Very cheap pre-order for Battlefields 2042 Ultimate Edition for PC. Website links to your Origin account and adds to your library. Website states is redeemable in Australia.
Ultimate Edition includes:
Early access to game launch
Year 1 Pass: 4 New Specialists (1 per Season), 4 Battle Passes (1 per Season), and 3 Epic Skin Bundles (”Blistered”, ”Tempest”, and ”Cold Blood”)
Midnight Ultimate Bundle ("Shadow Stalker" Legendary Outfit, "Obsidian" Legendary Weapon Skin, "Onyx" Legendary Vehicle Skin)
Official Digital Artbook
Exclusive Digital Soundtrack
Also appears to give the pre-order bonuses available.
Bonuses include:
Mr Chompy epic weapon charm
Baku ACB-90 Melee takedown knife
Landfall Player Card Background and Old Guard Tag
Irish - Battle Hardened Legendary Skin
They say they are an official distributor.
If so, it's a great price!