This was posted 3 years 3 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

50% Bonus Trade Credit on Games & Accessories (+ Your EB World Bonus) @ EB Games


EB Games have just announced they are doing a special trade in event with 50% bonus trade credit on-top of your EB World bonus for games and accessories. Excludes hardware (Consoles, Phones and Tablets)

The Trade Event of the YEAR starts THIS FRIDAY!
Receive 50% bonus trade credit ON TOP of your EB World bonus when trading in games and accessories between 19 - 29 November!

Level 2 = 10% Extra Bonus
Level 3 = 15% Extra Bonus
Level 4 = 20% Extra Bonus
Level 5 = 25% Extra Bonus

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EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • +3

    trade event of the year was last saturday lol
    $20 boucher, free tote bag, double carrots etc

    this one is handy tho for anyone eho missed it or usnt lvl 5.

    make sure they add the 50% as sometimes they forget…..

    • There's more than one level 5 day but yes it was good

      • +46

        You guys outing yourselves as people who spend too much at EB right now

        • yeah went in on saturday for a trade.

          they should sey up a bar with cocktails do we sprnd more time there lol

        • +1

          I was actually surprised I made level 5 for the first time. There were 2 key factors. Firstly, they increased the amount of people from 1000 to 10000. Secondly, I managed to preorder both consoles through EB and traded in all of my previous gen consoles, so that worked out to be a stupid amount of carrots apparently.

          I won't make the club ever again, but it was a nice surprise.

          I didn't go in on Saturday. I literally have nothing to trade right now.

          • +1

            @King Steuart: I actually went in, spent $150 to get some Christmas gifts, as well as getting the free tote bag and the $20 gift voucher.

  • 50% bonus trade credit

    When it says trade credit, does it mean for EB Games to hold (or change to EB Games Card) or do you have to trade for something (like buying another game?).

    • They usually just give you a gift card with the amount of your trade-ins minus the price of gift card.

      • +4

        They changed recently, I imagine it is just their usual wording, but EB games do full cash trade ins now, without that whole minus 20% nonsense they used to do.

        • They can credit to credit cards too

    • Depends what state you’re in. At last check you had to put it towards something in WA and they won’t allow you a gift card. A way around this is to find something to preorder that’s many moons away from releasing and you can always then find something you do want down the track and cancel said preorder to put the funds towards

      • do you know if the pre-order credits stay on 1 branch only? Or can I top up on different branches?

        • +1

          Not really sure what you mean here but if you preorder a game at one EB you can go to another EB to cancel it and buy/preorder something else

          • @MBix: Thanks! I have some preorder credits with 1 branch, called another one to use it on their store but they declined :(. Will probably check with them again.

            • @Oauiii: That’s super strange! I’ve definitely had a game preordered at one branch and cancelled it to use on something else at another

            • @Oauiii: I have strong suspicions that it’s the staff rather than policy.
              I’ve faced resistance from some staff (likely managers) when I cancel my preorders (placed at the same store) to pay for other stuff.
              Other staff at the same store has no issues.
              Also done what MBix said (preorder at one store, cancel to use at another) a few times with no dramas.
              So really it depends on who you get.

              • @zonra: I guess I have to do trial and error on these guys.

              • @zonra: they were even strict when I tried today hinting that parking the credits to pre-orders is illegal. But i don't know if they can do anything about it if i just cancel the pre-order.

                • @Oauiii: End of the day they can’t stop you from cancelling preorders unless they change their policy so I don’t even know why certain staff put on the attitude.
                  Personally I used to try buying from EB instead of Amazon to support local but this, plus the fact that ‘new’ EB games are often, in fact, not new, have put me off using them unless it’s EB exclusive.

                  • @zonra: can we trade into gift cards?

                    • +1

                      @Oauiii: I’m not sure about other states but not in WA.
                      Some other states apparently can, some even allow trading for cash.

    • Depends where you are. For me in NSW, no gift card or cash back. I can only use it in buying another game or keep putting it in preorders.

    • In NT you get amount straight to your bank account.

    • I buy psn / eshop cards with it

  • New to this. Question: I traded some older games for the preorder specials they had (trade in 2 eligible game and pay $29 on top). Am I able to trade now (with this special) and bank them for upcoming preorder specials when they come?

