Hi, can anyone recommend a cheapish ($20-$50) pair of in-ear earphones with mic?
Hi, can anyone recommend a cheapish ($20-$50) pair of in-ear earphones with mic?
look a v-moda
Looked at both, the v-modas look nice, as do the …… I've ordered both!
Hey Rob,
You won't be dissapointed with them. They have great bass when you need it. And great vocals,
In case anyone else is interested when I bought the Meelecs a quick google search revealed BUY_ME_AGAIN_20 as a coupon code and got another 20 percent off!
I have a pair of Meelec M16P's.
Has very good bass. Might not be a fan of the treble though — hi-hats and cymbals in particular are ear-piercing and can be rather uncomfortable. You can fix this by playing around with the EQ settings.
Then again, it's $25, and is very well built. Fairly good value if you aren't too fussy or an audiophile.
If you want something a little higher end, there's the Logitech UE300(logitechshop.com.au) and 400(logitechshop.com.au)