It’s on again! 30% off pigs ears one more time.
My dog enjoys one of these each day after her morning walk. And at $1.33 per ear, I’m happy to oblige.
Note: Amazon has price matched.
It’s on again! 30% off pigs ears one more time.
My dog enjoys one of these each day after her morning walk. And at $1.33 per ear, I’m happy to oblige.
Note: Amazon has price matched.
Why aren't they called oink oink?
Coz the pigs are not going to listen to your suggestion any more.
Because they don’t rip these ears off live pigs.
Thanks OP, picked up a few bags. My partner's Shiba Inu goes nuts for these things.
Ooo I have a shiba too!
How do these taste?
Like pork
any good in a curry?
You can use one as a spoon.
More like making the most of an animal that is already dead. You do realise bacon comes from pigs?
@RexHavoc: I suppose it's fine for you to make recommendations on products related to ant cruelty though.
Bit hypocritical, thought vegans only were supposed to use insect repellents rather than methods and products that kill them.
Ooh, yeah, right, brandogs. A wonderful, magical animal.
I'd classify it as "cruelty" if the pigs were only slain for the ears (much like how tusks are garnered from illegal elephant poaching). Unless that can be proven, I just see them as by-products being put to good use.
Or sharks and finning.
We cut these up into smaller pieces and our dog becomes extraordinarily obedient. All of a sudden she understands all these new words and commands…
Wouldn't give her a whole ear but she is only a 12kg beaglier.
I'm holding out for the Pigs Arse.
Double the price (only one for every two ears).
Would this be okay for cats?
My cats don't bother with it. To hard for them. Dog loves it.
These are a irradiated product which is apparently no good for cats. The back label usually says "Must not be fed to cats"
my dog gets sick eating this crap
I want them banned
Its a bummer to hear about your pooch getting ill. This brand isnt known for its food quality..
Yes yes !!
"I'm all ears!" as Andrew Scott would say…..
Wait until you smell chicken feet.
Tell me about it. Oh just get ready to be shot down
There’s literally no reason for your complaint. These pigs are getting killed anyway due to human consumption. This is a way of using more of the pig, which is environmentally sustainable. If your argument is that you don’t like it, consider yourself lucky, it’s for dogs.
These are good for making silk purses
The packaging says the product is imported, then processed and packed in Australia. I would be very careful feeding my dogs this product. Pet food in Australia isn't regulated enough, let alone imported from an unknown country.
Yes, spot on with the lack of pet food regulation in Australia. The actual standards is disgraceful and the entire industry is long overdue for tighter regulations!
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