Hi OzBargain,
I currently hold a mortgage with uBank as it was the best deal I could find at the time. I don't check my mortgage balance very often, I just pay my dues when the time comes, always on time, with a bit of extra $$ on top always, even if its only $20-30.
To the point - I went to check my balance after a few months on the website and it was saying I have a negative -$83 balance in my redraw account.
I call up the bank and they say it is because the interest was charged on my redraw, but last time I checked, I believe (not 100% sure) my redraw account was nearing $1000 and my interest is only around $550 a month and also considering I ALWAYS pay more than the minimum amount how is this possible?
Does anyone else experience this with their banks? Ive had this issue before with them and I am considering refinancing if there are other banks where they actually display the correct info. Or maybe Im just incorrect, please enlighten me!
Is there a variation between your payment intervals and the interest calculated / deducted interval?
If so, would that make it San Andreas Fault?