Car Aircon in 2011 Subaru Forester 2011 Not Really Cold Anymore

Hi all, I have a Subaru Forester 2011 with its aircon not really cold anymore. Regassed it once years ago before but unsure if there's a permanent leakage. Usually only notice the air not cold enough on days over 30c, otherwise it's ok.

Also, I noticed the air coming out of the vent is colder when driving compared to idling. Why is that?


  • +5

    Getting it serviced/re-gassed again will reveal any leakages in the system.

    AC system is a heat exchanging system, the cooler the condenser unit in front of the vehicle, the more effective the system will work and the colder the air out of your AC vent. When travelling at speed, your condenser unit gets good airflow which keeps temps down. Compressor is also spooled up enough at speed to keep refrigerant pressurised and circulating within the system, helping to lower the vent temp.

    • +1

      Thanks for the detailed explanation. So that's normal for every car? Didn't really notice the difference with my other newer car though.

      • If the Suburu's aircon is running badly due to low refrigerant gas or worn out compressor that would explain why the difference between idle and driving engine revolution is much more noticeable compared to your new car.

        Car airconditioners rely on a rubber seal around the drive shaft to stop refrigerant gas from leaking. Over the years that rubber seal will degrade and refrigerant gas will leak faster.

  • I had similar symptoms, went to get it re-gassed and it was full. Went to an aircon specialist from there and a lot of $$$$ later I had a new compressor and cold air.

    • Rarely do you get change out of $1k for a new compressor and regas.

      • I was quoted 2K for compressor and condenser from my mechanic. Ford Focus 2015.

      • +2

        Yep, that’s why there was 4x $. Not cheap, but better than a sauna on wheels.

  • -5

    Maybe 10Y of Global Warming…

    I reckon you would notice the Sun stalking you in your Forrester though. lol

    Check your rear-vision mirror.
    (Dun nuh, Dun nuh…)

  • If newer Foresters are doing similar things as the older ones, the A/C compressor pulley clutch could be playing up. My A/C works 100% under 25 degrees but and after that, I get about 20 minutes before it cuts out/clutch doesn't engage properly. It's fairly obvious - the A/C pulley isn't spinning at all because the pulley clutch isn't/can't be engaged.

    Speak to an A/C specialist and confirm what's the go…worst case scenario it's compressor + condenser (because no one provides a warranty on the compressor unless the condenser is done at the same time). If you're lucky, it could simply be the clutch.

  • Yep aircon fan is rooted.

    • What does that mean in layman term?

      • Aircons in cars have an electric fan next to the radiator that blows air through the aircon into the car when not enough air is blowing through, ie. going slow or stopped. Quite common for that fan to be dead.

  • +1

    Expartner had a 2010 Impreza with the same issue - air came out fine, just wasn't cold. Turns out two O-rings had broken causing the gas to escape the system. $4 in parts later and a re-gas, and it was nice and chilly.

  • Having watched the video from MySubaru, I did realise my compressor also did about quite a bit of "click clack" sound when idling..wonder if it's the compressor failing?

  • Update here:
    Did a regas, replaced o-rings surrounding compressors, and connectors inside tx valve 2 weeks ago (suspected leak by mechanic) .

    Didn't fix the problem at first, but after changing to a new battery (out of random) and relay switch, the aircon seem to work for a week. Now, it's back to shithouse again. It will mostly run without cold air at start, then out of nowhere, cold air for short while, (though not ice cold even at lowest temp setting) then cut off again.

    Hoping someone with experience with subi could tell me what's going on before I send back to the auto electric guy to run test again at however hourly rate he's charging. Thanks!

    • Check out MrSubaru1387 Youtube videos. Another problem could be the clutch gap for the compressor which MrSubaru covers.

  • Perhaps this video( may give you some ideas compared to what you've already looked at.

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