This was posted 3 years 3 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Mayver's Peanut Butter Varieties from $2.50 (Min Qty: 2) + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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My favourite peanut butter is on sale again. Would appear to be matching Coles.

Varieties from $2.50

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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Amazon AU

closed Comments

  • Is it really everyone's favourite peanut butter?

    • Fixed.

    • +1

      Some people prefer 99 Monkeys 99th Monkey.

      • I just came across this brand today. Have you tried it before?

        • +1

          Call me unrefined but I prefer my peanut butter cut with cheap saturated / hydrogenated fats that give them solidity, and with added sugar and salt.

          Personally these "pure" peanut butters are good in cookies, etc.

          • @fantombloo: Same for me. Bought a few jars last sale and way too oily for me. I'd take Bega or the generic Coles Peanut butter over this any day.

            • +3

              @biggweilo: You mixed it right? You have to mix it all through before you use it.

              • +1

                @onlinepred: Tough crowd here - if you don't like fancy peanut butter you get negged.

                • @fantombloo: We all start somewhere! No clue why the neg.

                • -1

                  @fantombloo: People here will happily accept "appalling for you" (hydrogenated fats, stabilisers, sugars and so on) as long as it's "can eat spoons of it right out of the jar, no effort required" every day of the week

                  • @mickeyjuiceman: I am not going to neg the deal because I don't like the product,

                    I don't cook with it. Nor do I eat it by the spoonful, I occasionally have it on toasted white bread, and that's it.

                    If you are one of those people that think that what this world really needs is another braised quotquot in a rococo of couscous - then go for it, eat your heart out, go give your reviews on it, but to the person who asked if it was any good, I gave my honest feedback.

        • +1

          Sorry I haven't; it was actually a reference to a thing on the Hamish and Andy podcast. :)

          Jack, the 3rd guy on the H&A podcast, got "sponsored" by both Mayvers and 99th Monkey (they just gave him a bunch of free peanut butter). He got called out for not being able to commit to one brand.

        • I like their Almond butter and specialty butters. But I feel like their Natural Peanut Butter was a bit too plain, probably cos it's missing all the sugar and shit.

        • Just bought it last week to try. Not sure if it was my bread or the peanut butter. It had a bit of bitter taste which I didn‘t like. Won‘t be buying again.

          • @FrugalNotStingy: Probably the PB. Which flavour did you buy?

            • @vitawheat: It was the unsalted crunchy one. It was the only variety available at Coles. I wanted to buy Pic’s as I had never tried it but then I saw 99th Monkey. I picked 99th Monkey to see what all the rave was about. It tastes quite awful. I have tried natural PB in the past and I liked it but this 99th Monkey one is on a whole different (bad) level.

  • Thanks OP ordered 4

  • +16

    Boo no Dark Roast Cruncy.

    • +3

      agree - boooo

    • +1

      From my experience I'd say sometime later today or maybe tomorrow the price will drop on Amazon.

  • I would suggest changing the title to Super Natural and Smunchy Protein. I thought varieties would include the dark roast too. Off to Coles I go.

  • Thanks, got 5 of each. It's great stuff.

    I had started to make my own with a food processor and roasting Aldi peanuts ($3-4/750g) which is slightly cheaper than this deal. It works surprisingly well and can add in roasted almonds to thicken it up or a few wallnuts to make it thinner and also have more control over the salt content.

    • I do the same thing but with cashews. As cashew spreads are to pricy .
      It's surprising how 750g of cashews just makes about 400g of spread.. crazy

      • +4

        350g stuck on the blades.

      • +4

        What. How are you losing weight…? Volume I get, but you can't just "misplace" 350g. 😂

        • +2

          That's why I am so confused.
          I haven't necessarily weighed it. But the packet of 750g cashews practically fills one mayvers glass containers

  • -2

    So this is the normal price then? Why then are the supermarkets selling at marked up and then discounting them?

  • Gonna do it again…

    Unaffiliated spruiking of The Olde Spikey Bridge peanut butter… No deal to be had that I know of, but I can't eat anything else as this stuff is near perfection! Thought fans of PB may hit this page so I wanted to give them a shout out. Also 100% Australian Peanuts used.

    It's more expensive and available online… but hot damn it's good.

    • Mayvers have always claimed to use 100 % aussie peanuts but on the website and label its about 10 % cause they say the problem is no company can get all aussie peanuts as there is a shortage all are going overseas, so they but from wherever and add to the 100% Aussie nuts they can get

      • +1

        That may be the case for large manufacturers, but I spoke to the fella that makes the Olde Spikey stuff about 6 months ago at a market and he indicated he was still on 100% Aussie nuts. So he either lied to me or is still able to source nuts. Being a more expensive product, perhaps they can afford to offer more for what nuts they can get.

        • maybe things have changed in six months?

          • @ShannonN: Yep.. that too. Meant to say that. Doing too many things at once.

          • @ShannonN: Send them a FB message and ask if you want to.

    • I mean my local trader makes their own BP and it's glorious, but no point putting it up on OZB as not everyone can get it, and it's not this cheap. If you value your money, this deal makes sense.

      • But… everyone can get this online, it tastes better, and some may carry different weights in the taste/dollar equation. Hence posting as a comment on a related post rather than as a post in and of itself. The OP is totally a good deal on OK butter.

  • Inb4 comments about aussie peanuts.

  • Coles has them on special this week for the same price. Though I am finding when any smooth peanut butter is on sale, there is none left on the shelves.

  • The one thing that annoys me about Mayvers is the jar. Sometimes the peanut butter has heavily condensed and it can be a bit of a pain to get it to mix thoroughly without making a mess. The wider jar on some other brands makes this much easier.

    • +1

      These things seem gimmicky but actually work really well. I'm not sure if you can still get them - the website seems to be suspended.

      • That would certainly come in handy!

    • Store it upside down

      • +1

        Tried that. Helps a bit sometimes but not always and either way mixing it without spilling is a nuisance when its that severely condensed and separated.. It's more an issue for crunchy, not always though.

  • -1

    I tried it and its as runny as bad AGB…

    Gimme normal P.Nut.Butter anyday

    • You didn’t mix it! You mean grinder peanuts with oils removed and surface and salt added?

      • Bega works for me, dont need to piss around with stirring and spilling it everywhere. Chuck on bread + eat = complete.

        Tried this Mayvers stuff, it failed, it went in bin.

  • For some reason amazon don't seem to list the smooth peanut butter- only the peanut spread. It's the same, just minus the salt. Also.. why not the dark roasted!?

  • These deals are nuts

  • Ordered 12 (6 smooth 6 crunchy)

  • Smooth is OOS

  • +7

    I'm slightly concerned with how many people appear to having trouble mixing a jar of peanut butter.

  • So I gotta buy 16 for free shipping eh. PB till 2023

  • +2

    Found the Dark Crunchy for the same price:…

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