    • For games they have a deal on ADs, yes.

  • +3

    Last time I traded they said the cash price is the same as the credit price

    Is that correct?

    • Thats what I got told in QLD

    • I've always been told it's 20% less, wonder if it's changed now, hmm

      • +3

        changed about 6 months ago from that. I was surprised too when they said, "Do you just want cash, there's no difference anymore".

        I used to do the trade dance before to get it as cash, seems like they realised people were doing this and gave up.

        • Oh damn , good to know thanks!

      • can confirm asked today in store cash is 20% less

    • same in melb

  • Oh god damnit, I literally just traded something in today, now can I be assed taking it back and stuffing around for like $10.

    • For $10? Probably not…

    • I think they have some regret policies, like you can get back what you trade within three days or some.

      • I believe Level 4 (which I am) is 10 days for buying a game.

        • buying and trade are different I think, but maybe you are right. Not too sure.

      • There's no time limit on that trade in/rebuy offer they have..

  • I'm not an EB Games member, does anyone know how much will my v1 PS4 controller will fetch? The controller still work, thanks

    • 20

      • dome picku eb staff now take off $3 for refurb if its dirty so wipe em

        • Will def wipe it down thanks

        • +1

          I traded in Two SEALED ps4 games - $2 referb on each title …….

          • +1

            @mikezillakind: That shouldn't be a thing

            They ripped you off, should have complained

          • @mikezillakind: Maybe it was because they had to unseal them to make sure it was the correct game? Used games can be swapped and resealed?

          • @mikezillakind: Australian stock or EU? If Aus stock, then they shouldn't charge you unless the case is damaged or so.

          • @mikezillakind: I think it's an automatic add-on, which the staff has to remove manually. The staff I usually deal with is just as annoyed.

            It has happened to me a few times, and I usually check the receipt just in case.

      • So 30 with this offer, cheers mate

    • +1

      I traded in 2 x ps4 dualshock controller for $80 with level 2

      for each one: $25 + $12.5 (50%)+ $2.5(10%) = $40

  • +1

    Does eb have trade in value list?

    • +1


    • roughly 1/3 of their ssle price, u can ring and check a frw items if they arent busy

      • What's with the price of the preowned games fluctuating around like crazy?

        Seems like some weeks a lot of smaller titles will be <$20 then the week after they're up around $40

        • +1

          They've recently had some sales?

  • Anyone know what an Xbox One controller trades in at currently?

    • was getting anout .$30 ish with sll the bonuses on sat. call to ask maybe. or wait for a controller trafe day

    • $22 + 50% + your level%

  • now to unload all of the games I bought on sale!

    edit: Mwahahahha!

  • Have a few games lying around that I’d trade in for this plus the level 3 bonus.

    All going towards Elden Ring preorder!

    • +1

      the previews look smazing

    • Did you do the $29 elden ring deal when you trade in 2 games?

  • sorry my brain isn't working…

    what do they mean "50% bonus credit on top of". 50% extra on the credit they give you, or 50% extra on the extra amount you get with ebworld, e.g. 15% instead of 10% for level 1?

    Okay on reflection obviously 50% of the trade in value so you could get up to 75% extra if you're at the right level

    • +1

      It means if the base trade price was $10, then a level 3 member will get an extra 65%, so $16.50 for the game

      • +1

        Thanks, that makes sense. I've been playing too much Hades and trying to make sense of percentages

  • Anyone know how much I can get by trading some old ps4 titles?

    • +3

      Look at current pre owned prices and roughly 1/3 it then add on whatever percentage is your level (50% + your level bonus)

  • Does this include trading in for cash as well, or only for store credit?

    • Depending on the State.

      • How about VIC? Is there a list of states? I may give em a call and ask.

    • I asked in store today, cash is 20% less

  • any deals for joy cons anywhere?

  • Recently traded a PS5 controller / Xbox Series X Controller. At the very best of Level 5 with 50% extra trade-in, it arrives at $49 payback.

    Considering a new PS5 controller is $109 and even if you can get it at 8% off Gift card, the best you can ever get is no more than 50%.

    But hey at least you get double carrots!

    • Why do it then?

      • Double carrots! Level 5!

        I know its weird but gamers' logic.

        But in all seriousness, at least it is up in the open that EBGames will never be gamed with their tradein deals.

