Just saw this video
Was wondering if the car that suddenly changed lane will have any fault?
Just saw this video
Was wondering if the car that suddenly changed lane will have any fault?
Car that crashed only leaving a 1.5 second gap or so from the car in front and doesn't bother even hitting the brakes till the last minute. Yeah, that's gonna end well.
The dascham car is following way too close. That is all.
(If the driver changing lanes didn't make a move that quickly, it would've been all three cars in a "pile-up" - and the dashcam car would still be at-fault).
Urgent action to avoid a collision. Seems ok to me.
The car with the dashcam was too close.
Yeah, the car that changed lanes might have done so because they noticed the stopped traffic too late and did an evasive manoeuvre to avoid a collision. Not an ideal lane change by any means and they were probably following the red car too closely, but it makes no sense to punish someone for avoiding an accident.
I'm guessing it was an insurance scam setup.
The owner of the red Ford Focus (the car that was hit) has a Powershift transmission on its last legs and has it over insured.
Wow, they used three cars at least to scam the dashcamer! Very sophisticated scams these days
The lengths people go to to get away from a Powershift transmission will blow your mind.
I don't think it was completely staged. The Focus had been sitting idle there for days with its busted powershift clutch so the owner hatched that plot to get it towed away for free.
you are not responsible for the drivers behind you. you are responsible for your car. If a car is following you too closely, and you do a manouver to avoid a crash, how are you responsible for them not allowing for a safe distance?
This is why, in cases of rear ends, it's 99% always the fault of the person doing the rear ending.
This is why, in cases of rear ends, it's 99% always the fault of the person doing the rear ending.
Finally, I've found my wife's alt ozbargain account
LOL I wrote it, thought about it, submitted it, and laughed.
dashcam car, to close anyway.
Dashcam car.
You should always try and be looking ahead of the car in front of you so you can make decisions.
Black car not at fault for the crash. The idiot in the camera car is to solely to blame for their own mistake… Play tailgating games, win tailgating prizes.
Also, not Australia, so Australian road rules don't apply.
That's a good move for a tailgater, unless seen by a cop for not indicating or dangerous driving, i doubt that car has any fault in that accident.