Shang-Chi and The Legend of The Ten Rings Is So Good!

Just came out of the cinema tonight seeing this and I have to say it is probably my favourite MCU origin movie now! Unlike other MCU movies this one had so much heart and emotion. At first I thought it’d be cliched kung fu stuff but wow was I wrong!

Who else has seen it and what did you think? I definitely feel like this movie has breathed new life into the MCU!


  • I loved it so much I watched it twice on Saturday. Best cast and always love Michelle Yeoh doing Kung fu.

  • It was okay. Enjoyed the bus scene. Might watch that part again on Disney +

  • It was OK. It had a bit of “Crazy Rich Asians” vibe, in places, especially as it had some actors in common. It just seemed a tad disjointed. Some reasonable fight scenes but the editing seemed a tad off. It will be interesting to see where they go next.

  • I loved the movie,

    my only thing about it is that its very Disney and very predictable storyline….. the CGI and action made up for it.

    Keep in mind, there are not many Asian America/English actors to be selected in Hollywood for the part. I mean, Aquafina is a comedian and can only play one role…… Raya, Crazy Rich Asians, and Shang Chi, she plays the funny, quirky character.

    I am sure there are plenty of great Asian actors in America but Marvel being Marvel, it needs to select Actors that people already know and love as it's bar is quite high and I don't blame them at all. No one is going to see Shang Chi with a bunch of b,c and d actors

    Overall, I loved the movie, I just wish it was a bit more dark and deeper with in-depth conversations to decipher or things to make you ponder. It was just… too Disney, fun colours, predictable and animations were fun - vibe from me. I want more of a Harry Potter 7 vibe than Harry Potter 1

  • I liked it - it's ranked my top 3 MCU movies. Black Panther was my second fav, now it's taken over by Shang-Chi.

    1. Hulk (2003)
    2. Shang-Chi (2021)
    3. Black Panther (2018)
    • +2

      I know each person has individual tastes and not mocking yours, But I find it interesting you have what I consider 2 of the worst MCU movies on your list, Black Panther I have as last as completely unwatchable garbage with Hulk not far behind it. Shang-Chi I put somewhere in the middle, not my favourite, but I did enjoy it despite its many flaws.

    • Losing Eric Banner and Jennifer Connolly was a major misstep in the Hulk Journey. Sure Ang Lee didn't get it perfect but the superhero formula wasn't locked down yet either.
      I have my top 3 as Iron Man 3, Avengers then Captain Marvel, with IM3 often considered the worst by others, but I like the IM character moments.

  • +3

    This movie was actually shit, awkwafina made what otherwise would be a decent movie unbearable for me.

  • +1

    when strange creatures started appearing in the film, i thought "what a load of bs" and stopped watching it. is the it designed for children? stupid me for watching a marvel film.

    • It's a Disney superhero movie. Of course it's designed for children, as it should be.

  • +1

    Watched it last night. For a piece of entertainment it did a fine job. Too many people are watching movies as if they have an essay to write on it or they need to convince someone why they think it's good or not.

    Watch a movie, don't watch a movie, enjoy it, hate it, it's all super subjective and doesn't matter. Stop stressing dudes.

  • +1

    Probably 4.5 to 5/10

    Getting sick of the marvel formula with underdog hero, cringy awkward one-liner characters for misplaced comic relief (i.e the bad guy, Ben Kingsley and that girl from crazy rich asians) and just throwing other characters in from other movie who serve no purpose at all.

    The only kinda redeeming bit of the movie was Tony Leung.

  • +2


    Michelle Yeoh was terrible. Should have given her role to new talent instead of recycling
    Ronny Chien was bland and predictable - should have gone to new talent

    Wen Wu's assassin, hero henchman Razorfist drives a piece of crap EV BMW designed by a 5 year old
    Soul destroyer died too easily

    Bamboo scene was cliche, unimaginative.

