just 1-2 years ago.
I had this exact same issue, so annoying! Ended up buying one of these (Kings have a compressor essentially the same as this one, I think it's just rebranded).
Allows you to use the trigger on the end of the fitting to turn it on and off. Don't have to walk back and forth from the compressor.
@wmd thanks for the tip. What size fittings did you use when you cut the supplied hose to add a nitto female plug for this please? It looks like 1/4" but I'd rather know before I cut.
(I bought the King's trigger before I'd opened the compressor box to discover it has a different supplied hose than the Thumper Max!)
If you hold the deflator button on the back of the gauge it will show you the current pressure without having to turn it off
No, just change the gauge out to one with a trigger. I went with an ARB digital, bit expensive for some people but you can use any gauge with a trigger.
ARB have a different fitting. I have the ARB digital inflator, it doesn't fit other compressor gear
Just unscrew the fitting and swap it for a standard nitto male, they are only a couple of dollars https://i.imgur.com/ViwTaH5.jpg
I also have an ARB digital gauge for the big shed compressor, and added a nitto female to the ARB twin in the 4wd. This way all my gear is nitto and interchangeable including the backup thumper max which i assume is identical to this XTM unit.
Bargain thanks OP. I had a portable tyre inflator which has gone missing and that was $100 so this is a great deal.
Would this be too powerful for bike tires?
No, bike tires need higher pressure than car tires.
Thanks, got one!
It will be very quick though, so be careful. Also maybe painful since the guage doesn't work properly
For bike tyres you're much better off with a floor pump, a decent on is about the same price. No need to find power, much more portable, less to go wrong.
I agree with this too. Car compressors inflate a bike tire in about 3 seconds, a foot pump take 15 seconds, but you can easily check progress.
Thanks, I have a floor pump for the bikes already, but have been after something that will do the car and maybe bikes if I get lazy. Picked mine up earlier and there were a couple more ready to go in the click and collect area. Sales person said someone had messed up the price and they were a great deal so he got one for himself as well!
I got one of those Ozito 18v/240v inflators and it's great, set the pressure and it's stops automatically. Great for bikes and topping up car tyres, take it camping for air mattresses (and getting the fire raging)
Mind you it was $90 without a battery so if you picked up the XTM for $50 it's not too bad but the convenience of its portability (if you're already in the PXC ecosystem) and versatility makes the Ozito worth it for me.
The compressor was more of a bargain find. Other items are here… https://www.supercheapauto.com.au/on-sale/club-deals?srule=P…
Why don’t you search for them yourself?
Does this deflate also for pool toys etc
thks bought one ….. this and a bottle of slime and i’m set for summer holidays incase of a flat tyre …
now to wait for the cheap castrol so 5-30 so i can do an oil change before the holidays ….
Would this pump up an air bed?
Extremely slowly. You want a pump not a compressor. Pumps are much cheaper, look at kmart.
it could but because it does high pressure so you could also burst the air bed if you over inflate.
Does this work only connected to a battery or it can work with mains as well?
12V only. You could get a transformer but you'd be better off just buying a secondhand 240V compressor off GumTree.
It's 12v so 12v battery or another 12v power source.
Another 12v power source with appropriate amp rating. I don't think it will do much off your typical 12v supply.
Would a decent computer power supply suffice?
@Pixie13: Not sure, but have had this issue before with pump not running, or running very slowly depending on power supply amp rating.
I've been waiting for a good special on an air compressor! Grabbed one, thanks OP!
Thank you OP
Thanks OP
Bought one, thanks! Cheap as.
Cheers OP. For anyone with Suncorp rewards - stack with 8% off Gift cards.
My Suncorp rewards keepa failing. Is it working on yours?
Good price, don't need, must resist.
remember its twice the size and weight of a smaller, cheaper unit :)
Want something similar that can operate out of cigarette lighter port or Power adaptor.
Thanks OP grabbed one
Is this useful for anything other than inflating tires?
wonder how these compare to the Kings ones which get a good wrap … although tripple the price still.
Same pump just different branding.
Looks like a fast compressor, but I have 3 slower ones already and really don't need this, I don't pump tyres that often so the extra speed won't be that helpful and the gauge not being accurate would be a pain along with the fact that the compressor is up to 10m away when you want to stop it.
Cheers for letting us know.
No worries, I stuff around with cars and bikes a lot, so I expect most people looking to buy this are in the same boat. It's a good deal if you don't already have one
Now showing up at $149.99 (Club price) when in cart
Yeah me too. Looks like it was an error.
just as well, at $50 I would've bought it even though I already have a basic unit
Yep, looks like a price error and SCA has suspended the sale. Will see if they will honour those people who have bought them, SCA are usually quite good.
Very cheap. However I already have their Ridge Ryder brand single-piston air compressor which has been working well for past 3 years, so don't need this bigger and bulkier air compressor. For other people who bought this, it is a bargain.
