This was posted 3 years 3 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Anova Sous Vide Precision Cooker Kit $249.99 Delivered @ Costco Online (Membership Required)


This sous vide cooker has easy one touch control and perfectly seals in flavour whilst cooking any meat, vegetables or fish at optimal temperature for perfectly cooked food every time. It circulates and heat your food to the exact desired temperature with Hemiflow technology. It is wifi enabled so you can control and monitor your cook wherever you are. Comes with a two year manufacturer’s defect warranty.

Good deal considering the Container is $74.99 and the Precision Cooker is $329.00 on sale at Anova direct not including shipping.

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Costco Wholesale

closed Comments

  • Thx mate, now to find someone with an account I can use

  • +6

    I bought an Inkbird ISV-200W+vacuum sealer and container+lid for $200 delivered recently.
    Really happy with the setup. I used a 60mm holesaw in the lid for the Inkbird to slot in.

    • +1

      Bought! Great deal…hope they last :)

    • -6

      Inkbird is the way to go, I have both. Sorry OP, this is not good value by any measure in terms of capability.

      • Subjective opinion? You haven't given much of a justification of why, I've seen Guga rock the Anova, someone find me a good deal on a flame thrower, also compared to what you would pay to buy these seperate it's a good deal, relative to RRP.

        • What's subjective, I have cooked with and own both including testing with external thermometers.

          The Inkbird can be had for $75 on eBay right now, usually about $100, and has similar features to the Anova Pro on sale for $314.50 so…the power output from the Anova Pro may be required for some high volume cooks but for the vast majority the Inkbird will perform the same. And if we're talking the base Anova Precision cooker then the Inkbird beats it in every aspect.

          What more do you want? As has been pointed out, get a container from Nisbets and you're in for under $100 vs $250 for almost identical performance but a better physical interface on the Inkbird. The Anova is a terrible value proposition and I recommend the Inkbird to friends all the time.

          I've used the Anova/Inkbird about twice a week for about 3 years…the Anova first and then I got the Inkbird more recently to try.

          • +1

            @bxpressiv: There was a question mark after the subjective, and a call out that you didn't give any reasoning for the comment, so thanks for clarifying above.

      • I have inkbird and I love it soo much. But that doesnt make this a bad deal!

        • -3

          I've explained why it isn't, seeing as you can get a better device for a third the price, so explain how it is. If a Monster HDMI cable is marked down at Harvey Norman from $199 to $99, it doesn't make it a good deal when you can get something comparable for $25. I truly am interested.

          I can get IDENTICAL results with both and the Inkbird has a better touch interface, so pay triple because?

          • @bxpressiv: You explained in a follow up post..your original comment was bare and mentioned value vs capability with not comparison as to why "Inkbird is the way to go, I have both. Sorry OP, this is not good value by any measure in terms of capability."

            Some people have brand loyalty, expect quality at higher price, prefer buying from known reputable brands, you're explanation of a bargain is based on your definition of value, this site is about best price on an item that is typically below its RRP, not best value compared to another brand item that does the same thing.

            Would you negative vote another post of a Nike hoodie on sale for $30 because you can get a no name hoodie from Kmart for $18, and they do the same thing?

            • -2

              @eggaz: No, this isn't a fashion item and the quality is not better with the 'brand name'. If people have loyalty to Anova, great, but they're buying an overpriced Monster cable. For those that don't care about the brand, I'm trying to save them $150.

              • @bxpressiv: Lets ignore your HDMI comparison then?? It's fine to suggest something else at a lower cost for those interested, but you initially gave no context and a negative vote.

                • -3

                  @eggaz: Negative vote- Issue with product

                  I have both this and a similar device and this is very poor value in almost all objective measures.

    • I have the ISV 100W and love it. What do you use to sear after cooking? Have been slapping my meat on a really hot pan for a min. Am thinking of investing in a butane torch.

      • I bet everyone 'slaps their meat' differently, so I use grape seed oil in a pan, get it super hot and sear 🍻

      • Hot pan with lots of garlic butter so it's pretty much swimming.

      • Have been slapping my meat on a really hot pan for a min. Am thinking of investing in a butane torch.

        Buy this (or anything around $10 and up, any lower and it will never come)
        Get butane gas cannisters from Kmart, $4 for 3

        Still use the hot pan, but use the butane torch to help sear the damp spots that won't form a crust.

        Don't use the butane torch too often (1-2 sec bursts and aim on the meat not the surrounding oil), there is oil around your meat, don't want to accidentally light that on fire.
        Have a fire extinguisher handy if you're really afraid.

    • Is the vacuum work on moisture good such as fish or meat?

      • In the advertisement pics they have a guy cooking salmon, watch Sous Vide Everything on YouTube, Guga tests just about everything in the Sous Vide.

        Link -

      • so I used to cook salmon regularly with mine. no problem with moister foods and certainly no problems with barra or salmon (although basa might fall apart after you take it out of the bag so…ewww basa). in terms of the vaccuum i just did a brisket that was covered in a barbecue source and rub. to avoid the souce coming out in the vaccuum sealer I lifted it as the bag deflated.

        Personally I liked how it concentrates the flavour a bit and makes the texture perfect but have since opted for just pan frying salmon for most meals as my wife doesnt like the taste of fish and sous vide made it stronger.

        • "i just did a brisket that was covered in a barbecue source and rub."
          Is this before putting in a smoker/oven/kettle or instead?

          • +1

            @killabob: instead sadly. I'm hoping to get a smoker or a kettle this summer but so far all of my briskets have been sans smoke. I dont normally use BBQ sauce - that was an experiment binder for the rub but it was too sweet for me (great for pork)

      • Yea the vacuum is good for fish and redt meat.
        With fish you will want to put a bit of oil in with it to prevent it from sticking to the bag when trying to remove it afterward

    • I'm happy with the Anova, but thanks for the tip on the containers, they look great for DIY

    • Damn $25 delivery for Nisbets :(

    • I suggest not getting the nisbet container, the thin plastic passes the heat too easy and can damage/warp your bench or whatever it's sitting on.
      The best option is grab an esky from Bunnings and drilling a hole in the top or cut some foam to make a lid (or pingpong balls), it will keep the heat in so the sous vide doesn't have to work so hard to hold a stable temp, it's the best option for long cooks, as well as protect your bench

      • I use a $5 Kmart stockpot, it's soooo thin….I sit it on a wooden chopping board to insulate it a little from the stone benches in winter.

      • Hmmm…glad i'm reading all these comments. You raise a valid point, if sous vide is working too hard then surely life will be shortened as well.
        Might have to do some research on best containers to sous vide in… Thanks :)

        • +1

          Power usage for standard cooks would not be much insulated vs not very well insulated. It's not until you go to long cooks where you'd start looking at modding an esky or wrapping towels around our vessel. Even then, unless you plan on doing it often it won't have much effect. It's not 'working too hard', think of a hot water urn…probably working harder, and they seem to never die. The impellor or whatever moves the water is the moving part which I guess could fail faster and then there's no relationship to temp that it's working harder, it's on or off.

  • Is this the pro or normal version?

  • Anybody know the price in store?

    • $239.99

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