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Xiaomi AX3200 3202Mbps Wi-Fi 6 Router US$72.29 (~A$97.24) Shipped @ Banggood

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Xiaomi officially released its new router the Redmi Router AX6S. More info here

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Note: Title prices include GST & Shipping. Approximated AUD price, based on today's MasterCard rates, paying in USD.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Wow this is tempting. Would need to see reviews first though.

    I wonder what the Xiaomi ax3600 new version will be like.

    • 1Ghz dual core and 256MB don't sound promising …

      • 1.35ghz dual core. Lol. Maybe has extremely high IPC.

  • +3

    I am just here for the CCP comments.

    • +6

      The Australian government just legislated that US Intelligence services can alter the content that ordinary Australians publish. Without telling them.

      Australians should be ignored as being uninformed about their own country let alone China.

      • +5

        you dont even have to go that far

        the AFP have the right to take over your accounts, access your devices, alter the data on your devices… also if you are an IT worker, they can request you to provide them with any data they request from your employer on pain of prison time for non compliance

        No doubt the CCP is a shithole FOR CHINESE CITIZENS.

        we are not chinese citizens and Xi isnt doing this to Aust Citizens. The AFP, ie the politzei slash stasi of the LNP is doing this to Aust. Citizens.

        be that as it may, $100 is great for a wifi 6 router!

    • Well if you wanna willingly hand over your details and leave the back door open…. Go for it 🔓😂

      • I am sure that you are very well protected with items manufactured in other countires. NOT

  • does this have dd-wrt support?

    • Operating system

      MIWIFI ROM, a smart router operating system based on Open WRT

      it may come. you just have to wait for this router to hit the right people.

  • btw, you can have a mesh of up to 10 devices, assuming they are xiaomi of a particular HCL (see their list)

    so if you want that wifi6 mesh this is the way, if you're ok with President Xi all up in your business

  • -1

    Not a deal, it's cheaper on Aliexpress. Can be had for U$62+GST. Even cheaper with 11.11 coupons

    • International Edition Xiaomi AX3200 Wireless Router 3202Mbps Dual-Band Wifi 6 Wireless Router Gigabit Rate Wifi Signal Amplifier
      AU $92.83

      Global Version Xiaomi Router AX3200 (Brand New / Sealed) WiFi 6 / 256MB Memory / 2.4Ghz 5Ghz Dual Band Network
      AU $89.28

      Xiaomi Router AX3200 - Global Version / Brand New / Sealed - WiFi 6 Internet Network / 2.4Ghz 5Ghz Dual Band
      AU $93.40

      New Xiaomi Router AX6S/AX3200 Wifi 6 Dual-Band 3202Mbs Gigabit Rate Security Encryption Mesh Wifi External Signal Amplifier
      AU $87.86
      AU $86.78
      + Shipping: AU $5.65

      New Global Version Xiaomi Mi Wireless Router AX3200 WiFi Repeater 3202Mbps Dual-Frequency VPN Mesh 256MB Signal Amplifier PPPOE
      New in
      AU $95.64
      AU $94.46
      + Shipping: AU $6.02

      New Global Version Xiaomi Mi Wireless Router AX3200 WiFi Repeater 3202Mbps Dual-Frequency VPN Mesh 256MB Signal Amplifier PPPOE
      AU $94.57
      AU $93.40

      prices are roughly the same

      to me $97 is a few bucks more but i havent had a single bad experience with banggood so i'd stick with them

      • There's a $9 off $65 spend coupon for 11.11. Add a $3 item and the total all up cost incl GST is $62 and you get your $3 item. To me that's a big enough difference.

        • +1

          $62 aud or $62 usd???

        • Also need to add US$4.11 shipping with AliExpress.

          • -2

            @adr8: The listing i'm looking at has free shipping

            • @ultramic: Link please?

              • @adr8: Xiaomi Redmi Ax6s Wifi 6 Router 3200 Mbps 2,4/5 GHz Dual Frequency MIMO-OFDMA High Gain Mesh Route MT7622B Dual-core 1.35GHz CPU

                AU $83.55
                AU $104.44

                +$2.99 shipping


                the ax6s is the same as the ax3200??

                • @tonyjzx: Aliexpress prices in the listing usually dont include GST.
                  10% GST is added on later.
                  The OP price included GST.

                • @tonyjzx: The AX6S is the Chinese version & AX3200 Global.

                  The only listing I could find for US$62 as mentioned by ultramic is the AX6S and and when you add GST + Shipping works out to be US$72, same price as the AX3200 at Bangood. Waiting for ultramic to provide a link to confirm.

                  • @adr8: We are probably looking at the same listing. If you read my post, the price I quoted was after the 11.11 coupon in a few days time.

                    • @ultramic: Yeah I thought so, that's why I mentioned you need to add US$4 shipping, so a total of US$66. Also that's assuming the 11.11 coupon works on this and the $3 item you need to add to reach the minimum spend ;)

                      • @adr8: I that case we are looking at different items then.