Thanks OP, bought one.
Got pickup notification. Will collect later today.
I would collect it asap in case they change their minds
Thanks OP, received msg ready to collect.
Thanks OP. I hope they honour the sale.
Damn, went up while in my cart to $150, and not available..!
Is this suitable for inflating 4WD tyres after a beach visit? Say from 20 back to 40 PSI, all 4 tyres, continuously?
I read some compressors overheat if running for too long, so they are only good for pumping one tyre.
inflating 4WD tyres after a beach visit
Bought it for that reason, so hoping it will be ok!
I guess you can always test it at home before going to the beach.
Spent too much time researching, then OOS. :|
good for it but unless you already brought one
@fitr: Too late, no time in the morning, went around lunch time to price match. Shop has stock but they took it down from the website, so there was nothing to price match.
It would do that well (if you got it in time). I have the kings single version and it does my 4 32.5" tyres and the 35" muddies on my camper continuously with no dramas. I would have upgraded to this if I got it in time to save a bit of time, but the single does just fine anyway.
The Kings unit look very similar to XTM, possibly rebranded?
I can't order!
says click and collect only and then says delivery only. nothing works hahaha
Great deal for those that got in early.
All done.
ordered. waiting on msg
Dahm it! I was in the market for one of these but it can't be delivered and can't do click and collect. Might be a price error or be badly ozbargained.
My order went through but they changed the pick up stores, called me like 10 mins ago. I'll have to wait and see if I get it.
Same here. Changed to Warwick farm. Now i need to drive 40 mins to get that
And she said all 6 orders placed around going to same store
Bargain, have the same 1 but Repco branded, for $50 its a steal
A store confirmed it was a price error, so it's no longer available online. You may be able to purchase from a local store that has one available - if the price is still on the website.
Damn I've been looking for one of these too! The 1 morning I didnt check ozbargain..!
I just did the call around. The stores have received an email from head office saying they're going to honour the ones they've sold but have instructed the stores not to honour any new (or in store) purchases at that price.
took them 2 hrs to figure out the price was wrong
Got the pick up confirmation SMS, but no email, and when I check my order on SCA site it says 'Awaiting processing'. Hopefully just a little delayed.
If you got the SMS, it is ready. I have had orders saying Awaiting processing for weeks. YMMV
user "Slosh" has alerted Ozbargain with info regarding a product recall for XTM Air compressor. It can be downloaded as a PDF from here
Confirming email just received from SCA.
Probably the same issue as at the end of this video on the maxitrac version - for the $49 going to fix this wiring and keep it
Great find ziggy, I might keep the compressor now.
@Hithere: Opened it up and looked - the wiring is way better than that Maxitrac one -BUT, big design flaw - the screw that holds the top cover together is the shitiest chinesium I have ever had the misfortune to try to remove , the screw had no head left and I think the plastic around it cracked as well. This screw is millimeters above the circuit board and a short circuit waiting to happen esp once enverything gets hot. I also wrapped all the wires in sos tape , but dont think it necessary, but the shitty screw is the problem i recon. Left it out in reassembly and covered the circuit board in sos tape as so much heavy duty traces on the side of the board with no protection.
@ziggy1312: Thanks for that explanation ziggy, it's a great help.
Have you considered contacting SCA and offering to fix the compressors for them at a reasonable rate ;)
want to know if SCA refund RRP$299 or $49?
That's what I thought.
Good way to make up for their stuff up and claw their losses back.
I'll wait here for a pioneer to confirm :)
@hanxtom: I'm sure I bought this one at full retail.
I didn't use any club details. Paid cash.
Sure I paid RRP at the time.
@hanxtom: Got refund $300 cash, No $10 gift card though . Good enough for me
Yep.. wait and see. I’m not returning it if it’s only $49.
Are you expecting them to refund you $299 when you only paid $49 lol?
Can return to BCF according to recall notice
Can confirm that they refunded $299.99. if they say you must have a receipt, call up the phone number on the notice and they will speak to the store to refund you and give you $10 supercheap gift card
I got $300 refunded
He asked if I had a receipt and I said no. He then asked when I bought it. I gave an approximate timeframe. He started to do something on the computer, then gave up and just handed me $300 cash. I guess he figured it wasn't worth the effort trying to dig out the transaction.
I didn't get the $10 gift card but I didn't want to push my luck so I just took the cash and left.
Did you use club plus? Isn't that how they can look up your transaction?
@slosh: Don't even remember. I have a membership but I rarely use it (pretty sure I lost the card). I just said I paid cash.
@slosh: Club plus price was $49
If you email SCA they should provide a $10 gift card
Get ready for a lot of questions! (They have a list). Keep on your toes!
I got $300 + $10 gift card. They struggled for a bit as I didn't have a receipt and had paid with cash