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Samsung Galaxy Note on Vodafone $29/Month + $15/Month for Mobile

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thought this is a good prices consider the phone itself cost around $550 online and $700 outright from store.

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closed Comments

  • LOL WHAT THE… a brand new phone that just arrived to aussie shore has fallen sooo much?

    ps: its a very nice device. I love it:P

    • This ph-ablet been out for ages in Asia.
      5+ months already to be exact. With Gnote2 coming soon :)

      • Galaxy Note 10.1 you mean? Haven't heard anything about Galaxy Note 5.3 2..

  • It seems only black color is available at this moment

  • Your bound to go over your cap and they know it. Not a good deal.

    • ??? On Optus $29 plan it's $18/mth

      • -2

        It's very obvious the optus deal is much better.

        • +1

          Is it obvious?

        • o k…….I ' m s l o w, u'd better spell it out for me

        • +3

          it is quite obvious…

          that this is a better deal than the optus one.

          Although the best deal is to buy the phone outright and go with TPG/Redbull, etc.

  • +1

    Minimum cost at Voda over 24 months is $1056. Subtract what you think the phone is worth. Divide the remainder by 24 and compare with other plans elesewhere such as LC and TPG. Then decide is this a good deal contract locked to Voda for 24 months

    • good point, (say $556 for the phone) so the plan become ~$21/mth & you're stuck for 2 years.

  • looks it also has 1 month free access fee… which is $29 less

    • +1

      Correct. Should be:

      Access $29 * 23 = $667 [1 free]
      Handset $15 * 24 = $360
      Total $1027

  • i want this note so baaaaaad…

  • +1

    Why not grab it on a 12 Month Plan, personally i refuse to sign a 24 month contract for a phone especially when new phones are released on nearly a monthly basis.

    12 Month
    $29 Plan + $40 Handset repayments = $828 and you can save 10% if you are an existing customer.

    $29 Plan - 10% + $40 Handset repayments = $793

    or grab it on the $59 plan which gives you $750 credit and 1.5GB data

    $59 Plan + $20 Handset repayments = $948 with 10% discount $877

  • That's surprisingly cheap for a newly released flagship phone.
    Having said that it's still cheaper to buy one outright.
    I got the Note two weeks ago and it's like a whole new world (better) after using the iPhone for the last two years. I would highly recommend it.

  • on VF. their mobile broadband is so slow… other than that, I don't have much to complaint about.

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