                        I can see 2 listings as per below (before applying 11.11 coupon)

                        1) US$61.73 + gst (free shipping)
                        2) US$59.45 + GST + US$2.18 shipping

                        Above prices are already cheaper than Banggood. The second option above has 11.11 marked so coupon should work if your cart > US$65.

                        • @ultramic: Can you link the listings? Want to make sure we are comparing apples with apples and it's the Global Version you are looking at. Also minimum spend for the coupon to work excludes GST.

                          • @adr8: The listings are for the AX6S which doesn't bother me at all. With previous Xiaomi routers, the EU version (which is what Banggood are selling) has a weaker wifi signal than the domestic Chinese release.

                            Noted the minimum coupon spend exclusive GST hence the need to purchase a top up item or find another seller >$65.

                            Here are the links:


                            The second link doesn't have the 11.11 banner but on previous occasions the coupons are sitewite.

                            • @ultramic: That's why I asked for the links, as the AX3200 is more expensive than the AX6S on AliExpress (it's similar to Banggood's price) so to be fair, need to compare like for like.

                              • @adr8: To me they are exactly the same and certainly not worth paying the extra $$$ for a low end router.

                                • @ultramic: Can you change the language to English on the AXS6?

                                  • +1

                                    @adr8: I plan to pickup the router on 11.11 so don't know but from what I've read if web setup then it's in Chinese and you need Google translate (which people say it's not a problem). If using app, then you change language to English. Happy to be corrected.

                                    • @ultramic: I have the AX1800 and use google translate, its seamless. You would hardly know the firmware is in Chinese.
                                      BTW the best way is to use the IOS app (not the Android app) as the IOS app shows more options that are not shown on either the Android App or the firmware eg guest network etc.

    • There are two routers. They are the Chinese version of the Redmi router AX6S and the global version of the Xiaomi router AX3200. Their appearance and functions are the same, but the global version of the router has more languages.

      The AliExpress version for 62 appears to be the Chinese version.

      • i cant find anything close to that:

        Xiaomi Redmi Ax6s Wifi 6 Router 3200 Mbps 2,4/5 GHz Dual Frequency MIMO-OFDMA High Gain Mesh Route MT7622B Dual-core 1.35GHz CPU

        AU $83.55
        AU $104.44

        +$2.99 shipping

        there is the previous model which I expect to have the same real world speed or +/- 5% variation:

        Xiaomi Redmi AX3000 Router 2.4Ghz Dual-Band 5G Wireless Gigabit Wifi6 Mesh Network Extender 4 High Gain Antenna replace AX6 AX5

        PRICE:AU $64.25 - 75.67
        Starts onNov 11, 12:00 AM PT
        AU $65.12
        AU $86.83

        • Should have mentioned USD.

      • I bet the Chinese version has way better WiFi range. Global version most probably power output of WiFi will be limited for EU regulations.

  • Rather than dual band, I'd love to see more cheaper tri-band routers for a dedicated mesh channel

    • Sidestepping that mesh networks are overkill for most home users that seek them out, as their issues poor radio configuration and positioning, surely tri-band is overkill unless you've got a large property that's fully IoT kitted?

      The internal network traffic requirements would need to be substantial, and there are very few options in terms of WAN ports that justify an argument like future-proofing.

  • +2

    I have an earlier model (AX1800) that is a very good router.
    I am looking at this one to use in a mesh or AP setup.
    Curiously my old AX1800 has a 1.2g quad core processer while ths AX 3200 only has a 1g dual core. I would prefer a quad core.

    Anyway some things that I have found on my 1 year old router that may be of interest to buyers.
    There is an international version and a China version of the routers.
    On the ax1800 the China version has more powerfull wifi and the international version has wifi power turned down to international standards.
    Not sure if it is the same with this one.
    Also there are only 3 lan ports and no usb port on my router.

    Setup on my chinese router can be done through web interface, android app or apple app.
    The web setup is in Chinese but if you enter through Chrome with translate turned on then everything is in english.
    The android app and ios app are in english but the ios app has more settings than the android app or the web setup.
    For example the Guest Network settings are only shown in the IOS app but not in web or android.

    I have not had any problems with my router in the 12 months I have had it. I just plugged it in to Optus NBN, tweaked the settings and I was up and running.

    • Do you have the black AX1800 or Redmi AX5? I have the white AX1800 (global version of AX5) and would be interested in the Chinese version if the signal is stronger. The black AX1800 is more expensive (most likely due to the design, as the specs are the same).

      • I have the Black chinese version AX1800
        Its high power wifi setting is called "'Through the walls" so it sounds good if nothing else.
        Its wifi is certainly covrs a lot more area than the Optus supplied Sagemcom modem.
        The 5g band goes about 1 1/2 to double the distance in my house.
        But i havent noticed any holes blasted in my walls by the wifi but it could be cooking my brain..my brain…my brain

    • Global versions are wifi power limited for EU regulations. Bunch of soyboys the EU are, don't like to much POWER.

  • Will this wireless router be faster than my ASUS DSL-AC68U router??

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