Motion Sensor for Children's Bedroom?

I'm looking for a motion sensor alarm that will alert to my phone if my children leave their room at night. I dont want to close their doors, but something I can put on the floor or stick to a wall/doorway that will alert my phone if they walk past? Anyone know what will work best?

My 4 year old & 2 year old both think it's great to wake up at 3am and watch TV with the lights off and sound muted so we don't wake up.


  • +6

    Just unplug the TV or turn off at the power point before you go to bed?

    • +1

      Done that, he plugs it in and turns it on from the buttons on the TV itself. I sleep with the remote under my pillow. Ready to throw the TV in the bin at this point.

      • Clever cookie! What is there to watch at 3am though? Unplug the modem too if they are streaming?

        • +5

          He is watching infomercials/the news. I have also caught him listening to the radio channels in a completely different language. He is usually half asleep but to him any TV is good TV. This morning my 2.5yr old was asleep on the lounge with my 4yr old watching the news. It's hilarious but also really annoying.

        • Watching TV at 0300? Maybe he's using dad's credit card to buy his way into heaven??

          • @fantombloo: …or buy a new TV for their room.

      • +2

        There might be a child lock feature that requires a PIN code?

  • +1

    i believe google nest cam has these features

  • +4

    I don't know about the motion sensor but I have some other suggestions that might work:

    1) Can you remove the power cord completely? Is it one that is attached to the tv or can it be taken out?
    2) Can you switch off the electrical circuit that services the tv at the meter box? This will only work if the tv is on a circuit that doesn't service anything else that is needed to remain with power during the night.
    3) Can you put a child safety powerpoint protector on the powerpoint to stop him plugging in the tv? This will only work if he is not strong enough to remove it. Something like this:…

    4) Can you remove or cover the buttons on the tv that he is using to switch it on?
    5) I assume he is watching netflix or something, since I don't think there would be much on free to air for kids at that time. Can you switch off the modem to stop access to the internet before you go to bed? Or remove the ethernet connection cord to the tv?

    I hope you find something that works. It sounds like you have a clever 4 year old on your hands.

    • +3

      I did not think to remove the power cord so I can do that. Thank you!
      It's driving me crazy. He is so clever. He can't access Netflix as I sleep with the remote so he watches infomercials. He is usually half asleep but the first thing he does is wake up my 2.5yr old ASD child and they sneak out together in darkness while whispering. It was funny to start with but lack of sleep is creating cranky children!

      • +1

        You're welcome!

        We've had to remove power cords and take other actions to stop kids watching tv too. When they're older you have to keep their phones in your room at night!

    • +1

      Who wants to go to all that hassle every day?

      • +1

        It should only last until they've lost the habit of doing it

  • +3

    A eufy indoor camera would work and notify you of motion, but requires power. Child might figure out that simply unplugging the power disables the camera.

    Eufy T8400CW4 Security 2K Indoor Camera Tilt, White…

    Maybe could get something that makes noise or sound at the device when motion is detected. Eg. Those old toy bass fish that start singing when motion is detected. Might be enough to let child know to go back to bed when hearing it.

    We have a normal baby monitor in our sons room and once motion is detected, the camera monitor is activated. As it comes with two way comms, we just use the device to tell him to get back into bed. He's 3 years old.

  • Would a notification on your phone be enough to wake you at 3am though?!

  • +1

    if it's indoors, just get the cheap chinese motion sensor / notification camera's from aliexpress (i think it was 40$ each, they even have a spot light if you want to scare the little tyke)

  • +1

    Get one of those motion sensor pigs that people put in their pantries to find when kids are in there.

    Put it at the TV that way when they hear the sound they will freak out and go back to bed.

    You’ll want to get one that keeps going the entire time it notices someone there, as opposed to one that oinks three times then stops.

  • The kid will just move the motion sensor.

  • What about unplugging the antenna?

  • +4

    Ask the Asian restaurants where they get the sensors that announce DING DONG when you walk past lol, that will definitely wake you up/scare them back to bed.

    My Xiaomi camera let's you choose certain areas to watch for motion and it can send an alert to your phone.

  • +3

    You can probably buy a cheap padlock to put on the power plug so it can't be plugged in (given you mentioned it can't be removed).

    Ages ago we had a similar-ish issue and for a week the "TV was broken and had to be sent away for repairs" [I put it under the house] and we all did a digital detox.

  • Wow you got some serious creative kids, it sounds hilarious but I know what you mean that lack of sleep is making them cranky.

    To answer you question, if unplugging the cable doesn't work or becomes to onerous for you then for the motion sensor - you can go for Aqara Motion Sensor and connect that to Alexa/Google device.

    Each time there is a motion (as a time specified by you), it can either turn on other smart lights to scare the kids away or you can opt to announce (custom text) on Alexa that can either wake you up or can direct the kids to go back to sleep.

    • you can go for Aqara Motion Sensor and connect that to Alexa/Google device.

      Needs a hub though?

      • yeah, hub is needed for that. Can try Mirabella ones from kmart which is wifi only and should do the job.

    • They are very creative. It's amazing how clever kids are these days with technology. It is hilarious though, I do laugh, he is very determined to watch the news.

      Thank you, I will look into it. I dont mind buying a hub if it means he doesn't wake his sister up and I can get him back to bed before he is completely awake.

  • What you will want is a PIR or Microwave motion sensor, similar to what they use to turn on automatic lights and alarm systems.

    You could set it up with a smart light in your bedroom that turns on if the sensor triggers in the TV room after a certain time of night.

    It depends on your budget and how hard core you want to go.

    Another option is an isolation switch for the power point behind the TV that you can switch off remotely.

  • Careful, they may switch to reading books or playing at 3AM. Take it all away. Put a watch on them to alert you if they're awake or taken watch off. Make them understand that there's no freedom or privacy under your house.

    Or, find a second TV, put it in their room and provide documentaries, cartoons, etc. Maybe give them books too. Their room sounds so boring.

    • Their room sounds so boring.

      how did you figure that out?

      • They prefer to watch TV despite knowing parents are against it.

        • +1

          sounds like typical kids to me, not that their room is boring. Anyway, hopefully OP has some suggestions to work with.

  • We have swann and eufy both do motion sensing. Swann needs power connection and eufy does not. Both are good.
    Would a tall baby/ pet gate on the kids door work?

    • I did look at eufy. Do you know if the motion sensor sounds an alarm on the phone? It is looking like a good option at this stage.
      I have thought about a baby gate but he would probably just grab pillows/blankets to stand on and climb over. He is determined

  • Buy a Deta smart power point from Bunnings mate.
    You can control the power point from the app.
    If you know how you could install it yourself too. Only three wires. Just remove the old power point.…

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