Hey all,
Just wondering if anyone has any hacks/experience in purchasing goods with crypto.
From what I can gather, this is what happened today:
Purchase price: $216USD (~$295.24 AUD)
Gas fee with ethereum: 0.005 (~$31.77 AUD)
Free transfer of $341 AUD in to coinspot, but 1% to trade to ethereum: $3.41 AUD
Total transaction should be $330.42 AUD.
Leaves $10.58 unaccounted for give or take as I started with less than $1 and ended with less than $1.
So where did the other $10 get swallowed up?
Is there a better way of doing it? I looked into wallet of satoshi, but that's about 5% incoming fee, then whatever small amount outgoing on lightning network. Not sure of final costing.
I see some vendors have coingate as a payment platform where you can pay by credit card and it converts on the fly to crypto. I'm not sure, but I think that costs the vendor 1% & the buyer 8% (and any additional card fees if applicable from card issuer).
PayPal me cash with a family&friends reason and I’ll send you valuable NFTs you can redeem for the coins of your choice.
In fact, if you send me the money now I’ll send double the NFTs for the next 48 hours.