This was posted 3 years 3 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Pre Order, PC] Battlefield 2042 $62 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Credit to DIw deal expired but back in-stock mods told me to post a new deal still cheapest compared to local retailers

Credit to teachmesomething

Underneath this listing on amazon it has a "promotion message", download and login to the amazon shopping app. Then add BF2042 to cart and enter code "MAX10" to receive $10 off.

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Amazon AU

closed Comments

  • hey is this the steam version or origin?

    • Origin

    • +2

      If you don't buy it directly from Steam it'll always be an Origin key.

  • i feel dirty but i pre-ordered at this price a few days ago also. at this point i just want a good new game

    • Yeah I'm on the edge of getting it but been stung with V

      • What was wrong with V? I thought it was a good improvment on BF1. (if you dont mind me asking)

        • +1

          lack of actual content/guns at launch, horrible bugs and hackers galore

          • @solidussnake: fair enough, i didnt catch many hackers though, I gues they get booted from the custom servers quickly now.

      • BF5 is definitely the best BF they've released. The gameplay is unmatched, the lack of content kills the game though.

        • +1

          I'd argue BF4 was the best they released.

          Hardline, 1, V were all severely lacking

          • @darkly: BF4 was good for its post release content, but most of the maps aren't really that good. It's a very spammy game with a lot of weapons but most of them aren't good. I don't think the gunplay is good either (it's pretty dated now, especially the movement). That game was also a huge mess on release, took them far too long to sort their shit out.

  • +2

    This game will be $20 a week after release because of how bad it will run lol

    • +1

      This is the main thing holding me back. To get 100 fps I had to lower my graphics settings as low as possible and switch from QHD to 1080p. I have a 165hz monitor and an Asus strix GTX 1080 that usually gets 140+fps in most titles at QHD on medium to high graphics settings. This game seems incredibly hard to run versus Battlefield 5 which I got 140+ fps on QHD medium and it doesn't even look much better than 5.

      • Was DLSS available in the beta?

        • no

          • @Kozhutki: The betas not a good indication of performance. Considering DLSS is not even tested I don't know the point of talking about performance yet.

            • @burns13: you're replying to the wrong person

              • @Kozhutki: He's also talking about a feature that many people don't have like me with the gtx 1080 lol. A game like this should perform just as well as battlefield 5 on the same hardware or at least close but I get 70fps on low @qhd for the beta versus 140+fps on medium-high @qhd on BF5. Half the performance for a slightly better graphics? No thanks.

                • @Tythefly86:

                  A game like this should perform just as well as battlefield 5 on the same hardware or at least close

                  It's hard to tell in a way, the scale is much bigger, more resources being used etc etc.

                  I do agree though, I have a 2080 and BF5 is butter (to a degree), BF6 didn't feel like butter but I did see some reports that the performance has improved a bit. But we'll see.

                  DLSS is a blessing and a curse, great for gamers but an 'easy' way to be lazy for developers.

                  • @Kozhutki: Apparently if you roll back your driver you can get 40-50% increase in fps (for nvidia only - go back to the previous .13 driver) so it's likely a driver issue for the most part.

                    • @Tythefly86: My mate has a 6700xt and gets pretty shitty performance (avg 50-90 fps depending on map) so I would say the game is just not optimised well. I ended up refunding the game anyway. Love Battlefield but I don't feel right giving my money away for a fairly subpar experience. Hopefully it pulls a BF4/5 out in 6-12 months

  • +8

    This title is a firm "NO PRE-ORDERS" after the woeful beta.

  • +2

    Agreed. The Beta was pretty woeful.

  • +2

    Harvey Norman is also $62 and JB will price match for release day pick up, better than paying for express shipping for some

  • +1

    I enjoyed the 2042 Beta but started playing bf4 and been hooked. bf4 runs so smooth (200+ fps at all times) and still has a couple of servers popping most of time.

  • Does anyone know if they post the digital code to you or they send it via email?

    • -1

      emailed not posted

      • Nah bro this is a physical parcel with just a code inside it so it will be mailed and not emailed

        • Yeah the amount of emissions that could be saved by just effn emailing a code instead of putting a cardboard code into another cardboard box to be delivered 🤦‍♂️ GW amazon

  • -2

    I'm holding out until cheaper deal

  • Remember that this game has NO single player campaign. Big fail, imo.

    • Not really, usually its just a crappy campaign with really dumb AI that can be clocked in 4 hours then the rest of the time you play online…

      • -2

        Fair enough. I just think that all games in this genre should have a single player component. I've only ever bought a couple of multi-player-only FPS games in my whole life - one of them was Quake 3 Arena, which was great. But all multi-player is basically the same so why is there even a need to bring out new multi-player-only titles?

  • Wasn't going to pre-order after the beta but even with some issues the game is way better, that beta build must have been very outdated or something.

  • Hey guys,

    I bought this for $52 from the same offer. Underneath this listing on amazon it has a "promotion message", download and login to the amazon shopping app. Then add BF2042 to cart and enter code "MAX10" to receive $10 off.


    • +1

      Didn't work for me but I'll add the code in case it works for others

  • requested a refund on steam after 80mins of play…

    • +1

      Did you redeem your version on steam from this deal?

  • Amazon refunded this, average game. No questions asked and i still have the cd key, ill give it another go in 5 months

    • What did you tell them to get a refund?

      • It was completely buggy

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