Do You Use a Hardware Wallet for Cryptocurrency?

If so which hardware wallet do you use and why?


  • +2

    No, because I'm lazy and my dog coins aren't worth that much.

  • +1

    i just hope my exchange doesn't get hacked/

  • I use A4 paper

  • In the car glovebox

  • +1

    Not really involved in crypto but it seem wierd to ditch the bank control if you're then going to give it to exchanges which have, as I understand it, a less than stellar record of protecting things.

    Why wouldn't you use a hardware wallet seems a better question.

    • Exchange have high withdrawal fees maybe?

    • There are more options than exchange or hardware wallet.

      • Thanks for listing them.

        Diji1 is wondering what is going through the minds of those that those that keep funds in exchanges but claim decentralisation.. no banks.. etc.

        • Thanks for listing them

          Software, hardware, paper, on an exchange.

          Diji1 is wondering what is going through the minds of those that those that keep funds in exchanges but claim decentralisation

          People keeping their crypto on an exchange likely don't give a toss about decentralisation etc. They keep it on an exchange because they can make a heap more interest than in a bank via staking, they have easy access to be able to make trades etc.

    • I like my 12% interest, paid weekly to invest in new coins ;)

      • Wut network

        • I just use, more expensive than most but I'll take the rewards and ease of use.

      • You can stake without pooling though…

    • The more secure your wallet is the easier it is to get lost.

      It's a catch 22

      It's also a hassle to load electrum to access the address then transfer it.

      I did Bitcoin five years ago and I can't see to remeber my accounts and electrum seems to have changed.

      I feel like they will need a bank eventually as a failsafe middle man. So U don't lose your coins

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