    Finding Ta Low seemed way to easy and convenient with Morris.
    Needed to see more devastation and capability of the rings. We learned NOTHING about the Rings nor it's legends

    Musc was good, Ring fighting was ok

  • The movie is simply mediocre, maybe 5/10 or so. Tony Leung is a great actor, I feel bad for him playing Mandarin. Couldn't understand how such a legendary and fearsome warrior could be fooled easily by some sort of evil magic, not to mention tons of other plot holes.

    As an Asian myself, I grew up watching quite a few HongKong TV series, so I did enjoy family elements and fighting scenes, but the plot here is so silly. I want to have more Asian representation in blockbusters but this is just a missed opportunity :(

  • +1

    Shang -Chi was a great disappointment.
    - Story (-5/10)
    - Action (8/10)
    - Acting (7/10)
    - Direction (0/10)
    - Editing (0/10)

    Overall (2/10)

    This movie has such a great potential butchered by a subpar plot written by a 5 year old. Movie was jumping places and alot of the plot didn't make sense. Which as a movie pissed me off that's why I gave it -5. The legend of the Ten rings was written so vaguely may as well not have said anything at all. They didn't explain how the f, wen wu can survive for like 1,000 years (with the power of the rings?) Either way they didn't explain it. Then with Fala Chen's character, so she left the place hence losing all her powers, that's some shitty writing. Now Shang-Chi's sister, hey look, i'm gonna run away and leave Shang Chi to die but come back in 10 minutes to help you fight their their father. Seriously what the hell is that?? Plot-wise that makes no f***ing sense as it's used to create random tension in the fight scene. Also Shangchi himself. Yep! I get he has been training with his father. But all of a sudden after looking at a water dragon he's able to surpass his father and control the 10 rings?? Wtf, they just pull plot points out of nowhere. There's no building up of urgency, things just happen in the movie as the plot demands as opposed to the characters working hard to achieve something.

    The only slightly redeeming factor was the creatures in the movie and the acting of some of the veteran HK actors. Which was used appallingly as derived by a shitty plot and bad editing of scenes which lacked urgency when they needed it or humor which became lame. To put it lightly is like they where given all the pieces of the puzzle but the editor didn't know how to connect the pieces together. No amount of acting can save this atrocity. Gonna go back to watch Tokyo Raiders and Infernal Affairs

    • +1

      tough crowd

      • Well, put it this way. It's Marvel and they have made so many movies, their standard should be set really high by now. Not only that, they have great source material in the comics, they used an extremely vague version of it.

        Look at "The Boys", "Invincible". They were able to create moments of suspense and tension, I know these aren't movies perse, but it's a superhero genre. There was pretty much none in this film.

        A film with great potential riddled with a missed opportunity.

  • I just finished watching Shang chi last night i'd say it was a solid 6-7/10


    The reckon the Villain was good, i under stood his motivation and empathized with him on some level

    Some of the early Fung Fu Scenes were brilliant the bus part in particular

    The movie has some good heart felt moments and was entertaining


    Awkwafina as Lucy just didnt work for me - her jokes didnt land i didnt believe that she would become a 'great archer' in literally 1 day! IM sorry but that was just dumb.

    In addition some of the writing was off,felt clunky at times and didnt flow or lazy.

    The last acted was too much CGI and not enough of the great fighting Kung Fu we saw earlier in the movie.

    Overall i like the movie, i wouldnt be the 'best MCU movie for me it wouldnt make the top 5 but it certainly was a good watch glad i didnt pay cinema money to see it as it is on Disney +

  • +1

    Movie was too choppy, the CGI at the end was way over the top reminiscent of most Chinese period fantasy stories. Shang chi has too much of a 'dad' face for a superhero character and his acting was mostly blank expressions. They pretty much recycled the 'popular' asian celebs that didn't really suit their roles.

  • If I paid to watch this movie at the cinemas at full price with the family, I would be disappointed.

    But since I got this from Amazon for under $26 and the whole family was able to watch at home in comfort, the movie was tolerable.

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