Hi, when I visit ozbargain I usually read the new deals page and on the right column, there's always been a section showing the top 5 deals in the past 7 days. Now it's been replaced by a longer, "front page deals" column. It was prett handy to view them at a glance (now have to go to the dedicated page). I'm wondering why this has changed but I'd like to ask if this ozbargain will consider reverting it back. Thanks in advance.
Top Deals column on New Deals page

LiSamurai on 22/03/2012 - 21:11
That was changed earlier this month:
You can still select a list of top deals from the last 7 days using this link:
I'll try to bring back that back on the sidebar sometime next week…
That's sweet thanks!
I don't think anything has changed. The "New Deals" shows on the front page, while the "Top 5 deals in this category" and "5 New deals in this category" show on the right?