        • The new Level 5 is not as good. There is no more once off welcome credit voucher. The 50% birthday trade in bonus is replaced by a credit voucher (but I guess it might be better for people with small number of games to trade).

          There is no chance I will get level 5 next year. The only reason I got it was due to trading in old consoles and get PS5 and Series X, so essentially 2x carrots on old console trade-ins, 2 new consoles. Carrots wise, roughly equivalent to 6 consoles worth. It was still a very good deal. No need to worry about selling PS4 Pro, XBox One X. Got PS5 and Series X for essentially $150 in total (and got rid of a lot of old games).

          • @netsurfer: It is the first time for me so didn't quite know what it was before.

            The welcome credit voucher was replaced by banner which I am yet to receive lol. HQ says contact my home store and my home store says they haven't got it from HQ. Charming.

            The 50% birthday trade in bonus was provided this year in addition to $20 birthday voucher.

            I have been observing the trend lately. It averages about $100 weekly spend to sort of qualify level 5 so far. Currently if you are on 1300 carrots, you are in top 9999. Given from 1 Sept, roughly about 12 weeks to end of November, that averages to 100 carrots or $100 virgin purchases.

            Obviously much less with tradeins and special events like last Saturday. That Lv5 event would give you $20 if you traded in $150 stuffs or buy $150 stuffs plus double carrot on virgin purchases.

            So it's not that bad but yes, I agree it is not that good either so far.

          • @netsurfer: You still getting the 50% bonus on your birthday. I get it this month plus $10

  • Does anyone know if "accessories" includes PSVR headset and gun?

    • Yes.

    • +1

      For the benefit of this forum, PSVR headset trade in that EBGames will accept is only Version 2 of the PSVR and it is classified as Hardware (not accessories).

      As such it won't get 50% extra trade in. How do I know this? I just did it a week ago (unfortunately before the Level 5 trade in extra 20% hardware kicked in).

      • Do you know if a controller is considered an accessory or hardware? Cheers.

        • +1

          Controller is an accessory (PS4, PS5, XboxOne, XboxSex). See above. I traded it in and got $49 max after 25% Lv5, and 50% trade in bonus.

  • Wonder how much I get for Xbox one controller with white digital camo with missing thumbpad at level 4

    • $37 bucks less $3 bucks of refurbishment fee. That is level 4.

      I really don't know why you were negged.

      • +1

        Not sure aswell all i did was ask a Q people are weird thanks mate

  • Wonder if this will stack with the 50% birthday bonus as well.

    • +1

      It won’t. Your birthday voucher would have a clause saying not to be used in conjunction with other offers.

  • Anyone know how to find out what new release games to purchase that are on the "Trade 2 get it for $29" list? Can only see Pokemon Diamond/Pearl for switch releasing tomorrow with that promotion on the website. Eg - Called up today and confirmed GTA V and RDR2 on PS4 base trade in value is $10ea. Seeing if there's better value trading them in towards a newer game to maximise the trade in value vs my level 4 bonus ($17ea if traded in with the promotion).

    • +1

      The trade 2 for $29 deal is any game with a minimum value of $10. So if you want to maximize your trades, you should trade in games that are as close to the $10 amount. Anything below $10 (something like Fifa 18) can't be used

      • Thanks however it was my bad I probably didn't word my question the best. I was after (if there even is one), a list of games to trade towards that have that promotion applicable. Eg- currently Elden Ring/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl seem to have it.

        But yes your point is spot on, trading games $10 or as close to it will be the best way to get the best bang for buck with that promotion.

        • +1

          Unfortunately no, either click through the pre order section and look at each of the picture or go to their Facebook/Instagram.

        • +1

          Pokemon Legends Arceus is under 2 for $29 now too

  • Has anyone gone in the trade yet? Just curious to see what people’s experiences are and if you thought it was decent value or not.

    • +2

      I traded a fair few games last time they had 50% extra and this is what I got. Was very surprised. Plus a few refurb fees due to no cases for a couple games

      • Wow… some prices are better then some eBay ones lol
        What’s your level though?

        • Level 3. But last time I traded they only had 50% I don't think they had the extra bonus they've got this time round.

          • @Lex898: o so prices could also be differnt, still, thats quite good!

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