Risk - Game of Strategic Conquest available at 43% off. Delivery might take a while because it's coming from the US, but should arrive well enough in time for Xmas presents.
Risk is a classic boardgame and a staple of any board game enthusiast. It's very easy to pick up if you haven't played before and can easily fill a few hours of the afternoon while destroying lifelong friendships along the way.
I don't own this version but it looks pretty good and comes with individual plastic moulded pieces which are very nice.
This has been posted here before as low as $23 so you can wait for that price again if you want however the cheapest alternative I can find available now is $59 at Gameology.
Shipping is $19 which kills the deal a little bit but if you can get the order total over $49 it's free with Prime so this would definitely be the recommended way.
Either way, you'll be asking where's the risk?