Is There a Historical Website Which Tells You The AUD Vs USD Exchange Rate on a Specific Time on a Specific Date in The past?

Looking for some information the AUD vs USD historical exchange rate on a certain day or hour or min in the past.

Say for instance:

Someone living in Australia has got a USD Account to trade USD shares, instead of trading he just left his XXX USD in the account earning interests instead, and over a certain period he has earned $52.14 interests (Paid in USD) on the 15th September 2020 at 14:02pm.

How does he find out how much USD interests he needs to declare on his tax return in AUD? Is there a calculator/website out there tells him how much that $52.14 USD is worth at 14:02pm on the 15th of September 2020?


  • +1

    I think had historical data

    • Yup XE should have it

  • +5

    I believe RBA has daily data of this

    • I use rba all the time when I want to go back and figure out what the exchange was like on previous holidays.

      The best was usd at 1:1.

  • In your case it sounds like a question for your accountant. There are usually general fx assumptions in place for things like this when it comes to tax returns etc. You shouldn't need to dig up historic spot rates - especially not by the hour or minute!

    But for more general situations, just google it. There are lots of websites that provide historic fx data broken down on month, week or even day. Some sites are more detailed than others (depending on how specific you want to be).

    Depending on how far back you go, drilling down on the hourly or minute windows will get trickier though (that's unless you have access to a proper trading platform).


    Keep it simple and use the 1D closing candle price.

  • +1

    The ATO have exchange rates to use for tax returns.…

    • That now go through RBA. Tax was much easier when it was through the ATO as their interface was more efficient at getting historical rates than RBA.

  • Great! Thanks heaps guys!

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