This was posted 12 years 11 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Proactol PLUS Fat Binder Save $40 on 360 Tablet Pack Only


Use the 20% discount coupon code on check out. Normal price is $200 but you will get huge 20% discount.

This coupon works only for 360 tablet Golden wieght management.


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closed Comments

  • +8

    My only regret, is that I have but 1 neg to give.

    These pills are a scam, unhealthy and dangerous. The problem is that these companies and their affiliates who flog these products, start up blogspot, wordpress, and tubmlr pages to look like peoples personal pages and then pay through to nose to up their google ranking so when you try and do your own research in to if these things work or not, you get 100's of blog post which all say glowing things about these products and bury real science about the product.

    These products prey on ignorance and low self esteem and anyone who sells them is morally reprehensible.

    Want to lose weight? Its hard work and the only proven formula, careful diet and strenuous exercise. Anyone suggesting otherwise is trying to sell you something.

    • Very well said mate!

    • I bought this product from my personal trainer and it seems to working for me Mate.

      • +6

        Purely anecdotal.

        Show me one peer reviewed, double blind trial, published in a reputable medical journal which concludes that the claims this product makes can be supported by a p value of greater than .05 and maybe then I'll reconsider my statement.

        The burden of proof lies with those making the claims, and the 'evidence' they post on their site has no references, authors names, publication dates or names and is laughable to anyone with a shred of academic credibility.

        A better solution to taking fat binders is not to put the fat in your mouth in the first place.

        • +2

          I hope you mean less than 0.05.

        • Morini +1 to you. Sorry.

  • I bought this product from my personal trainer and it seems to working for me Mate.

    • +2

      I bought this product from my personal trainer…

      Well, it's certainly working for your PT! :p

      So, let me get this straight…you never had any suspicion that the training might have been what was working for you rather than the magic beans??? :o

  • Is this product similar to Orlistat?

    • +2

      No, this product is closer in chemical composition to Bullshit! ;)

      Orlistat is an actual drug that inhibits the body's ability to absorb lipids…to the degree anything 'works' it will be light years ahead of these pseudo-jargonistic money-binding wallet-thinners! That said, as noted by spacenoodle, the only really effective way is lifestyle modification…i.e., limit the fat intake & increase your exercise output!

      Simple maths really: *what you put in vs what you burn off = weight loss or gain! :)

  • duromine works see your doctor. duromine is not a scam its a prescribed medicine that works. and the weight melts off you quickly it makes you not hungry and it makes you active. i cant describe it better than that it works for real.

    • I would really argue against ephedrine derivatives like Duromine, a bodybuilder mate had a myocardial infarct when using it once!

      i cant describe it better than that it works for real.

      I can…it's essentially 'speed'! This class of drug can be very bad voodoo for the unwary…I was under the impression that it was either illegal now or being recalled?

      • I think its similar to speed (the chemist said otherwise) but not speed its called phentermine. Its still available. You do have to see your doctor though for obvious reasons. Its better than the damage to your body from the weight

        and your body builder mate probably should not have been on it :)

        • +1


          2.1 Main risks and target organs

                   Acute central nervous system stimulation, cardiotoxicity
                   causing tachycardia, arrhythmias, hypertension and
                   cardiovascular collapse. High risk of dependency and abuse.
              2.2  Summary of clinical effects
                   Cardiovascular - Palpitation, chest pain, tachycardia,
                   arrhythmias and hypertension are common; cardiovascular
                   collapse can occur in severe poisoning. Myocardial ischaemia,
                   infarction and ventricular dysfunction are described.
                   Central Nervous System (CNS) - Stimulation of CNS, tremor,
                   restlessness, agitation, insomnia, increased motor activity,
                   headache, convulsions, coma and hyperreflexia are described.
                   Stroke and cerebral vasculitis have been observed.
                   Gastrointestinal - Vomiting, diarrhoea and cramps may occur.
                   Acute transient ischaemic colitis has occurred with chronic
                   methamphetamine abuse.
                   Genitourinary - Increased bladder sphincter tone may cause
                   dysuria, hesitancy and acute urinary retention. Renal failure
                   can occur secondary to dehydration or rhabdomyolysis. Renal
                   ischaemia may be noted.
                   Dermatologic - Skin is usually pale and diaphoretic, but
                   mucous membranes appear dry.
                   Endocrine - Transient hyperthyroxinaemia may be noted.
                   Metabolism - Increased metabolic and muscular activity may
                   result in hyperventilation and hyperthermia. Weight loss is
                   common with chronic use.
                   Fluid/Electrolyte - Hypo- and hyperkalaemia have been
                   reported. Dehydration is common.
                   Musculoskeletal - Fasciculations and rigidity may be noted.
                   Rhabdomyolysis is an important consequence of severe
                   amphetamine poisoning.
                   Psychiatric - Agitation, confusion, mood elevation, increased
                   wakefulness, talkativeness, irritability and panic attacks
                   are typical. Chronic abuse can cause delusions and paranoia.
                   A withdrawal syndrome occurs after abrupt cessation following
                   chronic use.<

          Sounds great….

        • +1

          After short term use, tolerance begins and can be followed by rebound weight gain.


        • I think its similar to speed (the chemist said otherwise) but not speed its called phentermine.

          Just have a little read of those side-effects Andy has posted…now have a look at this:…

          You are right, but your chemist is clearly an idiot! ;)

          You do have to see your doctor though for obvious reasons.

          Sound advice. Good doctors will recommend the gold standard in weight management as frontline therapy; as noted ad nauseum; lifestyle modification, diet & exercise…period! Honestly, I reckon it would be a toss-up between a good dietitian & Weight Watchers as to which is the best. I have clients, family & friends who use each approach. Both will offer accountability, education & therefore self-sufficiency, and ongoing management.

          Its better than the damage to your body from the weight

          I would argue against that as a blanket assertion, you need to do some research before you go recommending it dude! Sticking a potent CNS stimulant into an overweight person who already most likely has HT, CV disease & a range of other comorbid conditions is just asking for trouble! Sensible, achievable, well-managed balanced eating plans & moderate exercise to start with is going to be far more sustainable and effective long-term! :)

          and your body builder mate probably should not have been on it

          No argument there, IMHO nobody should…there are far better alternatives.

          However, it serves as an example of the point above as it may give you some indication of what effect it can have on a person who is otherwise extremely fit & functioning at an elite athletic level, let alone if you give it to someone who is almost certainly in poor general physical condition.

  • +3

    Weight management? I thought managing your food intake was the best way to manage your weight.

    If you're after drugs that will help, see your doctor. They'll be able to prescribe things if that approach is appropriate in your particular circumstances!

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